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Everything posted by AwesomeOcelot

  1. It uses some variant of Android. Hardware may not be good enough either (1GB RAM). It's not merely the HUD that creates a barrier to porting. Yeah, and it only has 8GB capacity flash storage, which is not nearly enough. It would be awesome to have a game create a front end that can interface with the game engine over a network.
  2. If the OUYA supports mouse and keyboard I don't see the harm of a port to that system.
  3. I think Josh said no on the PCGamer live chat. Non-lethal options, but not designed for a whole play through, that usually means bosses have to be killed.
  4. It would be great if Project Eternity had 72 hours to make, on KickStarter, what Double Fine Adventure did in its last 24 hours, it only needs about $7k more today. I think Project Eternity can make $3.4m on KickStarter, and $100k with PayPal.
  5. I love cello, live recorded cello even better, I really hope this game will have cellos. They probably would make do as an improvised weapon.
  6. I think the point here is that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some people don't like string quartet, some people don't like death metal, and some people don't like Justin Beiber. And that's ok. I make it a point to feel confident and reassured enough in my own tastes and opinions, and just accept the fact that not everyone will share it. And I haven't nor plan to interfere with that entitlement.
  7. I take it back, it's incredibly valuable to me to read in broken English that a talented string quartet from the Seattle Symphony is literally the worst.
  8. Clancy Brown is in my favourite game Fallout, and my 8th favourite movie Shawshank, also he was the bomb in Starship Troops. I'm not a big fan of David Fincher, I've seen most of his films, but not his latest two, but everyone seems to love Fight Club and Se7en. Not a fan of Seann William Scott but Role Models was pretty good. Liked Jay Baruchel in Undeclared, Alison Pill in Pillars of Earth, and Kim Coates in Sons of Anarchy. My only experience with hockey is NHL '94 on the Sega Mega Drive.
  9. So I just found out this just started. Not sure if anyone here would be interested. Clancy Brown, David Fincher, zombies.
  10. Achievements can be great, but most of the time they're pointless. The problem is developers are told to put them in or they use them to track what users are doing, so either way you get "first 50 kills" and "completed level 1". Fallout 1 & 2 had things like "Child Killer", which were a kind of achievement, and DX:HR has "non-lethal apart from bosses" and "no alarms". I don't generally bother with them, but I think they're a great idea, it's just that a minority of developers seem to know what to do with them. I took a screen shot of a round in a pub game of CS:S where I killed half the other team with a P90, and the other half with a knife, 10 kills, before achievements were introduced into the game. I would have been happy to see a few achievements pop up for that, I think the point is achievements should be special and rare, if it makes you go "WTF" or "That. Just. Happened." then it should be an achievement.
  11. Pledges slow down on the weekend, if Project Eternity gets to $3m at the end of the weekend it could be interesting, other projects have made 15-30% more in the last 3 days than the first 3 days, and Project Eternity made over $1.3m in the first 3 days. Monday and Tuesday are going to be deciders, is the final performance going to be Wasteland(-62.4%), Double Fine (-43.9%), Grim Dawn(+15.3%), or Dead State(+38.6%), last 3 days compared to first 3 days. Interestingly the people who put together the Google Docs spreadsheet predict that if Project Eternity were to follow the dollars per % of time of Double Fine then Project Eternity would end with $3.63m. If I were to guess now I'd go for $3.3-3.4m.
  12. Objects don't get smaller the further the way you get, so as a perspective it is incorrect. I don't know what you're doing with those lines though. The bridge and the entry are parallel, and the other parts like the waterfall don't have to be. Fallout 1 & 2 were the same and it never bothered me.
  13. Steam as far as I'm aware wraps the main exe with a steam application that prevents it from running without Steam. Since Steam can be turned to offline mode, Steam is identical to "register once online" form of DRM. That can't be argued with, try to run compatibility mode on the exe that has Steam's wrapper. I'm not sure whether that's all games bought on Steam but I have over 200 and it's all of them. I'm OK with the register once form of DRM, but DRM is known to break, and Steam's offline mode was broken for years, meaning you couldn't play games in offline mode sometimes or for some people ever.
  14. Lots of people like Arcanum's soundtrack, don't listen to the JRPG players, their opinions are worthless.
  15. O RLY? a) My NWN2 never looked that bad, even on my old computer that's 6 years old. Seriously, is that being run on a toaster? b) Yes, it was a mistake for them to zoom into the characters that far. Solution: Don't.
  16. Dungeon Siege III and NWN2 models look fine for the range they're meant to be viewed at. It's unfair to compare it to a MMORPG that's going to be released in 2013 using the CryEngine 3 for PC. Dungeon Siege III had to run on PS3 and Xbox 360, graphics from 2006 and 2005 with 512MB of memory.
  17. I will be greatly disappointed if there's not some sort of talking piece of equipment to annoy me. Please no more goofy American voices from magical sidekicks. A sword that sounds like Indigo Montoya from The Princess Bride, The Narrator from Bastion, or Sir Roderick Ponce Von Fontlebottom from Jade Empire, something with personality. Like the sword in the Colour of Magic? "I'm magical you know!" "Can't fight!? don't worry, I'll make a hero out of you!" etc. Yes, Kring, but from the book or the Nigel Planer audio book, not that awful TV movie.
  18. If anything it's the opposite, because of pre-rendered backgrounds there can be more customizable stuff.
  19. I will be greatly disappointed if there's not some sort of talking piece of equipment to annoy me. Please no more goofy American voices from magical sidekicks. A sword that sounds like Indigo Montoya from The Princess Bride, The Narrator from Bastion, or Sir Roderick Ponce Von Fontlebottom from Jade Empire, something with personality.
  20. If it's going to be there, I'd like it to be explored functionally. Strongholds are there to defend from attack, and perhaps also to garrison a force, I'd like the effect of controlling a stronghold to have an effect on the world. NWN2 did some of this, and that's not necessarily the right model, but it's one path to go down.
  21. This is rather limiting customizable to cosmetic stuff I don't have much interest in.
  22. I think Paypal is 48k last time I saw it in the Kickstarter comments.
  23. I've been listening to the Arcanum soundtrack today, it's one of the best, available on GoG in lossless format (PCM, .wav). Don't think I'll be able to do another play through this year, it took me 10's of hours last time.
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