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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. Yeah, I did notice that with Rose. She's has Computer Science and Surgeon now.
  2. My post above is incorrect with Magnum taking Computer Science. I ended up not taking it as I was taking Rose for my companion. On the other hand, I'm glad I did put a point in heavy weapons for Magnum. I just found a Bazooka called the Mangler in a safe in the Ag Centre. 25m range. 100 points of damage. woot!
  3. Couldn't help myself metagame and been going over my Magnum P.I. party, tweaking all the characters and finally came up with the following, taking into account what NPCs I'll be taking through the game. Also, trying to stay as close as possible to their TV persona's with their skills. Magnum: Smart Ass 1, Computer Science 1 (will be replaced by Rose at the Ag centre), Lockpicking 1, Safecracking 1, Assault Rifle 2, Heavy Weapons 1 TC: Demolitions 1, Mechanical Repair 1, Toaster Repair 1, Weaponsmithing 1, Blunt Weapons 1, Shotguns 1 Rick: Kiss Ass 2, Leadership 1, Alarm Disarming 1, Assault Rifles 1, Submachine Guns 1 Higgins: Hard Ass 1, Animal Whisperer 1, Perception 1, Field Medic 1, Hand Guns 1, Sniper Rifle 1 All the knowledge skills are covered. All the weapon skills except for brawling are covered. And General Skills are covered except for Barter and Outdoorsman. Although Angela covers Outdoorsman for the time being. Having done this, I immediately received a weapon right at the start of the game from the guy outside the citadel. Good times.
  4. God, I hope not. There's absolutely no reason to have Steam linked to the DVD. You should be able to put it in your drive and install like a normal game. Just like the IE games.
  5. List of NPCs including their locations and stats. *Huge Spoilers.* https://wasteland.inxile-entertainment.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7991
  6. Could be a hardware problem. Or maybe something installed on your computer conflicting with the game . I agree with Marceror to report it on the inXile forums. Played the Beta months ago and with the full game now and have never had a crash.
  7. I assumed the physical copy of the game on dvd would be the game itself. Put the dvd in your drive and it would install. No codes and DRM Free. If there's patches, I'd assume we can download the patch as an exe file and run it like we could with the old IE games.
  8. I can understand why some people prefer not to min-max on their first play through. While I was reading some forums, I couldn't help but notice some character builds as well as NPCs having skills. It was a case of what has been seen cannot be unseen. So I kind of know not to take certain skills when Angela already has it. Same with Rose in the Ag centre.
  9. What I mean is when you get to level 4, you pick a ranger ability for your ranger and an animal ability for your animal. At the moment, you have to choose between upgrading your ranger or animal. I'd like to see both. Or is that the case now? I can't remember since I haven't played the ranger for ages.
  10. ah okay. I'm playing on Seasoned.
  11. I'd like the animal abilities separate from the ranger's abilities. Have the animal gain an ability say every four levels, so by level 12 it's gained it's third ability.
  12. A tip for those who want to conserve med packs. I found if my characters are very close to levelling, I'll hold off using med packs and try and get to the next level. Levelling up gives them 100% health.
  13. Inspired by so many people doing themed parties, I decided to start again and this time go with the guys from Magnum P.I. Haven't seen anyone do this party and being a huge Magnum fan, I went with this. Magnum. Lock picking, Safe cracking, Computer Science TC. Demolitions, Mechanical Repair, Toaster Repair Rick. Alarm Disarming, Leadership Higgins. Perception, Field Medic, Surgeon Also, had a look at some other forums with creating characters and I think I have a great party this time with attributes and skills.
  14. I've noticed quite a few people on other forums are doing The A-Team.
  15. ^ That's what I did. I made all my characters specialise in different fields. No doubt my party isn't optimised and somewhat gimped, but I'm doing okay with it. Also, another great crpg gets added to my GOG wall of fame.
  16. I've clocked up over 24 hours of playing this. I've scoured every nook and cranny and found some great stuff. It's fairy intuitive but I've had some forehead slapping moments when I've realised I could have done some things easier including the combat. Think it's time I'll take some time out, make a cup of tea and read the manual.
  17. Wasteland 2 Launch trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn0B8fVfWFI&list=UUg5idxxVnOx25-pYmeMhUCg
  18. This is what I love about the game. No hand holding, no every build is viable. And this game makes me want to read the manual. Oh how I missed those days of 100 page manuals.
  19. Day 1 mod for me will be unlimited camping supplies.
  20. Eurogamer's walkthrough and game guide.
  21. I'm just glad I didn't have to put points in STR for damage on my ranged weapons.
  22. I haven't played the beta for months but I did know one of you characters should have the medic skill. Toaster is good to have on one of your characters. When I rolled up my party I was pretty much like this with putting stats in anything. But I seem to be getting through it okay. I'm not too worried if I get 3/4 through the game and I have to start again. I'm having a blast.
  23. Also, I just wanted to add to my post above as I can't edit it. The Finishing Blow power does +50% damage if it hits regardless if the enemy is under or over 50% stamina. This is not stated in the game. While I don't want a wall of text with the mouse overs, I would like something simple like: +50% damage if hits with an extra +3% damage per 1% under 50% stamina the target has. Although I do expect quite a lot of information to be in the character screen. Something like the IE games had with their spells.
  24. I agree with the animal upgrade idea. The animals should have abilities and be upgradeable. I haven't played the ranger since the beta went live and yeah, they sucked and never went back to them. I did like the bear companion though. When the next patch comes out I'll try out the ranger and give some feedback.
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