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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. There are many reasons. For example, people have been buying TV show episodes legitimately for two, three years and all of a sudden, that legal alternative has been taken away. And for a lot of people the only possible legal way to continue to watch that TV show is if the TV show is released on dvd. And not all TV shows are released on dvd. So the only alternatives left to continue to watch the show is the 'free' option or to wait years for the dvds to be released in your area. It's not right but I can understand why some people do it. And the studios/networks don't help themselves when they're party to taking away perfectly legal alternatives.
  2. I would only want it if it's in a difficulty slider option. eg. Heart of Fury mode. Otherwise, No.
  3. If the franchise does go into other genres, then I'm hoping for a RTS game before it gets to be an MMO. Similar to Warcraft 3. It can have RPG elements thrown in. It can look at what Warcraft 3 did right and improve on them. And some of the resources to be mined could be adra. There's a lot of possibilities for this. Pillars of Eternity, the RTS game.
  4. They had it in the fortnightly updates. eg. Update 72 Don't forget! If you need to fill out a survey for any Pillars of Eternity pledges please do so on our Backer Portal by the March 31st deadline
  5. Brace for the avalanche of backers and threads being created in the technical support forum in November - a few weeks before release.
  6. It doesn't give me any encouragement that you can come up with a system and yet don't know how it would work.
  7. I don't see Obsidian changing major gameplay elements once the beta comes out. Any changes will be small tweaks in balancing imo. Also, I get the impression there is a lot happening behind the scenes and the fortnightly updates don't show what's really going on. I also expressed some concerns months ago and Brandon as well as other Obsidian employees have said it will be released this year.
  8. Funny that you should ask someone else if they want some money when you can't be bothered to pay for the ebook yourself.
  9. Bester. If you want to pirate, pirate. If you want to buy it, buy it. Both doesn't affect me personally. What other people do is up to them. What I do find odd is you coming onto a game developer forum and trying to justify what you're proposing is okay. I would hazard a guess there's a lot of people on these forums who pirate in one form or another (eg. TV Shows), but you don't see them justifying it. They just do it.
  10. Bester, if you're going to get four other people to throw in $1 each to buy an ebook, then copy/pirate it and then use porn on the internet to justify it, you're not going to win any supporters on a game developers forum. Personally, the waste of time in collecting $1 from four other people is a bit laughable.
  11. I'd be very hesitant to follow the herd mentality just because other old school rpg developers are doing it, Obsidian should do it. If Obsidian wants to go old school, then I'd prefer Obsidian to go the normal route of years past, release a (beta) demo and then sell the game once it's finished. None of this half arsed, half finished game on Early Access for people to rip it to shreds with it being buggy.
  12. If you're going to use analogies like real books, the same also has to apply in the digital realm. The problem I see is I very much doubt the OP and his friends would buy one copy, one person reads it and passes it on to the next person and deletes their copy from their devices once it's passed on. It's too easy to copy it and keep a copy for themselves. That's obviously wrong.
  13. Actually, it had nothing to do with Pillars of Eternity.
  14. I already gave my opinion. I'm ambivalent towards it and it's not something I really think or care about. It's a tired subject that's been discussed and debated since the Atari XL and C64 days. I'm quite apathetic about a lot of things, piracy being one of them and it's how I've always been throughout my life. Not much really affects me mainly due to having an easy life. Piracy doesn't affect me negatively in any direct way that I see. Someone downloads a song, how does that affect me? It doesn't. I don't and never have pirated a PC game though, but then I don't really buy and play a lot of PC games anymore. So buying one or two games a year isn't a problem for me. If you're talking about other things like TV shows, then that's going into other areas out of the scope of this topic and a discussion for another time.
  15. I wouldn't mind seeing some numbers with what actually gets pirated these days compared to previous years and decades. 1980s, 1990s, and 2000 onwards. See if there's been any shift in what people are downloading. I'd like to see stats and the trends. eg. Movies, TV Shows, games, comics, books, music, apps, etc. I would've thought there'd be a shift to things like TV shows now and less from music and games. I think it'd be quite interesting to see how things have changed over the last 30+ years.
  16. Without going into and arguing definitions. It isn't stealing or theft. It's copyright infringement. Even the courts and laws recognise this.
  17. I'm ambivalent towards piracy. To be honest, if people pirate I don't really care. I have more important issues in my life.
  18. You're removing the book from the library and nobody else can read it. With a torrent, you're not removing it from the internet. A torrent is just like a copy. You torrent (copy) and the book is still on the internet. If you're going to compare it to a library, then it would be the same as taking the book to the photocopier or a scanner, photocopy or scan every page, put the book back on the shelf and walk out with the copy.
  19. When you give the ebook to the next guy, do you delete it from all your devices? Otherwise it sounds very much like copy infringement if you copy the ebook, keep a copy for yourself and pass the copy onto someone else.
  20. I don't understand the laughing stock comment either. I can't wait to try out Armored Warfare. For me it shows that if a company like Obsidian can do multiple genres of games and still release rpgs, then I think that's a credit to the talent Obsidian has and a great commitment to the rpg community and fans to continue to release rpgs. I'm all for that and I'll likely try out their other games that aren't in the rpg genre. And it seems by the Armoried Warfare forums, there's a lot of buzz for the game especially since the latest trailer came out yesterday which looks like actual game footage.
  21. Obsidian could also meet up with various publishers in one location and try and sell their ideas for a new rpg. I'm guessing it's not just about showing off your latest game but also connecting with other industry people, media, developers, publishers, etc.
  22. I certainly understand chilloutman's concerns. For me, it's best not to use our real world as a comparison.
  23. I'd have to say I really disliked the random loot system in the IWD games. Knowing that a character like Kaylessa in IWD1 had four different types of loot (Ring, Bow, Gloves and Eleven Chain Mail) that could drop was disappointing, especially when you had the Ring or Bow drop. While it was a good Bow, there were so many better bows than hers in the game. I can't even remember the RIng as I never used it. The best was the elven chain and gloves. All it does for me is to reload or use something like Dalekeeper to put another item in the game and throw away the item that dropped. And then just role play that the item I now have is what dropped.
  24. I did notice that before and assumed who ever is playing the game would be swapping out and testing all the characters/companions. Devil of Caroc being the one who's been in the party the longest for whatever reason, mostly for testing purposes I assume. As to the whole Defence thing. No idea. The screen shot does say 'Work In Progress' so maybe that side of things was still being fixed at the time.
  25. Someone could have been playing the game, in game time 72 days, and changing out party members which is why the longest party member is 32 days.
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