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Everything posted by arrowhead

  1. Temple of Elemental Evil. I finally finished clearing the moathouse, after several restarts. Some fights got really frustrating but combat was still fun. Everything else in the game, other than the combat was meh. I just started Nulb and I hope it's not as boring as Hommlet. *sigh* If only I could skip all the non-combat parts... It's the opposite of PST for me, where I wanted to skip most of the combat parts, and everything else was done very well.
  2. Ocean House Hotel in Bloodlines. The creepy atmosphere was done well.
  3. Yeah, that was quite annoying. After the first time, I never played Dead Money without a mod removing the collar explosion. I'm currently taking a short break from New Vegas (still on Dead Money) and playing Blackwell Deception. Another person that owns these games! How are they? Trying to figure out their priority in my queue. They're pretty good. There's some of back-tracking but I guess that's standard for adventure games. Took me a few hours to get to Deception.
  4. Yeah, that was quite annoying. After the first time, I never played Dead Money without a mod removing the collar explosion. I'm currently taking a short break from New Vegas (still on Dead Money) and playing Blackwell Deception.
  5. <p> I've never played NWN2. Were the portraits in NWN2 like those in PST (3D and animated)? If yes, then I'd definitely prefer 2D portraits like the ones in BG. They look better and if I don't find anything I like, I could easily switch to a custom portrait. I'm not really sure how custom portraits could work with 3D portraits.
  6. This is hard... I'd choose BG2 but it feels incomplete without BG1. I'd also miss other great RPGs.
  7. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.
  8. Wow, that was fast. When I went to bed it was just $3.5M then after a few hours it's nearing $4M in KS.
  9. You have to add $8 on top of your chosen donation level.
  10. I'm thinking of switching to PayPal from KS. Can I just use the "donate your own amount" option for $78 instead of using the separate options for the $50 tier, $20 addon for the expansion and the $8 for OO?
  11. New Vegas. I've never played NWN2. I remember putting it on my Steam wishlist last year then I found out recently that it's no longer available.
  12. From what I've read from BSN, the decline in character writing from ME2 to ME3 might be attributed to the fact that the original writers of certain characters left and were replaced by other writers who were not that knowledgeable with the characters. Bioware should probably stop doing multi-part games with several installments and stick with stand-alone games. And I agree that the ending was not the only thing that was poor in ME3.
  13. You can change your KS name by editing your profile there. It's separate from the forums here.
  14. The $8 is on top of the reward tier chosen and all other add-ons.
  15. The expansion and almanac just made me up my pledge.
  16. I'm alternating between New Vegas (just started Dead Money) and Arcanum.
  17. I think you'll be able to get more info on DLCs from BSN. Anyway, I'm not interested. I already have the 3 games and DLCs for PC. I'm not even planning on replaying them in the near future.
  18. More money and a credit card with a higher limit. Other than that, I don't know. So far, I'm satisfied with the game's features and I'm not interested in swag.
  19. You can play single player if you disconnect your computer (I'm assuming you're playing on PC) from the internet. But yeah, the server check was annoying.
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