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Everything posted by Shardbearer

  1. As a feature I'd not be using I'd rather the resources go to making as good a single player campaign as possible...
  2. I always enjoy this, it makes attaining those weapons so much more meaningful.
  3. The entire time I was reading that I was reminded of Mat Cauthon from the Wheel of Time.
  4. Link actually used to bug me out a bit, but I got used to it quickly
  5. Ah, consider me slightly more aware now, thank you.
  6. Large bows and arrows, crossbows, Scorpions even, and I guess Cannons. I would NOT be meleeing something that large. That guy in the picture is facing the wrong direction.
  7. You know, my problem is not with the opinion of "I personally never use feature X, so I really wouldn't get much out of it being in the game." This is a 100% valid opinion. Where it gets annoying is more where people who don't care for feature X go to great lengths to try to justify how that particular tiny piece of the game will completely ruin the game for everyone by sapping resources, while at the same time championing other features that equally take resources. The same argument could literally be made for any feature that exists. If it's a feature you wouldn't like, just be honest and say you wouldn't like it.
  8. I agree, that seems like it should be a pretty simple option implement in character creation I'd imagine. Disclaimer: I have 0 knowledge of programming, and thus apologize for my ignorance if this actually would be difficult to implement.
  9. Whoever originally suggested the mechanic of exhaustion making your abilities/spells less effective, instead of traditional mana, I really, really, like this idea. It seems to more directly reflect how magic tends to work in novels. Maybe some spells, such as abilities like teleportation, actually have a exhaustion cut-off level where you cease to be able to cast it. This idea sounds really really good..
  10. That's my point, if armor can be functional and ornamental in real life, it can certainly have both qualities in game. I guess what I'm trying to better enunciate is that it seems like some people don't want any armor that doesn't look like something already created in real life. I'm just saying it is possible to accomplish the goals of looking good and being functional with original designs as well. I'm not disagreeing with you.
  11. To whomever you are gifting to, you are an awesome friend and/or family member.
  12. Very well put, I'm most likely in exactly the same position as you. However it endlessly bugs me others who have no interest in MP make blanket statements that it shall ruin the game and never should be included just because they have no interest in it.
  13. Just because some decorative armor was used in real life does not necessarily make it any more functional than armor designed to look decorative and functional in a fantasy world. I only request it to be functional within the confines of the created world.
  14. For those who keep comparing multiplayer co-op to shooters and recent actions rpg's, this is a poor comparison. Co-op in BG 1-2 was not a separate game. It was the single player campaign, with both of your characters in the same party.
  15. That's a very good point and I'm more and more liking the idea of just making a single player game now and possibly adding in co-op support post launch, so that way nothing in the original game is there for the sake of MP.
  16. I definitely agree, it would have been a monumental undertaking.
  17. I'm honestly of the persuasion that everything should happen in game. Or with small narrations, but they're not necessary.
  18. Big decisions like the rachni queen and such ended up being fairly pointless, but all the small details carrying over all 3 games were quite impressive. Being approached and thanked by an NPC character in a bar and having to thoroughly scratch my head before realizing it was someone I saved in the first game years ago was pretty cool.
  19. The ending controversy of Mass Effect 3 had nothing to do with inadequate resources, it had to do with a conscious decision for the direction of the ending by the people making the game. An entirely separate team made the co-op portion of the game, and the the SP was quite long in itself.
  20. I like the idea someone had previously stated that perhaps multiplayer can be an added feature post-release. Purely for these reasons, I enjoyed playing Baldur's Gate 2 with friends, but if you don't play it the first time by yourself you are hamstringing your experience. For each co-op character in your party, that's one less NPC companion, which means less dialogues and less story tied in. In my opinion, memorable characters and character arcs make up a significant portion of the story enjoyment and if you have a party full of co-op players you'll be missing out on a significant portion of the game. It would be fun for later play-throughs, but I'm going to be playing the first few play-throughs solo.
  21. They have in fact already mentioned carrying over to further adventures if we can support the game that far.
  22. Oh right! THAT'S the series I've been meaning to read, since the Suvudu fantasy cage match with Kylar Stern. I completely forgot the title though, thanks for reminding me of it.
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