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rjshae last won the day on August 29 2024

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About rjshae

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    Seattle, WA
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    Gaming, 3d modelling, project gutenberg, astronomy, writing.


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  1. Dark Energy Might Be Evolving over Time in Unexpected Ways The Universe just keeps getting weirder. As one site put it: The universe doesn't care about your precious standard model
  2. I don't mind the verification method; I'm just not sure they will be staffed to handle it. Plus if they start shutting down offices, retirees will need to travel a much longer distance to provide verification. I suppose they could make a fun trip out of it.
  3. Per the Howard Lutnick article: As with many things this administration is implementing, they don't seem to have thought through the consequences. They want to: Make significant cuts to the Social Security Administration, including closing offices Make people come in person to verify their identity Alas, there may be nobody around to check the identities. Hmm, problem solved I suppose. I.e. just die old person.
  4. Well it looks like DJT is going ahead with the plans to "dismantle" Department of Education. I wonder what the Democrats would do with that kind of capability (assuming there will still be a constitution)? Get rid of the NRC? Toss ECAP? Eliminate fossil fuel subsidies? Take down the US Customs and Border Protection? Eliminate the DHS? What do you think?
  5. The paper predicts an effect that would last four years, so presumably a very poor agricultural output for a few years. Enough to cause mass starvation? I don't know, But after that, we're back to global warming again.
  6. Wasn't your premise that we'd go to war to prevent Iran from having a nuclear arsenal? We're not at full-blown war with them now, so presumably that would happen once Iran is nuclear armed to some degree? Do we invade Iran at that point? What's the trigger point? When Iran tests a nuclear weapon?
  7. This morning I'm off to the dentist to get a permanent cap put in, and a temporary on a different tooth. Joy. Caps are getting pricey, even with dental insurance.
  8. A regional nuclear exchange could have a world-wide climate impact. It depends on the amount of carbon aerosols thrown up into the upper atmosphere. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD033056
  9. Today in stupid: White House press secretary claims French should be ‘grateful’ to US they are ‘not speaking German’ *cough* Well I for one would like to thank the French for making it possible for the US to be an independent nation.
  10. No, the Destiny was an automated ship that humans happened to board. In a setting with stargates, almost nobody is going to use generation ships. Wall-E has an example of (what became) a generation ship, and the Firefly setting population arrived in generation ships.
  11. I guess there is something to be said for the D&D 5e approach of requiring many buffing spells to use concentration. That limits much of the need for pre-combat buffing. Anyway I picked up a couple of Pathfinder books at the local library and have been looking them over.
  12. For now, yes. The current recruiting rise starting last year, before the election. There have been increases in female and racial minority recruits. With an all-white male face though, the army may end up recruiting from a shrinking pool of candidates.
  13. I still have a bunch of old boxed wargames in my closet: 1940, Triplanetary, Trailblazer, Dragon Pass, Third Reich, Greyhawk Wars, WW II, Imperium, Russian Campaign, and Objective: Moscow. There were a bunch of others that I gave away some time ago. I haven't touched any of them for years though, not since wargames appeared on PCs. I subscribed to Strategy & Tactics for many years, but almost never had the time to play them. Eventually I couldn't justify the cost.
  14. Pure idiocy. I'm sure it will do "wonders" for military recruiting. Not.
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