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Everything posted by Darkpriest
By the way, just a snippet of information, but in regards to privacy, US is considered unsafe in terms of data protection and privacy protection. There is a reason why comapnies, that run very detailed data gathering, which is used in bckground checks of individuals and entities, have their data storages held in Ireland or Singap.
I feel, that people telling "there is nothing blocking someone from creating a competing service" forget about entry barriers and costs associated with launching something on a market. Sure, legally there is nothing blocking you, but i dare you to try and see how things work and what it takes to be even a blip on that market. Social Media is nothing like traditional media i.e. TV, Radio, Newspaper It's a communication stream. You do not just ingest info available there. You expose yourslef, share information, interact, become visible on a market, publish and consume. You cannot run in today's age a high paid, high profile career without access to social media. You cannot run a succesful business without social media exposure. Otherwise your growth is limited. If you do not exist online, you are anonymus and you migh as well not exists in certain branches of economy. Artists, Athletes, Business specialsts, tech specialiats, academic teachers, teachers, law experts, politicians, medical experts, mechanics experts, enginwering experts, etc. (the list can go on and on) I personaly hate SM, but i have to use even something basic as LinkedIn or some blog hosted on SM, etc. If now, you can't voice your personal opinion, just because someone doesn't like it, and you know you need that service to stay relevant on the broadly defined market, then there is something wrong with that. That's why I'm leaning towards stating that those SM services should be considered a public utility. If your action is not criminal, you should not be cut off, silenced and basically deleted from existence. (exaggarating the delete part on purpose). So what, that someone is an ****? Now the whole world can see it and decide if they want to interact with that person. And for social interactions, how often do you use in daily life phone services vs SM services including messangers and msg boards to run you daily social life?
Apparently some evil hair saloon owner lured top politician to have her hair done and asked her to not use any safety measures, so they could set her up... I've seen some circus logic by many politicians, but stuff like that, laws for thee but not for me, is something that will grant sure footing to your political adversary...
@Gromnir I'd happily read, why you have doubts in regards of marking social media as a public utility. How would that be different to lets say phone services?
I dare you to try and get a high profile well paid job or run a successful and profitable business without accessing or being on social media in any capacity... LinkedIn, Facebook, Amazon tools, Google tools, various messangers., Video call tools, etc. I'd say, you can easily skip Twitter and not lose anything. Funny, that Trump made it relevant again, during his campaing and after becoming president. Yes, there are alternatives, born out of necessities, but usually viable only on certain markets, like China or Russia There are also things like Parler(?), which could be alternative for twitter, but again using that approach you start living in bubbles, that are isolated and will only dig deeper trenches. Functioning in a modern society without social media or having them filtered is like working in tech and having to skip Python, Java and JavaScript.
I admit, this mde me chuckle I'd probably want to avoid opening the can of worms of political sciences, and talking about the principles on economy etc. Let that be with historians in academies
Well, this is a bit murky territory now, if social interactions and communication went mostly into internet, and social services, which call themselves 'platforms' and use benefits of a certain act, to avoid liability claims for whats published on their sites, then indeed they become your new open air plazas, where your Freedom of expression rights should be protected. Considering they are profiting from your data and your behaviors free of charge from you. There is also a lot of complexity around the whole online environment and exercising your civil rights and having them protected. You have basically a whole another world and business and social ineractions and opportunities, yet they are controlled by private corps. There is a real thin line here to potentially distopian visions of mega corps controling your life, what you see, and what you learn and how far you can reach in your life. I'm fairly sure, that if Amazon or Google would decide in not so distant future, that some av. joe should not exist anywhere in their services and dbs, you would find it very hard to be emplyed beyond a burger flipper at your local gas station (think of the use of cloud services like AWS by all the big corps, and a lot of other similar servicing tools that are available fro the tech giants) One of the simllest fixes to this banning of wrong thinking, would be to add clauses, that they can ban only activities that bear marks of criminal behavioors and then they should inform prosecutors and send all evidence of criminalized actions to law enforcement. If the charges are dropped, such individual would be immediatly reinstated in all rights he previously had.
He actually was a socialist? You recall the name of the party? He wasn't a commie though.
So, any bets how this will be spinned? https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-police-department-gangs-fbi-shootings/6397730/
You can be displeased at delivery of the information, but you should not dismiss the content blindly based on that. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-01/jpmorgan-says-prepare-for-rising-chance-trump-wins-second-term?srnd=premium-europe BTW. I would assume, that people posting on this board, are more interested in these topics and most likely also with greater general knowledge and possibly quite experience travelers or at least have been exposed to people of different origins. Ask yourself a question, how big percentage of the obs active community would this cover? What is your most common joe and jane that comprise the voter base, and what are their values amd worries? Who can sell the message of supporting their interests better? Democracy is by definition based on majorities, so how do you want to win, if you can be made an example of people, who would take away from majority and give to minorities, and do so in images of potential threat to property, values, beliefs etc?
I know, this site is for some of you a source for consipracies, but I think, this piece has some merit https://www.zerohedge.com/political/luongo-did-trumps-federalism-just-win-him-election https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/kolanovic-says-trump-re-election-odds-are-soaring-prompting-nate-silver-meltdown-twitter
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
Did the looting and destruction of property happened or was it during detention attempts? How many proteters were injured, detained and beaten during interogations on that day? -
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
Actually they did, and did it in far more voilent way than US police. Difference is, populace does not respond with voilence buy with more people chanting and grouping. That's how you can have crowds of over 200k and no property damage. One of many examples: Gatherings of over 200k people -
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
This is how you protest... These are pictures of peaceful protests. And these can be done against a REAL regime... Stop excusing rioters, looters and criminals... -
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
Case in point -
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
Like behaviors of creepy Joe? What about sexual misconduct behavior reported on him? Different treatment by media to what Kava. endured, even though there was more corroborative information against Joe? -
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
And look what happened after that -
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
You know, if you are incapable of facing your political opponent in a debate, and strip the veil of his/her lies, then are you really fit to take the highest position in a country and be its leader? You look weak and meek to any third party observer. Are you truly fit for a leader if you have charisma of a jellyfish? How will you be able to convince people to some difficult decisions, which are inevitable after the pandemics, economic crisis, and mass social unrest and conflict? They just do not want to put Biden against Trump, because he would obliterate him in a debate, as Joe cannot speak on his own well. They know this, and their goal is to win with Biden as a candidate and then use the VP to actually run the country. Look how sanitazied is any interview, broadcast with Biden. -
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
He can always cut FED aid funds from states, where high level of riots and calls for defunding law enforcements are present and be the cynic he is, and move them to aid with hurricanes? Obviously this is a hyperbole and cannot be this straightforward, but I'm fairly sure he can find a way to blame dems mayors and governors or at least put them in front of a dilemma they won't like, or will cry outrage about, and predictably it will fit into the narrative of the Whitehouse, which they will be able to capitalize. They seem to be quite good at capitalizing bursts of outrage, given the recent trends in polls -
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
You can't stop that, barring some heavy tax on offshore services (and even then it would be hard to define such). Automation is also not going to stop. However, who can sell it better, that (s)he protects poor and middle class from negative effects of these? How you build your education and business incentives systems around morphing economy, which may result in high structural unemployment? Why do you still ingest high numbers of poorly qualified mouths to feed and shelter? (this is more of EU issue though) When it comes to changing qualifications. There also seems to be some double standard. It was ok, to tell miners 'learn to code', but when online journalists were told the same last year, it was considered hate speach? -
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
Oh, what's goin on now might end up in a spectacular crash, and strife so bad that it may cause change to the US on an unprecedented scale. Both, fiscal overspending, and FEDs helicopter money transfering even more portions of the wealth, to already ultrawealthy is a recipie for disaster. Especially, when the most reasonable way to keep dollar safe, is to inflate the debt away. I'm sure that the poor and the middle class will like that... They will like it even more, if more simple jobs will be automated, and medium complex jobs will be offshored (you'll thank for that all the technologies and work practices developed during the pandemic ) -
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
Who was such a genious, that uplifted the US econ on dems side? Clinton? Obama? I agree, that the last Bush was a poor choice (how he won the 2nd term?) but Reagan and the older Bush? What's wrong with those? -
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
I wonder, what would be people's reaction, if after Biden's win, in 6months he would resign or be diagnosed incapable of holding the function due to health issues, and Kamala would become a president. I'm sure, dems would sell it "we support the first woman president, a woman of color" and then would proceed to devastate the economy, with various social policies, and scaring off rich people and investors with overtaxation. Somebody needs to pay for that, right? -
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
@Guard Dog I'd be more worried by actions of the FED and electronicly printed money. -
Politics - wait for it... wait for it... 2020 isn't over yet
Darkpriest replied to Gorth's topic in Way Off-Topic
So this case is causing another set of burning and looting? This is why i hate the instastory culture and outrage culture so prelevant now in countries, which should know better, and apply correct due process before using that for political battering. Same story with mr. Floyd. Some flash of the whole situation gets viral, and burning and looting in name of some criminal happens. Was the police without fault? No. The cop should have a bit cooler head, and open for some ventilation assistance as guy crashed on drugs and asked them for help from the beginnig of the arrest. It would probably be easier for police to assist correctly if those people had no extenaive criminal records before those unfortunate events. It would probably easier if US streets wouldn't be littered with illegal guns. Perhaps, if people valued more scientists, businessman, doctors, property and family, etc. instead of artists with dubious past shouting about voilence, sexual activities and drugs, then things would go better in communities, which struggle.