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Everything posted by Sistergoldring

  1. So long as they add to the story and are consistant with the character of the NPC then I'm all for them, extra interaction is always good and fleshes out the world in a personal way for the PC. If they are Skyrim like marriages then no its pointless. That's just how I feel about it anyway.
  2. Hi guys, I too have been talking with both Dlux and Farudan about options to further our noble Order's place in the project eternity universe. I believe Farudan is going to be mulling over some plans and will get back to us with some ideas after having some much needed sleep and a conversation with Obsidian. So I know something awesome is in the works!
  3. Can we vote for I want them to tell me everything now AND then go away and make up a new story for the game - two stories for the price of one!
  4. If it's really just contrmpt, why is he in your party? Well you don't have to like a person to work with them. I just think it opens up more opportunities to role play if you have NPCs with different opinions on you and your actions and conflicting personalities can be really fun to explore. Also, I'm tired of NPCs kissing my arse.
  5. I like loot.....so yeah unique loot that doesn't upset the game balance sounds good to me. Think of it like a preorder bonus, I don't think many people really mind if someone gets a fairly trivial item for shelling out some cash early.
  6. Nope, I'll pass on multiplayer. Even if they raise a few million it's still not a big budget for them to play around with. I'd rather they spent the time and money making an amazingly rich and detailed story driven single player old-school RPG.
  7. Hi, I just want to add my thanks to Farudan and Dlux for coming up with this idea and doing all the work.
  8. I don't have a preference for class or gender or anything like that but I would like a companion who just thinks the PC is a tool and treats them with contempt. I hate the constant companion worship we get in so many RPGs. I want someone who doesn't have personality 'issues' (like Morri's trust issues in DAO ) but just legitimately thinks my PC is a nob and bonus points if I can try to romance them and get totally shot down.
  9. YAY - I get to be a Knight of Ni after all! So sorry for the Noob question but how do I put it up on my profile thingy?
  10. You could always be the Black Knight of the Order. ^^ No, I've moved on now - I'm Ok....really
  11. Ok since my ambition to be a Knight of Ni has been cruelly crushed. I guess I'll have to be Manicurist of the Obsidian Order.
  12. Hi, I've upped my pledge can I be Sistergoldring of the Obsidian Order of Ni?
  13. I'd like to toast marshmallows over it's smouldering corpse
  14. I would very much like to see something of this nature included too. Character creation in some modern RPGs seems pretty much limited to customising appearance and picking your class and gender, I would enjoy a more immersive or at least detailed experience.
  15. I'd have to go with randomized roll too. There is something really interesting to me about playing a character who has imperfections, which unlike some of you I always end up with no matter how many times I press reroll . Anyway, I think the stats can provide a great jumping off point for your characters personality. You know a kind of 'right, I've got a strong, pretty healthy, maybe a little accident prone fighter with the charm of a dustbin, how do I work with this?' moment.
  16. I really liked the music in the kickstarter clip. For me it encapsulated that old-school RPG sense of - I don't know 'epic-ness' - that I used to feel when I played a way too many years ago. Anyway, I was transported back to my student days when I would sit and play Ultima or Might and Magic or Baldur's Gate instead of writing my essays. So for giving me back my youth for just a couple of minutes Justin has my vote.
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