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Everything posted by licketysplit

  1. Still not as bad as what Hillary may have done. Negligent with national security info, possibly covering up the president's (her husband's) illegal behavior, blatantly lying about her health, etc. One has to ask why she wants to be president. Is it legacy? Ego? Does she feel she's owed this? Or does she really have the passion to change this country? I seriously doubt the latter.
  2. A libtard pretends to be smart. News at 11:00.
  3. Hilzilla would be in prison now if the FBI investigation wasn't fixed. So Trump's scandals are nowhere near Hilzilla's, who's not only a felon but also a betrayer of public trust. Exactly how I see it. Lots more at stake with Hillary's disreputable actions.
  4. Hillary has all the emotion of an insect, even when she smiles. She came off as rehearsed and fake. But that's her with everything. She did however bait Trump and he blathered on for ages trying to defend himself. As debates go, neither one did very well.
  5. That's an odd way to characterize an election where the Democrat is a low-charisma center-left technocrat with detailed policy proposals to back up every line of her rather tepid stump speeches, while the "republican" is an egomaniacal compulsive liar whose entire pitch is RAGE and FEAR that "only he" can address, using means that he won't or can't explain to the electorate. I'm just going by that youtube vid where she uses frumpy, emotionally unstable tweens as props. That, and the incessant racist jabs to everyone that dares disagree with the democratic party.
  6. I have a vision, and it looks something like this.
  7. Sure, we all possess negative traits, and they all surface at various points. But what are the dominant traits for these candidates? Clinton seems to be dominated by greed and a need to be in control. Trump seems to be dominated by ego and condescension. Can't disagree with this. Trump is no paragon, but his brand of shallow ranks lower on the deplorable meter for me.
  8. It's all about the feels with Democrats.
  9. Misguided SJW, misguided Muslim jihadist...what's the difference? Don't they stand for the same thing now?
  10. NYC officials are saying it's an act of terrorism, but with no apparent ties to international terrorism. That's reasonable. As usual, it's the media who's trying to change the language into something more palatable, attacking anyone who's calling it a bomb.
  11. Lol, is she drunk or on Ambien there?
  12. Lol, the media is trying to skewer him and they just can't do it. The best part of this election cycle is watching the media machine completely fail.
  13. Explosion reported in NYC, possible IED. My guess is Islam.
  14. Pretty much. You're in their tribe, or an outsider.
  15. Which is supposed to be relevant... how? Well, he has more support than is being portrayed in the media. Moot point, since Hillary's run is nosediving faster than a comet. The dems shouldn't have put all their eggs in the Clinton basket.
  16. Or her doctor's full of ****, just like Trump's doctor.
  17. So at first it was allergies. Then overheating. Now it's pneumonia. They rattled these excuses out in the space of a few hours. Hillary's campaign can't keep this charade up.
  18. Wouldn't Sanders be the default choice? I bet he's licking his chops right now.
  19. After her episode in NY, the dems better pick a replacement now. The prospect of Hillary collapsing during one the debates is very real, not to mention the lunacy of them pushing a walking corpse into the presidency. The Democratic party has really screwed their credibility with Americans.
  20. The books in Dishonored had better writing than the main story line.
  21. No quest markers at all would be labor intensive for Witcher 3. Damn, I didn't edit correctly, lol. if I were to name only one game W3 reminds me the most of, I'd say: Two Worlds II. in essence, W3 looks like a spiritual successor to TWII: the way the open world is designed, with all these caves and POI; the whole exploration aspect of it, random encounters with bandits and wildlife, swimming, horseback riding (feels almost exactly the same, so does crafting); the way the character talks even (whenever Geralt threw a line at an enemy, like, "damn, you're ugly", while fighting, I'd get TWII flashbacks, because that character wouldn't shut up during combat too, with the same tone even). but you can see other influences as well: timing crucial dialogue choices like in Alpha Protocol; investigating crime scenes like in Batman Arkham games; including finishers and dismemberment in combat like in Shadow of Mordor (though, it is done a lot better in SoM); lifting quest ideas from other games: heist preparation missions like in GTA V (picking your crew members and sourcing equipment), the haunted mansion quest just like in Bloodlines etc. I don't remember all the stuff that struck me as homage or straight up ripoff, but it doesn't detract from the game, like I said in my previous post, these were the things I liked the most about it. I hated W2, it was a terrible game in my opinion, so W3 is definitely an upgrade compared to that. but it still has ways to go before I can call it the best RPG to date. we'll see how Cyberpunk turns out. I'll give you the batvision. I wish that wasn't a thing in Witcher 3 and it's overused. Being in Poland, maybe some of the Two Worlds devs got hired by CDP, hence the similarities. The two quest lines in question are similar to those you mentioned, though they stand on their own enough for me, as well as dozens of other original scenarios. The heist one in particular seems homage to Ocean's 11 more than GTA. As for Geralt's quips and the investigation aspects, both are native to the series since Witcher 1, and indeed the books. You and Fenixp bring up fair points though. It's not like W3 is a trailblazer in the design department.
  22. The combat system a massive Dark Souls wannabe without actually understanding what made that system tick so well for instance. I don't think there's a single original mechanic in The Witcher 3, even Gwent borrows heavily from Condottiere. Hmmm. I'd say W2 borrowed heavily from DS and W3 not much at all. When I play the two they handle completely different and emphasis different mechanics. I also don't see how the skill tree, alchemy, lore, dialog, mission design, leveling system, enemy types, combat styles, etc are so derivative. Some aspects are weak, but claiming it's a clone of other games seems a stretch to me. Being inspired by and outright cribbing are two diffrent things.
  23. Surprised you didn't like the writing in Hearts of Stone. That had some of my favorite moments. Which games do you think W3 cribs from? I see some influences sure, but I wouldn't call it derivative.
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