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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. I'm all for lock/trap xp. If Obsidian are looking at it and will eventually put it in the game, then great. Seems to be a problem without it and they're introducing it "to increase the regularity of XP rewards across the game".
  2. Well it was halfway down the page and on it's way to dropping off but you can see who bumped it again from the previous page. But lets keep bumping it and keep it on top.
  3. It's been a blast. And the two dogs always follow Higgins around everywhere. If I decide a battle is going to be too intense, I can keep Higgins quite a distance away from the battle and the two dogs will stay with him. He's not essential in a battle and I usually use him as the medic. But he's not too bad with handguns. At the moment, my party is as follows: Magnum: Assault Rifles, Heavy Weapons, Lock Picking (getting into the wine cellar), Safe Cracking (Higgins safe), Smart Ass (he was a bit of a smart ass in the TV Show) TC: Shotguns, Blunt Weapons, Demolitions, Toaster Repair, Mechanical Repair, Weaponsmithing (he was a bit of a mechanic in the show) Rick: Assault Rifles, Kiss Ass (could be a little bit in the show), Alarm Disarming, Machine Guns, Leadership (with running the King Kamehameha Club) Higgins: Handguns, Field Medic, Animal Whisperer, Hard Ass (To Magnum) Rose: Handguns, Surgeon, Computer Science. Yeah, you could say I'm a hardcore Magnum P.I. fan. I'm also looking at recruiting Takayuki and Pizepi Joren to round out my party. And then I'll go back and hit all the shrines.
  4. I've had three encounters since then. One of the dogs was down to half health but I patched him up. One of the encounters was the wreckers hideout which was pretty tough.
  5. Higgins with his animal whisperer ability managed to recruit two dogs at Ranger Citadel. In true roleplaying style and keeping in line with the TV show, the names of the dogs are Zeus and Apollo.
  6. When it comes out, get ready for those missing strings. When I first played the Beta and picked up an item that said it was a 'missing string'. I thought it was a piece of string for a quest and it was lost by somebody and you had to return their missing string to someone, like a child.
  7. Combat moves a lot faster because you don't have to select any powers for your front line characters. You only have to micro-manage your spell casters, but even then ranged weapons are viable for both front line and back line. The combat log is easy to follow and is right in front of you, not to the wrong side of the screen. The icons below the combat log changes from party to individual members when you select them which I'd like to see in PoE. You can have more icons along the bottom for individual members with the IE games. You can assign different spells that you use a lot for your characters icons in the bottom of the bar. if I'm using fireball a lot with PoE, I don't have that 'favourite spell' button I can just click on. There's a lot more but this is just watching things at a glace. Damn, I want to play IWD1 now for the 150th time.
  8. Make your mind up. I'd like to see dev's come onto the forum and interact with the backers. You seem to have an issue with that. And I never said they should take forums posts as gospel over their design decisions. Stop making crap up. And I'm not worried about this being some forum users' game. Why would I be? I never said it should be a forum users' game. And judge them by the game? I'm sure a LOT of people will be judging them by the game including reviewers regardless of who's thought figured out which mechanic. What a stupid comment.
  9. Okay. I did look on the first and second page of this forum. Never mind then.
  10. So you don't want the dev's interacting with the backers? Okay. Well I'm glad that's cleared up. I'm glad you don't speak for all the backers.
  11. Lets see some dev's come on the forums and interact with the backers. All I'm seeing is a lot of corporate speak, even from Brandon
  12. [Description of the issue] BB Fighter Dwarf has permanent invisibility. [DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for] Load save game and Dwarf is invisible. [Expected behaviour] BB Fighter shouldn't be invisible. [Files] Save game file is too big to upload even when zipped. output_log.txt
  13. I'm not saying S&M's attribute should have been implemented. It was more the case of it can be pretty hard to convince Obsidian to change anything with mere suggestions when compared to two people who do a 20 page paper. It's the perception I have at the moment of the development of the game and the dev's themselves. Everything is feature locked, we're testing bugs, and I doubt anything major can be changed. I'd like to be proven wrong and it'd be good if the dev's came onto the forums to discuss the suggestions that everyone here has proposed.
  14. I agree with helmets should have something. I'd also like to see other headwear have something as well. I see a lot of hoods in the beta and it's be good to have something on them. It feels worthless when you pick them up and see no bonuses on them at all.
  15. There was no rudeness. Just concern from the OP. It would be good to give our support to Obsidian since this is an appreciation thread for Obsidian and the backers. No need to go into details concerning the other thread. Lets show support for Obsidian and keep the rest out of this thread.
  16. What the? Do you really think Obsidian listens to me? LOL. Also, I think it shows that if you did a 20 page paper that took two weeks to do with a certain amount of logic and reason behind it, Obsidian have shown they've pretty much brushed it aside. So what hope does the average Joe Schmoe without the university degree, without the maths behind them have when a 20 page paper pretty much gets tossed in the bin. Not to say that's exactly what happened but it does seem like that to me. I think it shows the opposite. Obsidian will look at something but will usually go with their design anyway.
  17. Expansion is a good point. I'd like to see the game come out in late spring/summer and expansion around 6 months later around Nov/Dec 2015. It was usually around 6-8 months when the expansion came out with the IE games. I'd like to see the expansion by the end of next year.
  18. I'm wondering if the way they've done it with your characters not being able to push other characters out of the way is due to the combat. When you're in combat, a rogue can't push a fighter out of the way to get where they want, a mage running past your priest can't push the priest out of the way and this carries through to non-combat. Your characters have to 'ring around a rosey' with each other before they get to their places. Maybe it could be changed when you're out of combat, your characters can push others out of the way.
  19. The path finding is worse in this update than the previous versions. I wonder what they did to make it worse. And I didn't know about the black hole with the Dragon's Egg. In the IE games, the characters seemed to pass through or pushed your other characters out of the way. They should do the same here. It feels very turn based where your characters have to go around each other.
  20. Back for more I see. And you never made sense from your first troll post. And it's really easy to make sense of my posts when I give you facts, something you disregard. And why would I PM a troll who won't listen to reason and accept facts or proof? No thanks. Also, this is the third time you've indicated you're either leaving the thread or addressing me? Yep, I'm sure you'll be back. You can't help yourself.
  21. The release of the beta pretty much confirmed it would be either a buggy unpolished rushed game for a Winter 2014 release or they had to delay it for 2015. And when you express doubts, you have the usual suspects come on and give you hell. So I can empathise with you.
  22. Just don't respond to his threads and let them drop off the front page. But seeing this is on top, I may as well respond too.
  23. You are avoiding the facts Lephys and weaselling your way around this. 1) I never said DA:I was the reason to move the release date for PoE. However, in the Matt Chat, Feargus was looking at the release date of DA:I and didn't want it released at the same time. You're avoiding this fact because a) you haven't watched the Matt Chat and b) for some unknown reason you don't want to watch the Matt Chat to confirm what I am saying is true. 2) And if they went ahead with the planned release of PoE in Winter 2014, then it would have been rushed. The question of Obsidian trying to rush this game (for a Winter 2014 release)? is not only valid but also true given this game has now been delayed. And we didn't know about the delay until after this thread was created. So yes, given the information at the time when this thread was created, it would have been rushed if it was kept at the planned schedule. It would have been a buggy, rushed, unpolished game for Winter 2014. And what are you talking about with a June release? Where the HELL did you get that from???? I never said anything about a June release. That was all made up by you! Can't believe the crazy made up stuff that you come up with. 3) I haven't got to the alpha/beta part yet. And I'm not arguing about that at the moment. So what happened with the release before December? Are you now accepting that as FACT? You've taken that off the three I was debating with you and now replaced it with the Alpha claim? LMAO. I commented and have been debating on 3 things and now you ignore one of those things and replace it with something else. Such a weaselling slimy move by you. I don't understand why you can't comprehend those 3 simple things I've been commenting on. And you do make stuff up. You're one of the biggest strawman on this forum. You make stuff up, assign it to people you're debati8ng against and then debate against that made up stuff. That's the only way you can win debates in your own mind. While the person you are debating is thinking, WTF is this guy on? And when I do give you proof, you dismiss it. Like the Matt Chat. Stop being a troll and just accept the facts. I know it's hard for you to do but it's okay Lephys. I know you have it in you.
  24. Could the issue have been handled better by Obsidian? Like sending out a backer update to all the backers yesterday? All we have is a forum post by Brandon. I would've thought Obsidian would have emailed the backers already. It's a fair question to ask.
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