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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. Yeah, like those milions in damages, people beaten, businesses destroyed. I need to see single picture from BLM protests where protesters cleaned after themselves, and not the communities, which had to 'guest' them. Did you actually see how protests looked like in Belarus, or are you that blind to how unruly the masses are in your cities during riots, which people call protests? Protests are in Belarus.
  2. Btw, will we get 2020'ed? https://www.businessinsider.com/nasa-asteroid-headed-toward-earth-before-november-election-2020-8 EDIT: i guess they updated its size to non-significant, so we are safe, and the US election is safe
  3. Interesting that the topic has so little mention here. You guys should see how protesting is being done. Have a look at demonstrations in Belarus. People peacfully demonstrating for a regime change. No rioting, no looting, no other lunacy. Heck, they even clean up the streets after they are done. Compare that to Antifa and BLM lunacy in US.
  4. Narratives... Put one side and the other, and usually the truth is in the middle ( on the more rational side) https://youtu.be/LQ1YYz4vSfY
  5. Do feds not have authority to capture and detain people, who they identify as ones who comitted a federal offense? Genuine question, as i have no knowledge on that.
  6. Adding links, just in case I believe the timeline was like this Eescalation of force by protesters https://nypost.com/2020/07/16/portland-protester-charged-for-attacking-us-marshal-with-hammer/ Deployment of additional feds More direct aggression at feds https://katu.com/news/local/protesters-try-breaking-into-federal-courthouse-federal-officers-respond-with-munitions
  7. Well, you either allow to break the law to everyone, or no one. You realize it would be a non-issue, if protesters just moved near a city hall instead of targetting voilence against the federal property and federal representatives? How is targeting the federals helping the cause, if as you say, policing etc is in the hands of locals? Just move from around that property, and do whatever you please. You won't be creating excuses or scenarios where excuses can be claimed. Unless your goal is exactly that, to stir chaos and make federals do something, about which you can cry outrage, even though both sides wade in the **** waist deep. What was the point of breaking the door and attempting to engage with feds?
  8. @Gromnir I'd rather use this, than the institute you've linked https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.newsguardtech.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/ZeroHedge.com_.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjdqruxut_qAhVro4sKHcNKBdYQFjAAegQIAxAC&usg=AOvVaw15XKEcxHK-8Uzd5WoT06wK Still, they corroborate. As I said, it has its flaws, but it does ocassionally score a point and simetimes a big one at that. It definately needs a very critical approach, and look ups in other sources. Edit: For example a topic like this https://www.zerohedge.com/political/wall-street-firms-are-considering-mass-exodus-new-york It touches some facts, it shows some numbers and potential negative scenarios and rationale behind them. Is it true? Is it a viable risk? Etc. Up to you to decide, but points to something that might be worth chceking, just in case
  9. @ShadySands ZH has been a site for quite a while. Personally, I've been using it for 8ys? (and google says they've been around since Jan 2009) Originally I've looked at their markets section only. They tend to bit a bit too doom&gloom, but sometimes you get some analysis that challanges your own and broader market view. It's good to be challanged, and sometimes they were spot on. Recently, for around a 1.5y I've started to look at their political pages as well. They are very, pro free speech, which has some drawbacks as you sometimes need to get through some op-ed, and then you realize who wrote it and on which side that person sits. The comments were unmoderated (unless something would be downright criminal), but a recent spat with google ads made them add some word filters. I would not read comments there though if I were you. Godawful mess. They've gained credibilty as time and again, what seemed to be unpopular in other media, appeared to be true or close enough to truth. Unfortunately moderate and rational based media are a dying breed in US, so for some challanging views, one starts to look in other places for alternatives to deduce a broader picture. NYT became an unreadable trash over last 15ys. (the last purge was a last nail in the coffin of that once reputable news source) As I said in some other thread my sources are now these: WSJ Bloomberg Reuters ZeroHedge MarketWatch Plus Fox youtube and YahooNews for political headlines. ZH is closer to the Federalist, but with less Trump and republicans, and with more free speech with all its flaws
  10. Aren't heritage sites or places of common commemoration protected by some federal act, thus making them eligible for the use of federal forces to protect these?
  11. Perhaps it has something to do with this? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/dear-black-lives-matter-supporters-chicagos-latest-riot-you If the police were really abandoned and without support from the city officials, when they were pelted with projectiles and in danger to their health, would it not be justified to have a federal force reinforce these? Btw. Perhaps @Gromnir could assist with his knowledge. I wonder, what constitutes inusrgency? What if the governor is supporting anti-federal weaponized groups? What are the procedures in case the state would openly act against federal government to a point of inciting voilence against federal representatives?
  12. Not entirely accurate. I'll use Poland as an example as I know it better than Hungary. Yes, the elected government is not ideal. In fact in some areas it is outright awful with populistic social policies, and a grab at public media. They also apply a sledgehammer where a scalpel is needed when it comes to legal system and courts, which will eventually backfire. However, here the ignorance of western politicians and lefty bias of most of the media shows. Instead of understanding the structure and what kept the identity of a nation together, even though Poland, which held one of the oldest universities (founded in 1394), had cosmopolitan views and was a country of many ethnicities and religions, was erased from maps for over a hundred years, got devastated during the two world wars, its population decimated in genocide on jews and slavs (tagrtting the people of science, law, politics and culture in order to kill the identity) , then relocated under a soviet rule and kept poor in the socialist/communist dream. The only good thing is, that people in vast majority were equally poor, when eventually Poland managed to remove USSR shackles. Now in less than 30 years, some foreign powers claim to say, they know better than what these people want and fought for. They attack their national pride, their traditions and family values. It's a no brainer that the majority of population will kick back at that. Especially when you will attempt to do so aggresivly and try to belittle them and humiliate them. So a mix of national pride talk and money wins over majority of votes. That's a democratic process. I do not like the current outcome, and what the government is doing and how its using the mandate, but it's a reaction to aggresive identity politics. What's worse, people who attack these values, do little to go against people who voilate the Social Justice more, like muslim arabs and africans who are not tolerant and even trade in slaves (especially women slaves) , or a communist China, to which all global corporations pander due to cheap labor and potential for profits. EDIT: a common resident also sees how his/her country developed and at the same time sees how the other countries degenerate in safety and economic growth. They also remember how aggresively EU countries, especially Germany fought to keep their job markets closed (up to 7 years) after Poland joined the EU, and now they fund immigrants without any shared value, from areas, which are a host to known terrorist groups and without any background check and vetting process. They also notice the double standard and how Western EU and US media willingly omit the fact, that Poland is helping migrants from eastern Ukraine and Belarus, and they relocatted in hundreds of thousands to Poland in the last decade.
  13. I wonder what's @Gromnir and @Guard Dog opinion on what's going on around the case with St. Louis property owners
  14. You might be surprised. Just because they are not attractive to us _currently_, it does not mean it won't change in the future, once they will become richer and will show stability and safety for a run of the mill "commoner", who just wants to live decently well, have family and feel his property is safe. We in the West like to think, we are special, and have some mandate to build special social constructs, which do not make sense, both culturally and evolutionary. How are nations born? What drives the nations to become relevant on the world stage historically and today? That India iconographic is cute. I wonder, if the person providing it @213374U, could highlight the differences in appearance, beliefs and current tech in those populations, if he would talk to an average joe from each area. What's the history and timespan which led to forming of a culture in that big area? You do not need to look that far for different groups of people forming something. It's enough, if you'll look at UK or Germany up until 60's Compare to the unfeasable vision of merging vastly different characteristics and placing them in competition for resources and power, and see how our primate coding kicks in. The point is, to use brain, reason and observed facts and characteristics, instead of feels and subjective perception. We are expereminting with constructs, which are unique and not resgistered on such a scale in the human history. They are counter intuitive to how we evolved in different regions over thousands of years. Imagine, if suddenly tech stopped and we would lose electrical grid (lets call an old good solar flare) Which societies would recover faster? Which would be still relevant and which would die out due to infighting? Edit: I'm of opinion that first, you build similar education level and perception for a value of science and a human life in the other regions, and once they catch up culturally and technologically, you start experimenting with merging vastly differnt ethnicities. Look how easy it is to dehumanize someone, just because the only difference might be where to allocate money...
  15. This ought to be interesting. https://www.statista.com/chart/22256/biggest-economies-in-the-world-timeline/ So countries and regions with clear cultural identity and homogeneus population are growing stronger, while 'diverse' pipe dreams are becoming weaker and less relevant.
  16. This i do not understand. Education is a key to advancements. Nothing helped civiliaztion growth in 1900s more than making education widespread and increasing literacy levels. I'm personally baffled by the fact, that we pay 100s of millions of dollars to individual entertainers, but we accept that people get poor education instead of a good one, which would also provide guidance to either some labor intensive tradecrafts or white collar/science careers, and teach on importance of responsible parenhood and supportive family
  17. This is how you make an impact and help build better society. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-53442746
  18. @Gromnir So hiw would you address this interview? What is this mentioned insurgency act's purpose, and what would constitute calling it. From what i read, it was used once in modern history during LA riots. Is this an inaccurate case? It would corroborate some of what @Volourn about Antifa/BLM protesters and their voilence
  19. @Gromnir The whole thing with different policing units is confusing. Local police, state police, sheriff, federal, various special units, etc. How do you monitor and manage all that mix of overlapping authorities?
  20. @Gromnir Then who is responsible for protecting the federal property? Is there such a thing as a Federal property that is outside of state jurisdiction/ownership? If there is, what are the rules in case it is endangered and local force does not do sufficient work to protect it?
  21. While I agree that there is no outright confirmation, it's natural someone can grow some skepticism. There doesn't seem to be a strong voice to oppose that, and i read that some police reforms proposed by Republicans were rejected by Democrats i the congres. So how is it with the police and democrats in USA?
  22. While technically Biden did not say such openly, you can see a decision making trend in democrat controlled metropolitan areas. Biden needs to deal first with so called swing states, especially those, where his support for a "green deal" would result in job losses and clashes with unions.
  23. If you'd indulge me and explain how is that part of the problem? Short of achieving a global uniformity on a cultural, technological, and genetic level, forcing people together will just brew conflicts. The nature forces living beings to compete for limited resources and space. Other spiecies compete within one another for that as well. The dominant survival tactics is that people gravitate towards others, who share same characteristics and values. The more alien the group, the higher chance for animosities and outright conflict - especially when one holds something that other perceives valuable. 'll bite the NA part and say that while indeed it is not native to caucasians, the European settlers and their descendads built the USA (how, that's another topic - but you can get why,from a point above) I believe that until cultures evolve on their own to share a similar tech and culture, they are better to just trade and interact and respect each other, instead of trying to mesh and blend. It's also odd, that you'd put the responsibility for building new societal constructs on a minority population global wise. It won't work if majorities will not do so as well in their super majority areas.
  24. Is that much different than other areas now? Can you do so freely in Egypt? Turkey? Saudi Arabia? India (which still has some informal caste issues) China? South Afrika? Etc. Do you want to tell, that it's impossible the amass the wealth now in US and build generational wealth? Is it taken by force by someone? (other than the state taxing people on inherited wealth) Does a family of Michael Jordan suffer some mistreatment? Kardashians? Obamas? Any family that built their wealth after 60s? What about people from central and eastern EU, who've been ruined by two world wars and a USSR overlords, and started from scratch in early 90s. Why would they need to pay and loose opportunities in Western countries, because they share skin shade characteristic with colonial powers of the past? Does a median Italian or Spanish or Greek person have that much more than a median black person in UK or USA?
  25. Funny coincidence. I was just talking with my girlfriend about some of the impact of what's going on around the BLM, and that it is counter productive and will just entrench people in the central and eastern EU to remain reserved or anti- diversity ideologies. She is a feminist in traditional sense and LGB suplorter ( finds T part a bit problematic if that would mean less secure spaces for Ws) and she has issues with any cults. Looking at general world view, People classified as Caucasian are a minority, There is a handful of Western countries in which a very small amount of people hold control over a significant amount of wealth, yet for some reason, in the hard West countries you have cult like movements, which try to tell people that they are guilty of something done ages ago, and from which they do not contribute, other than the civilizational advances in communication, sanitation and medicine. For some reason, there is a counter-democraric idea of minorities in the Western countries getting special privilages over people, who did put generational work to build up a host culture and civilization. What is the point of this action? When a majority stops being a majority? When it's below supermajortiy level (66%) or when it's below majority (50%) or a realtive majority (so they do not have the highest percent of representation). At what point you stop the preferencial treatment of other groups? Do you use a median wealth per country and per population type, to check if opportunities are statistically equal? Do you expect, that suddenly the groups, which are now getting preferencial treatment will willfully drop it? Does it happen in regions where other populace holds supermajority? Does a most common representative of Caucasian populace have same chance at a success and wealth to become the top 10% in those areas? Can they have freedom of thought, expression and faith in those areas? Perhaps instead of migrating people to natively Caucasian regions, it would be better to uplift in humane sciences and scientific method to those other regions? Make people more litterate and educated?
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