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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. So meanwhile, Fluffle you never really mentioned how much involvement you had with the island or if you were able to put in many ideas for it. Obviously no spoilers, but did you get as much as you hoped for?
  2. Pretty sure Obsidian has said they realize they mishandled the backer NPC's and messages from the first game, and this time it will be far more strict and subtle. I think the best way to handle it may even be as simple as creating a "backer content" flag, and for any character in game who is only there as a backer npc and not part of something bigger, they just click that flag on. Then make an in game setting you can turn on or off, and if you turn it off the characters with that flag simply don't appear in your game. Probably a little too late for something like that but whatevs.
  3. I think the main issue was like most said, Iovara was used largely as a story dump, and Obisidian did a maybe too good a job of razzle dazzling the player with the gods are not real stuff. It was very easy to get stuck on that and not actually look at the real difference and cause of conflict between those two characters.
  4. That ship needs more cowbell Fluffle. Also a blue orlan being the first mate of a pink ship would be ironic.
  5. Why are you even doing a poll to change the name. It is likely too late to to change anyway. Do like the kitty logo though, very stylish.
  6. Lol this thread is such an overreaction. Yes they can get immunities to the lowest level of afflictions, so can some other classes. Also, LOWEST LEVEL, they are not immune to all afflictions. You also have to sacrifice other talents to do this, so yeah, if you want a fighter who is nothing but a "I don't go down and I hold the line" character you can make them hella good at that. They however will never be that, and be better single target dps than a rogue, or better aoe dps than a barb, or a better party buffer/support than a paladin. You are literally complaining because the fighter is the best tank, which is exactly what the overall design of the fighter is intended to be. This is called working as intended in developer speak.
  7. Reading this is pretty interesting. Some of you had pretty over the top reactions to Iovara especially. She was definitely altruistic, and even mentions she is not sure her actions are the right thing, but she can't "live a lie". Thaos is also altruistic but in the worst way. They are basically two sides of the same coin, Iovara believes people deserve to know and make their own choice even though she is not sure it is the safest path. At heart she basically "trusts people to do the right thing", or at the very least believes in people. Thaos doesn't trust people at all, and thinks the gods are needed to keep them in line, and his work is required to prevent them from ever learning things they should not. He has no problem killing hundreds if it is for the greater good, all to insure the safest path. That's the real crux of the difference between those two characters, and why they are opposites. One person trusts others and thinks they deserve the right to make mistakes and learn from them. The other does not trust people, and thinks people should not be allowed to make mistakes for their own good.
  8. Eh I "should" be able to make it if I gun it home from work. We shall see!
  9. Cruelty implies the intent to do something nasty or unkind for the sake of the action itself, or self satisfaction. A ruler whose country is starving and poor rations his food because he has to, he knows some people may die or become sick because of this, but if he doesn't his nation will run out of food. Knowing something negative will result from your actions doesn't make you cruel or evil for committing that action, it is the intent that matters. Rymrgand does not intentionally do cruel things for his own satisfaction, all evidence indicates he is not a particularly emotional being at all and gets no real satisfaction from much of anything. "He" does it because it is part of the natural order of life, and he got assigned the job of enforcing it. There is no evidence to indicate he gets any joy out of it. So by definition Rymrgand is not cruel, because he gets no personal satisfaction from it. Or to put it more case in point, this is difference between cold/ruthless and cruel. One assassin is paid to kill a person, they hunt them down, track them to a good ambush point, and shoot them one time in the head killing them. While they are there they see someone witnesses the killing, so they also kill that person with one shot to the head. Assassin two is paid to kill a person, the hunt them down, track them to their home while their kids are there, they force the victim to watch while they kill the victims kids, them they slash the victims wrist and watch as they slowly bleed out. Can you tell who is cruel in this example?
  10. Not sure why people think Rymrgand is evil. He is at his core, an expression of the natural cycle of decay over time. A blizzard is not evil, people might die because of it, homes might be destroyed, but that is just a natural result of the blizzard, the blizzard is not out to cause those things.
  11. This is actually great for explaining the D&D methodology of alignment. You split it into two answers though. Lawful: You give them accurate directions to the parliament. Neutral: You probably give them directions if you know them, but you aren't particularly concerned if they are perfect. If you dislike the person you probably refuse. Chaotic: Maybe you give directions, maybe you don't, maybe they are accurate, maybe they aren't. It depends on whether you like the guy or feel incentivized pretty much. Good: You also tell them, uh this has to go to city hall, not parliament. Neutral: Maybe you tell them to go to city hall instead, assuming you know that, but you gave them the info they wanted so *shrug* Evil: You omit that they have to go to city hall, and depending on law/chaos/etc maybe even lie and say they have to go to some fake non existent office that doesn't exist.
  12. Now who's the monster Not whoever sacrificed Zahua. You guys need to abandon the D&D alignment concepts, it really does not apply well to Eternity. By D&D terms Grieving Mother would be nuetral evil, because she thought mind raping a bunch of people into force loving their hollowborn children was okay. Even to the point that her compulsion caused one parent to literally work themselves to death taking care of the hollowborn kid. But does neutral evil really "encompass" that, or explain it adequately? No. That said if you killed Eder it isn't 7 companions and 4 side kicks, it is 6 companions, your bad taste in killing Eder, and 4 sidekicks.
  13. Uh that doesn't count cause he was possessing a statue that has no dangly bits.
  14. I assure you despite forum bragging, the vast majority of players never touch path of the damned, probably not even veteran. In all games, regardless of genre, most players play at normal settings, because they are playing for fun not to "be challenged".
  15. I expect traps to be retooled before launch. Any triggered trap, where you fail a save, no long causes injuries. It's just instant perma death for the character instead, as this is more realistic.
  16. IT Project Manager Don't take this the wrong way, but my experience with IT Program Managers says they are not the best people to go to for a "sane, well thought out, development process that will stay on schedule".
  17. The game got delayed, they don't owe any backers jack squat as a result. The end. What do they owe the backers? To eventually release the game, in the best state they can possibly release it in, and to make sure it meets all the of disclosed campaign goals as humanly possible if not all of them period. Nothing I have seen implies they aren't going to do that, so keep your knickers on.
  18. Big nope, nope, nopers, no way good sir. I can't believe you are even using eye tracking in kingdom come, seems like a silly technology in it's infant stages for gaming at best.
  19. Really is it even that big a delay? What is it, three weeks? A month? No biggy. I like how some posters are pointing out the silver lining, like it gives more time to perfect your Eternity 1 saves, or despite not being able to play for an extended time means they will come back to a better patched version of the game.
  20. Don't worry, Orlans are supposed to look creepy. You should probably look up Jason Seow and try converting all of his, no one ever made better Eternity custom portraits than he did.
  21. Okay guys lets play a game, It is called Orlan Baby. The orlan baby was a side quest. Yes, a SIDE QUEST. It has nothing to do with the main story at all,and could easily be totally skipped. You could have resolved it by killing the baby, giving the baby to the son, I think it is possible to get the guy to accept the baby, or just killing everyone and keeping the baby for yourself. If you did not do that last option, there is no way you should see the baby in Eternity 2. Guess what the baby is confirmed for eternity 2. Let's not even go into the potential impact of Raedric's Hold, did you sacrifice an aloth, or all sorts of other totally optional side quests. Like I said, either the creator is going to be hella long, complex, and extremely spoilery for Eternity 1, or very few choices actually matter in Eternity 2. Both are pretty big negatives in my opinion.
  22. This has been answered a number of times. The default option where you do not import a save will let you make all your major choices that have big impact. Will it ask you how you resolved say... the situation with the rival hunter clans in twin elms? Probably not. Will it be somewhat possible that might come up in game? Maybe, hard to tell. I seriously doubt every possible thing that could come up in eternity 2 will be in the "save builder", otherwise there would be no incentive to import from the first game. Additionally if everything were in it would mean one of two things. 1: The build a save was really short, and very little actually imported which would suck. Or 2: the build a save would take forever and a day and massively spoil many things from Eternity one beyond even the main plot.
  23. I tried playing monster hunter world, but then I went to the canteen and had the meowscular chef cook up a meal. Days later all I can remember is a flurry of salt and pepper, dancing cats, and an exquisitely placed bit of garnish.
  24. Well April is in the middle of what we consider the Spring in the United States, so it is as good a guess as any.
  25. My 15-year old rebel deserves a kick in the balls. And most diplomats are probably pretty accepting. Part of the job to be flexible. The people I still talk to and network with from university who went into politics or foreign diplomacy are pretty adaptable. That said I'm a bureaucrat and we're known to be small and rigid people. :D You should both join me in the private sector where you can get away with a sweater vest, jeans, and any shoes you want. As long as you understand every meeting is critical, at least until the next meeting happens, and you need to know your audience unless you are highly ranked then you can be a jerk and an absolute neophyte at any given subject and it is okay. Also 15 year old Karkarov's reaction to that guy and his clothing would have been way worse than modern Karkarov. I can be a (non profanity based comment indicating not always a nice person that gets censored for some reason) these days, but by comparison to teenager me I am a saint.
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