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Everything posted by morhilane

  1. Currently in the beta, you can't really do that (outside full seal ahead to catch up), they are going to add a button to skip to boarding for the game release (I stopped hoping for another beta release).
  2. I believe it used to be 1hp/3 seconds,and now that I looked closely at it in beta 3, it is now 1hp/1 seconds for 10 seconds, so yeah it's not as bad anymore.
  3. Some people might I've gotten lost between that two maps you are forced to go through to get there...lol edit: It's probably more that people didn't realize they could hire them at the Black Hound and might not have had the money at the start.
  4. That's kinda strange, as Josh was against trash options. (source) Going by how some of the Chanter stuff still have *missing strings* in Beta 3, it might just be trash because they haven't had the time to do a pass on it yet. Hopefully, the Chanter gets some love before April 3rd.
  5. Value haven't changed it in Beta 3 from what I remember of Beta1. It is pretty much a trap choice (as is Ancient Memory).
  6. That reminds me. What happened to ship upgrades with unique rooms and such? I assume they were scrapped in favour of those ship “items”. Most important of all - will we still have a room for all our pets? I believe the ship upgrades were actually moving to bigger larger ships. Josh listed the type of ships we can own somewhere. I've seen it not that long ago, but I don't remember where it was. Galleon was on it though.
  7. I'm pretty sure the next beta is going to be released on April 3rd. There won't be enough time to adapt any feedback before the release anyway...release is going to be a bit messy.
  8. It's like sitting on your (old) grandma's lap when you were a kid.
  9. Yes I know. I have played BG2 before. Come on, you know what I mean guys. Your original post made it sound like you were stuck with the same companions the moment the party was filled and couldn't switch them.
  10. Did you have to? With few exceptions most people could be exchanged AFAIK, but I didn't like doing it. To this day there are NPCs in that game I never had in my party. Not even once. :D Yes. At least once you leave Athkatla you are pretty much stuck with your team. You can retake dismissed party members in BG2. They either return to a set location (which they tell you about), or stay on that spot. The only time you are stuck with the party is Chapter 4/5 (Spellhold/Underdark) and 7 (the final).
  11. Durance himself comes to realise that he has been talking bullstars for most of the game. I don't dislike the character, but he is eminently suited to villainhood. If Durance becomes a villain then Grieving Mother will probably morph into Woedica. Seriously, she's the most evil character in POE1. For the most evil character in the game, it sure is weird how she's the only one that can actually leave your party if you're a genuinely terrible person yourself. I think it is arguable. She has a history of casually mind controlling people, which (in my view at least) is pretty much the worst thing that you can do to people in a fantasy world. It's also why a lot of the "oh no, the poor oppressed mages" storylines you get in other games (see Dragon Age) fall completely flat. They're not an oppressed unfairly-maligned minority, anyone capable of mind control genuinely is a dangerous threat to normies. It fall flat in Dragon Age because it totally fail at showing them oppressed until a psychotic Templar or a crazy bloodmage shows up.
  12. That's not true. Jaheira has this awesome quest in which she is cursed/poisoned and will actually die unless you resolve it in time. She also runs into more harpers and... There is more going on with her in this game than just a possible romance. I think some people get confused by it since that/those quests tie very neatly into the romance, if you chose to take the romance route. I actually though it was a romance only quest (I only got it when I was romancing her from what I remember). Then she has as many quests as Mazzy's does if we include the intro.
  13. The example that Josh Sawyer used to explain sidekicks was Mazzy from BG2. Unlike, say, Jaheira, who had a complex story that spanned most of the game, Mazzy was involved in the Umar Hills story where you meet her and help her avenge her companions. She had one additional quest to help her sister that triggered later. She also had banters with the PC and several other party members that could trigger throughout the game and a few other interactions with NPCs in the world. I thought Mazzy (and Keldorn as another example, or Edwin, if you like to keep things evil) was a good (or, err, evil in Edwin's case) character even though her story was less complex than Jaheira or Viconia. A simple, well written story coupled with good voice acting (Jennifer Hale voiced Mazzy) can go a long way. We don't know exactly what to expect in Deadfire, but if we got a character like Mazzy, I would be ok with that. Kinda funny to use Mazzy as an example of a sidekick, considering she is involved in 3 quests in BG2, the most of all the companions. While Jaheira/Viconia just have romance related stuff outside their initial recruiting...
  14. I usually try classes until I like the gameplay of one (which usually depends on my mood) and then I reroll with role-playing stats and decide on a personality. When POE1 released, originally, I wanted to be a Chanter, but I found the class too passives at the time (I prefer to control my character, instead of someone else in the party). I played a Paladin and Monk half-way through the game too, but rogue turned out to be fun and my little Boreal dwarf looked awesome so I stick with him and made him a stubborn ex-merchant deceptive smartass that joined the Doemenel (he had high intelligence, perception and dex). On a second playthrough I wanted to try a Priest of Eothas and I ended up liking the class and I stayed true. I tried to make a "battle cleric", but that was less or more a succes. In my third playthrough, which is unfinished, I wanted to experience the game as a cipher (Scientist background and super inquisitive), but I just can't...it's not a class for me. For Deadfire, I'm not sure. I was thinking of importing the Priest of Eothas and dual-class with a melee/more defensive class to make a proper battle cleric. At the same time, the Chanter class looks much improved too and I might return to try that.
  15. I think this interview spoil one of the romance options, at the very end. Not reading the interview then (and don't you dare spoil anything here, ye basterds). It's the very last question of it.
  16. I think this interview spoil one of the romance options, at the very end.
  17. In 29 days...
  18. One of these days we'll see a sequel where the baby you create will grow up to become the protagonist. Or perhaps the grandparent of the protagomist. I.e. a dynasty tale. You won't even need a sequel. The game Kynseed, once released, will allow you to get married, have kids, age and die and then play as one of the kid.
  19. Yes, but chanters by themselves don't have any way to negate Confusion---none of the chants grant resistance to intellect afflictions, none of the invocations give intellect inspirations, etc. A Chanter and a single-class Paladin and/or several characters with afflliction resistances should be able to handle afflictions pretty easily without a priest. But without that, having a single-class support/healing Chanter (Skald probably) take on a Priest's role is certainly theoretically possible if complicated---curious how effective it is in practice. None between level 1 and 9. In POE1, the chanter counter for confusion/charmed/dominate was only available at level 13 (required WM1). Also, checking all the classes, none of them can deal with all 6 categories. The Priest cannot counter Dexterity afflictions and outside perception and strength, everything else is single target inspiration (no resistance to, no immunity to).
  20. ??? what difficulty did you play on? It's not that potd isn't possible without a priest, but tons of fights get ridiculously annoying when you're charmed repeatedly or perma frightened in dragon fights. I can't imagine the game somehow being easier with no party wide means of removing crippling afflictions. Played on normal, but I suspect Veteran is similar considering I don't bother min/maxing/optimizing and only rest when health gets too low. My without Priest party deal with affliction by having a Chanter (support chant/invocation) and Paladin (Liberating Exhortation mostly). Healing was the druid and paladin, but I need more healing with the druid party (killed stuff faster in the first playthrough). I haven't tried Chanter support in 3.0 yet, but it has even more tools to deal with afflictions via chants and invocations and unlike a Priest, they aren't per-rest. How bad would it be if the Chanter was a Skald, and thus had to pay an extra +1 for each defensive Invocation he cast? From my Deadfire beta experience, the Skald is the better Chanter for casting any Invocations, that +1 cost for not-offensive invocations isn't much compared to how fast they gain phrases via crit with the right build. Also, Chanter, in the beta, currently have 4 of the 6 affliction group covered by chants (bundled in group of 2).
  21. if your going with percent chance stuff maybe you can do a small percent chance to upgrade your miss->graze->hit->crit. This would affect more stuff than empower. I feel like Josh needs to start trusting his better judgement more. His better judgment is why we had "ultra powerful" summon weapons that takes an eternity to cast so nobody use them.
  22. It's more than 20, you get the sub-class bonus for free at each power level (there is 9 of them) and Josh announced that we will pick 2 spells when we reach new power levels as well. I'm not sure how you can make the wrong pick though. Spell have detailed descriptions in the level up screen, you'll know exactly what they do. The biggest issue with Priest is recovery time, but that plague all the casters but Chanter. Then you counter with unlimited casting of resistance to said afflictions (aka bring a Chanter or classes/races with affliction resistance) to downgrade those instead of countering using inspirations. And you get some of those at character creation. For example, Wood Elves can't be Paralyzed, they have resistance to dexterity afflictions as racial passive which means Paralyzed gets downgraded to Immobilized.
  23. I better be able to respond with: "Doesn't ring a bell, now get off my doorstep" That's probably when she answer "If you keep this up, I will peck your eyes out, di verus".
  24. ??? what difficulty did you play on? It's not that potd isn't possible without a priest, but tons of fights get ridiculously annoying when you're charmed repeatedly or perma frightened in dragon fights. I can't imagine the game somehow being easier with no party wide means of removing crippling afflictions. Played on normal, but I suspect Veteran is similar considering I don't bother min/maxing/optimizing and only rest when health gets too low. My without Priest party deal with affliction by having a Chanter (support chant/invocation) and Paladin (Liberating Exhortation mostly). Healing was the druid and paladin, but I need more healing with the druid party (killed stuff faster in the first playthrough). I haven't tried Chanter support in 3.0 yet, but it has even more tools to deal with afflictions via chants and invocations and unlike a Priest, they aren't per-rest.
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