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Everything posted by luzarius

  1. Hello, How are the romance options in the game? Any brothels? If so, are there any erotic drawings of prostitutes? I remember in POE1 there was a brothel, but no sex scenes, just a black screen. Is it true that every single word is voice acted in this game? Thanks!
  2. Path of the damned is too hard, but hard is too easy. Any ideas?
  3. Just tried melee rogue, see if it sucked any less, nope, still sucks real bad. I mean really bad. Tried it on POTD Trial of Iron, died to three xaurip's. I was level 2. Missed the backstab from stealth, missed the blinding strike, then proceeded to do 4-5 dmg until I died. Rogue is horrible. I already know that ranged rogue is viable, but not melee rogue.
  4. As soon as a conversation starts or the NPC just speaks random voiced dialogue, the very beginning of the voiced sentenced gets cut out, any fix for this? I have latest patches installed.
  5. The new Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition includes voice acting for every line of dialogue in their game. This is a major update they're pushing out in about a week. The game went from barely any voice acting to all of it being voice acted, pretty impressive. Any chance Pillars of Eternity could do that? The massive amounts of reading in this game kills me. I'd pay for it.
  6. The last time I played POE, I died on path of the damned difficulty. I had no idea my ranger wasn't firing her arquebus even though I queued her attacks. Had I known my ranger got interrupted, I would've won the fight by a hair. It turns out the Druid Ogres I were fighting were able to cancel all queued attacks whenever they attack with their spells. It would be great if you could add a feature that auto pauses combat when a companions queued attacks get canceled/interrupted for any reason. Thanks!
  7. I wish this game was turn based.
  8. Hi, i was going to try this game again. Did they ever fix this issue or does it still fade to black in anti climactic fashion? How about a paragraph that pops up with some writing? How about ANYTHING except a fade to black? How about a picture of a bed or a pillow, ANYTHING.
  9. No, going to try again when the expansion and patch comes out. Attempting to beat the game blind in trial of iron is where the fun is for me Sadly this game does not hold the same emotional drive I get from games like Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Witcher. There is just too much combat and without a tactics system, a lot of the fights are repetitive.
  10. What can cause queued attacks to get canceled? Anyone know by any chance?
  11. Well, the good news is now I can wait for the new patch. I might as well wait for the expansion too before trying again. I'll probably try again a year from now or less. Great advice btw, thx.
  12. I died on Path of the Damned Trial of Iron Please advise on my approach (VIDEO) - Death http://www.twitch.tv/luzarius/v/9134529 Problems - No entry for Ogres in the Bestiary, didn't know their weaknesses. - I let my guard down, too much combat in the game makes it a bit boring. - I should've eaten proper food. - I should've waited until level 9, someone recently told me about a spell called clear that priests get. - For some reason my ranger didn't do the attacks that I had queued up. I'm looking for the masters of the game to critique and point out all my mistakes. It was a fun fight that caught me off guard. I let my guard down for a second due to boredom and it cost me. Learn from my mistakes.
  13. Durance & Grieving Mother are my favorite characters in the game so far. Grieving Mother has given me the emotionaly drive I need to finish the game on POTD, TOI. She complelely captures my imagination. Without Durance & Grieving Mother, I probably would've stopped playing the game. I'm currently halfway through Act 2 I think. Now that I think about it, I think I like Grieving Mother just a tad bit more than Durance, we're talking 51/49 here.
  14. If there is a romance option, I will buy the expansion in two seconds. Hopefully every sentence will be voice acted with lots of intellectually stimulating, thought provoking content. One male and one female would be perfect. Let's just hope that she doesn't look like a man like Cassandra Pentaghast. (Grieving Mother should've been a romance option).
  15. There is nothing immersion breaking about this: Beautful, artistic drawing of a gorgeous, fantastical woman. Completely captures the imagination. This art style is similar to POE's existing art direction. Since POE isn't 3D heavy, the next logical step is 2d portraits like the one above. I'm not trolling. I take immersion seriously. Like you said, it's not that big of a deal. I'm suggesting that maybe in a future update, an expansion or even Pillars of Eternity II they consider some artistic drawings of male & female patrons of the brothel to be shown after you sex them, something tasteful that simply enhances immersion. "Gay men are removing the porn from my video games and making the women look like men" is Luzarius' pet hangup. The art depictions can include male NPC's as well. I mentioned that in the original post. I think LGB is part of the POE lore, aren't there books that cover this in game?
  16. It's a brothel, titilation is needed to enhance immersion. Some different music would've been ideal as well. No, take Dragon Age 2 Blooming Rose for example, the music matches the environment perfectly. Immersive music that makes you feel like you're in a brothel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu85MMoptkI Ok, can you meet me 1/10 of the way? If there is a brothel in Pillars of Eternity II or the expansion, how about one single screenshot of two stick figures hugging each other? (EDIT POST) Just scrolled down.. Omg, there .. you did.. the stick figure.. omg hahah I just.. scrolled down .... afte responding to that guy, there was the stick figure.. lol.. amazing
  17. Fading to black breaks immersion. Since you guys don't like sexual appeal, I'm willing to meet you half way: How about a single drawing, no color, showing two figures under the sheet covers on a bed? Can you guys handle that or is that asking too much? How about more violence instead of sex? Extreme, graphic violence is just fine, but sex is a no no right? *shakes head* Hey, I'm curious. Are you the types of people that want an end to all sexual appeal in gaming?
  18. I was expecting some nice artistic drawings of some kind after doing the nasty with Lyrinia. The game has talented artists who know how to draw. Remember Witcher 1's sex cards? Something like that would've been great. Keep in mind my recommendation applies to both male & female, so no matter who your character sleeps with, you'll be treated to some tasteful, sexual appealing art of of the patrons working at the Salty Mast. Perhaps these can be added in the expansion or maybe even version 2.0 patch update? Witcher 3 has all those sex scenes, so why not just a a few drawings instead of a fade to black at the Salty Mast? Lyrinia's legs demand justice!
  19. Ondra's Gift On a serious note, romance options enhance immersion, IMO there should always be at least one of each sex in this kind of RPG. Then just make them both bi so everyone can enjoy.
  20. It would be great if POE 2 had a single player co-op mode. Unity might have some kind of network engine built in.
  21. It starts out that way. It's actually a good thing that you're struggling, overcoming the difficulty is what makes the game fun, all the experimentation you're going to want to do will pay off, enjoy the ride.
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