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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. Yeap ^. Xoti's priest subclass was supposedly visible for a hot second as well.
  2. Pretty sure the Druid/Druid class name is Beatnik.
  3. It's okay PugPug. Your avatar is so cute, you know you got me wrapped around your finger. (I can do this all day folks) In all seriousness though, I am interested to see what can be done with some classic combos. Like the Wizard/Priest, or the super tank Paladin/Fighter. Or how about the DPS power of a Monk/Barbarian?
  4. Thoughts? I got it. You make a Troubadour chanter, single class, and their name is Cranberry. You can thank me later.
  5. Yeap. Seriously considering making my melee cipher into a cipher/fighter in Deadfire. I certainly won't miss the highest tier Cipher, or Fighter, skills. The added HP, possibly higher bonus accuracy, Constant Recovery, and synergy between say Soul Blade and Devoted though? That seems cool.
  6. Pretty sure he lost pace with updates a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG time ago.
  7. So why do people keep saying "so I only get half the power of each class...."? The chart is crystal clear. You simply don't get every ability from both classes, and you can only reach power level 7, whereas a single class can get to power level 9. I am just not seeing how anyone interprets that as "half the power". Obsidian's desire to do something balanced and original seems like it is doomed to be foiled by munchkins who just wanted broken 3.5 D&D mechanics.... again. I am just happy to see there is a melee focused cipher subclass. Name wise, they are fine.
  8. Did they actually say you can change race and such if you save import? I know they said they would allow class changing, but they never confirmed anything else.
  9. I don't know, having beaten Eternity again to prep for Eternity 2 I am a little curious how all this will work. There is no "beaten the game" save. You can save right before you initiate the ending sequence, but you make your final choice as part of that. Will the final choice just not factor in at all, or will you be forced to pick it no matter what?
  10. Some items popping back up would be neat, but I actually don't want a ton of things showing up again. Many of the items from Eternity 1 are backer items, and we already need a new slew of those in Eternity 2. Bear in mind your base gets stomped on by Eothas, many of your relics will be outright destroyed or drained of essence.
  11. I looked it up, and that championship is run by © Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association. Surprisingly, they like their own cheese. I never suggested the seedy underbelly of the corrupt Cheese world was anything other than rigged. I am glad you fact checked me though, Cheese knowledge should never be taken for granted. Meanwhile, random cheese fact of the day. The cheese from the Wallace and Grommit movie where he turned into a wererabbit is called Stinking Bishop. It is also real, and smells worse than the name implies. ... and I was really starting to like you. Seriously though, the only thing better than a glass of red wine, and a baguette with cheese is a glass of a good single malt scotch whiskey. Here have a Bierkase recipe as a peace offering. It is Cheese. Beer Cheese. May I suggest at least a 5 years aged sharped cheddar? Anything less, is uncivilized. http://recipes.wikia.com/wiki/Bierk%C3%A4se
  12. Well I did imply we were both fools to some degree in that comparison.
  13. Well Gromnir you have devolved into insulting the person who doesn't agree with you. That's mean I stopped reading your post there, because if a person has something of merit to say, they don't need an insult to say it. I will reply to this one thing though. Rapiers are not sissy, girly, stab stab snobby weapons, and they are freaking terrible for someone wanting to "sneak around". They literally replaced arming swords as the standard side arm for a number of good reasons, and they stayed the dominant side arm well into modern times until they got replaced by Sabres which were cavalry weapons and better for close quarters ship combat. So here are some facts. Rapiers actually weigh more than average arming swords do. That fancy metal handle handle to protect your hand added a lot of weight. In the end it isn't a ton more, but it is more. Rapiers have longer blades than other one handed swords. 36-40 inches most of the time. Average arming sword was more 28-30. Rapiers are perfectly capable of slashing as well, you just don't do it with the tip, but more to the middle of the blade. Rapiers are actually far more effective in one on one combat than just about any other sword ever invented, due to their superior thrusting, slashing versatility, and reach. So no, they are not sneaky, I don't want to fight straight up, "finesse" weapons as D&D insists they are. Really every weapon is a "finesse" weapon to begin with. Even a wooden club wielded skillfully is still better than one wielded with pure force. In fact, my "deadly shock trooper bad ass" Devil of Caroc in my game.... used a Rapier too.
  14. Ironic info dump time. At my work I am sometimes known as the cheese master, as I know a lot about cheese. So. Cheese fo for you people. Wisconsin is home to most of America's cheese makers, in fact, there is even a product label for "real wisconsin cheese", because among elite cheese snobs being from Wisconsin tends to be an indicator of quality. The winner of the 2016 World Championship Cheese contest (yes, this is a real thing) is in fact a cheese created in Wisconsin. It is called Grand Cru Surchoix. Fun additional fact, you may remember a weird set of commercials from some years ago featuring the actor Luis Guzman where he eats cheese and makes happy noises about said cheese. He did these commercials because he loves cheese, and lives near where that particular cheese was made (cabot cheese in Vermont). Vermont likes to try to compete with Wisconsin on Cheese, they are neighbors, but they are weak in the ways of Cheese, or at least not as strong as lord Vad.... uh Wisconsin. The things you know. Now that aside, California is also pretty big on dairy and well known for raising cows and such. Haven't you seen the insane happy cow commercials? Additionally California is a very big wine state, many wineries and vineyards. Many uppity hoity toity people love them some wine... AND CHEESE, that's right drinking wine and sampling cheese with it is serious bizness. So they make cheese in California too. In fact I just found out there is even a website called California Cheese Trail (new cheese knowledge for me), you can use it to get a tour of the whole Cheese power structure of California. Hence it isn't really surprising Sawyer is into cheese, lots of artsy Californians are. Why is this an ironic info dump? I hate cheese. I will only eat it on pizza, or sometimes a pepper cheese on a burger. That's it. So it is really sort of odd that I know so much about it. Like how not all cheddar are equal, the best cheese to eat with a summer sausage, the fact that there is a German style cheese maker called Kase Meister that has a cheese with leeks in it, and despite being german named and styled it is made in.... Wisconsin. So anyway, who is looking forward to that class update :D?
  15. Who is the bigger fool? The person who compares a class to how it is being portrayed, even if it is a long standing known trope, and ignores the description of the class? Or the person who swears up and down that no, this class is totally not that, but has no examples of the class ever being portrayed the way it is described? You can call Eternity Rogues heavy hitting shock troopers all day long. There is no in game example of them being this. The overwhelming majority of the characters with the Rogue class in the game are members of the Doemenal criminal family, "skirmisher" enemies wearing light armor and vanishing during combat, and or are downright thieves. They are never portrayed as heavy armor wearing "shock troopers". You can make a custom character and play them that way, but that's the player. You could do that with a Wizard if you wanted to. There is no IN GAME example of that, and even if there were, they are vastly out numbered by the "trope" examples in game. Yes, you can argue Devil, but Devil is not a person who chooses to wear heavy armor. She is a robot made of metal, she has no choice, thus the example doesn't hold water.
  16. Maybe that is because it's not possible. Maybe all animancy can achieve is transferring souls? Thaos has not all cups in the cupboard. Neither has Llengrath. Maybe it's not healthy to do that? Did you play Eternity? The reason so many Animancers fail at their experiments is this little known thing called the Leaden Key, whose number one goal is literally to prevent the study and advancement of animancy. There is an entire subplot about this where you find out Thaos undermined someones research to make it look like he was a crackpot, and prevent him from achieving his goals. If it was impossible for his goals to be realized, then why did Thaos go through all the trouble to stop him? Walking away and doing nothing would have gotten the same result. There is also that White March subplot about how the Gods choose to destroy a civilization because it's study of animancy had gone too far and become too advanced??? It is blatantly obvious the things I mentioned in game CAN be done. Thaos and Llengrath are also both perfectly sane. Llengrath just happens to be a loner who wants nothing to do with the rest of the world, and Thaos is a scum bag who actively acts against the advancement of society. There are other examples like the Ovates of the Golden Grove with their animancy based extreme long life spans, and they seem to be productive members of society.
  17. Well guys lets stop and think of the implications. Reincarnation is real. You die, but you WILL be reborn, and your memory of past lives CAN be retrieved. What if an Animancer studied and found a way to say, key a soul so that when it died it would return as the same person? We know it can be done, Thaos is doing it. You just gave every living person effectively near eternal life. Or even just transfer memory from one person to another... wait Llengrath does that doesn't she? Boom, effectively you transferred an entire life of knowledge to a new person, who can get their own knowledge, and the next gets two lifetimes, etc etc. Either of these methods mean you don't have 50-60 years to study and enhance your magic, firearms, building techniques, agriculture.... you have hundreds. Imagine how quickly all the arts and sciences would expand even if only 100 people could get this treatment. These are two things we know Animancy CAN do, because they exist in game. Animancers just need to figure out how, and share this knowledge with people who don't think keeping the populace stupid, or living in a swap are good life choices. Also Animancy effects your "powers" remember? What if we studied Animancy from the perspective modern scientists study genetics? I can discover the "magic gene", and with a little soul tuning I can turn anyone into a potential wizard. The possibilities are pretty insane, and they far outshine the potential of any other science in Eora, hence why so many want to study it.
  18. Also again there is the gameplay use, sometimes combat gets really hectic, and as stupid as it sounds you can use big head mode to get a better view of who is where in some chaotic fights. I know this because I have done it before.
  19. You are sort of overlooking some critical truth's. You know, like how all magic, be it that of a cipher, or that of a wizard, is derived from the power of a persons soul. So while you could say "studying magic is a science", the source of magic is that persons soul, and Animancy is the study of soul manipulation. It isn't just about raising the dead, or creating horror golems. Just saying.
  20. First thing, I am saying why people like her in my opinion. Not why I like her character. For me it all about the fact that finally, we have a potential party member who is actually an animancer and may have more motivation for supporting animancy than.... "Well in Valia we study all sciences because we are more intelligent than you." As for Rogue, they say all that in this ancient update you dredged but that I am well aware of. I also know Eder (or was it Adair?) was originally a Fighter, changed to Rogue, than back to Fighter. Here is the cold hard truth though. What is the one rogue you get in Eternity? Devil of Caroc. What is Devil of Caroc? A murderer who goes from town to town slitting peoples throats and burning down their houses. A classic murder stab stab rogue who happens to be a robot sort of. You can't say "rogues are this and that" and then release the only rogue companion in game with a background that is totally different from a "front line shock trooper" and expect people to hold to the definition you originally claimed. It doesn't help that their bonus skills are in .... mechanics, and half their skills involve turning invisible, or breaking engagement. So you can claim they are whatever you want, but when you make them mechanically similar to a traditional D&D rogue, people will treat them as traditional rogues. Also I bet you a lot of min maxers will argue that Rangers are about as heavy hitter as a limp string pasta is. Edwin wise, I don't like him, never did. He is a bloody stain on the cobbles in my BG saves. Doesn't change the fact that many people interpreted her blurb this way.
  21. So in principle Ydwin could be 30 and look like 12, but it would be totally legal to **** her. Isn't that great, manga fans out there? Normally you are fairly reasonable but I have to ask, is something about this subject personal to you? Her character is not a teenager, not advertised as a teenager, doesn't look like a teenager, and as an elf who looks to be mid 20's at least, is probably in her 50's. So please, move past that, it simply is not true on any level, and it is sort of disturbing that you think anyone posting on these forums is a fan of child pornography. Does she look sort of "cute"? I guess? That doesn't change the fact that her backstory makes her sound like (to quote Cottonwolf) "a death obsessed animancer". Nothing about being an Animancer is cute, or did you hate the lady with the undead Cat in Eternity 1 for being a cute girl anime trope? Because she probably has more in common with Ydwin than any other character in the series to this point. For the record, the negative feedback based on nothing but her cute girl that looks vaguely anime design has always vastly outweighed anything else about her on the forum. To the point that the only group frothing at the mouth over Ydwin, is the group that hates her based purely on her appearance.
  22. Tbh we know her backstory which is very interesting but the sad truth is that most people went ape**** about her for fapping reasons Okay let's take a moment to be fair and insert some perspective. People were excited for a number of reasons. Her design, regardless of however many people will swear up and own it is "anime", is actually very good. Her background makes her out to be one of those potentially crazy Edwin type characters which was really absent in Eternity 1. Durance is really just a self absorbed ****, and Hiravias is just a horndog. Neither are really that slightly crazy, but definitely evil, mix. She is the only pale elf team member of any variety, and lots of people like pale elves. No, mercs you hire at the inn don't count. She is the only person who can be a rogue at level one other than Eder. Unlike Eder, it actually makes sense for her to have rogue levels. This is potentially the biggest reason for those of us who care about the lore of the game, she is the only party member option from either game that is actually an Animancer. A profession you REALLY should have had represented in Eternity 1's party, since most of your team didn't care, or was against it. In fact, was anyone other than Pallegina pro animancy? Yes, promancers wanted a female elf option. Get over it So yeah, there are some good reasons people liked her as a character and wanted her to be more than a sidekick.
  23. Well.... you asked for it. Special thanks to Penett on Tumbler for that really cool Durance fan art I used.
  24. Well that's a bad example, as there is a great reason why you need an "at ease" stance and it's gameplay based. Simply put, it's a indicator to show you are locked in / out of combat. Example: A fight goes poorly, your team is getting beat down, you decide to take the better part of valor. How do you know when you have run far enough away that you escaped combat? Easy: Your characters switch to their "at ease" stance. The reason I have a problem with walk toggle is this. For a feature to be included in a video game it needs to meet one of two requirements. 1: You need it for gameplay reasons, your game will just be missing some feature or function it requires without this thing. Example: The earlier thing about at ease versus ready for combat stance. 2: It is a really cool, fun feature, that may not be needed for gameplay, but it adds something fun that is worth the investment. Example: Bif the Understudy. Thanks to Bif you could kill critical NPC's without the plot being broken. You could have done this by simply making those characters unkillable, but Bif is funnier. A walk toggle does neither of these things. It isn't needed for gameplay, and like I said somewhere before, player metrics are going to tell you the vast majority of players want to move faster in top down RPGs. So moving slower is not considered "fun" by most players. PS: Why is someone comparing a league of legends character who is huge to anything in Eternity? Your characters will be too small on screen to make out much detail of any movement animation they have, much less how they hold their wrists, or expression. Also now you want, not just walking animations, but unique walking animations for specific characters????
  25. Lol okay stahp guys. This is not a pirate game. Will it have pirates? Yes. Will you get the option to side with them? Yes. Can you sort of behave like a pirate? Yes. Can you also join forces with any number of other factions who are not pirates, don't act like pirates, and may or may not even have a ton of interaction with the pirates? Also yes. That said there is one major city (not run by pirates), but there is one significant town called Dunnage.... and well..... yeah dirty pirates.... So while it isn't a pirate game, they will be there, though I doubt they will be central to the main plot.
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