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Everything posted by Infinitron

  1. That's because it's pretty obviously intentional. They want you test all those levels.
  2. Dude, don't try to force it
  3. To return the original topic, I have another idea for motivating players to keep their characters conscious. When a character runs out of stamina and falls, have him (very slowly) lose health until he gets revived or the battle ends. (My inspiration for this is Blackguards, where you had a limited number of turns to heal a fallen character before he went off the battlefield permanently). This is a more punitive solution than my previous idea, but it'll prevent those cheesy situations where you keep fallen characters "in reserve" until you're ready to heal them.
  4. "More fun" is a pretty compelling reason though
  5. A suggestion for an optional option in the options menu! "Tab on pause", which when enabled makes all enemy statistics appear when you pause in combat, just like when you hit the tab key. Because that's usually when you want to see all that information to decide on your next move, anyway.
  6. It feels like an Infinity Engine game, but more like one made by Black Isle as opposed to Bioware, which is to be expected.
  7. The point of this kind of trailer isn't so much to prevent players from making mistakes. It's to demonstrate the depth of the system, and all the archetypes it can create.
  8. Not really, no. Iron manning is thrilling in all games. This is a revelation? O_o (Obviously, saving and quitting between sessions, and then reloading to where you stopped is permitted.)
  9. Look, it's very simple. RPGs allow you to rest in towns. The fact that RPGs allow you to rest in towns means that battles in town lack a strategic context. It means you'll never arrive at a town battle after having suffered through a long, difficult dungeon slog that wore away your health, daily abilities, consumables and other resources. Therefore, if individual town battles are on the same difficulty level as dungeon battles, those battles will actually be significantly easier. This is not something that is unique to the design of Pillars of Eternity. This is a problem in almost every RPG of this type. You're acting like Sawyer has "created" some problem here. He hasn't created anything. In this case, he's taking the traditional template and working with it. He's doing exactly what you wanted him to do with this game. Now, I'm sure that not literally every battle in town will be super-tough. If you ambush a peasant in some alley, he'll be weak. But the scripted battles, the quest-related battles? Those should be difficult.
  10. It's what everybody should like. What exactly are you suggesting as a solution, anyway? Not allowing people to rest in towns so that the difficulty of encounters can "safely" be scaled down? Or maybe the game should just be less difficult than it could be. Who's dumbing down our games now, eh? (Seriously, this is an incredibly dumb argument. I can't believe you guys are saying these things.)
  11. I'm comparing it to something you're supposed to like. Whether or not PoE's city fights are actually inspired by BG2 is a different matter. It's not a problem if the outcomes are positive. From my perspective, higher difficulty is always a positive outcome.
  12. If it makes anybody feel better, I can guarantee you that there are people who loathe Wasteland 2 just as much as you do Pillars of Eternity. There isn't a single Kickstarter that doesn't have a vocal "betrayed backer" contingent.
  13. Are you on a retainer for the man? I'm an optimist. Also, I remember a little game called Baldur's Gate 2 which was all about crazy-tough battles that took place in a city. It seems like a strange thing for the BG2-loving, PoE-hating crowd to complain to about.
  14. Fights are easy: "Sawyer is ruining our game!" Fights are hard: "Sawyer is ruining our game!" lol I welcome difficulty wherever it comes. You're in a town. When things get violent in a town, that means some serious **** is going down.
  15. I think you are overreacting. Fact is, in towns you are most likely to meet enemy NPC parties, which are typically among the most formidable classes of fights in low level Infinity Engine combat.
  16. This is accounted for: http://new.spring.me/#!/JESawyer/q/469557999036295539
  17. http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/96817033871/while-the-innovative-classes-chanter-cipher More: http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/96818129491/whats-the-rationale-behind-not-including-a-weapons
  18. It's been known for some time that the Pillars of Eternity system is essentially a kind of 3E/4E hybrid (more like the former in terms of class ability differences)
  19. They could make downed character's fatigue level rise, which would make their efficiency drop after each downing. Actually, I think I've come up with the most straightforward solution. Make regenerating your stamina from unconsciousness cost a larger chunk of your health than healing the equivalent of amount of regular stamina damage does. This will simulate the fact that in D&D, resurrection spells are rarer/more valuable than regular healing spells. I think you might be suffering from an existential crisis. All life leads to death! Why bother going on? It doesn't matter if it's your health bar, or your precious store of healing spells and health potions.
  20. MOAR JOSH: http://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/96797312221/so-after-examining-poes-health-stamina-system-it
  21. Yeah, like I said, it's really the same thing as deciding to "write off" a fighter in D&D so that your clerics can focus on blasting the enemies with Flamestrikes instead. In both cases you decide that spending more healing resources on the character isn't worthwhile. "If I cast a healing spell on you now you'll just lose that health again, and then I'll have to heal you again afterwards!"
  22. What the game could do is provide you with some positive reinforcement for finishing a battle conscious. Something similar to the bonus you get at an inn (but with a shorter duration). Or, maybe it could remove the bonus you got at the inn if you do fall unconscious.
  23. Well, and I actually classified that as non-DG in my OP. The concept of "tanking" I have no problem with (though people should stop complaining that their tank is then losing all of his health haha ). The main DG-related problem with the Health/Stamina concept IMO is the disincentivization of healing. Yeah, but what I'm saying is that it isn't so fundamentally different from say, a fighter in D&D who suicidally runs into a swarm of mobs so that they cluster around him, allowing the spellcasters of the party to blast them all with an area effect spell after he dies (instead of healing him). It's a suicide tactic. Maybe it's too useful and overpowered a tactic now, especially if you're willing to run back to town to rest each time you use it. Maybe it isn't. I haven't played enough to be sure.
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