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Everything posted by Infinitron

  1. Oh hi there: http://store.steampowered.com/app/650670/Grimoire__Heralds_of_the_Winged_Exemplar/
  2. New video here: https://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/06/15/cannibals-slaves-dead-children-catching-pillars-eternity-ii-e3/
  3. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/92761-306-live-on-steam-gog-and-origin/
  4. https://twitter.com/TyrannyGame/status/874552207110275075
  5. https://twitter.com/TyrannyGame/status/873945585732243457
  6. https://steamdb.info/app/291650/history/?changeid=3067596
  7. Oh hai there https://twitter.com/TyrannyGame/status/873574749552640000
  8. Don't think about it in terms of reducing complexity or increasing the ease of gaining a true understanding of the underlying mechanics. Think about it in terms of SPEED. Getting through character creation as quickly as possible. Shapes allow you to select the value of several stats with a single click. CLICK and off we go into the game. I believe the basic motive here is that visually overwhelming, time-intensive character creation sequences scare people away from RPGs. It doesn't really matter so much how "difficult" the underlying mechanics are. The real problem is that you have to spend a significant amount of time comprehending and then manipulating a wall of numbers before you get to play the game, regardless of the true difficulty/complexity of the system they represent (although of course those things are correlated to an extent).
  9. Companions are typically among the last things to be written in an Obsidian RPG.
  10. https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3807509&userid=17931&perpage=40&pagenumber=5#post472394599
  11. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/160375258916/is-the-per-rest-empower-resource-still-a-thing
  12. https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3807509&userid=17931&perpage=40&pagenumber=4#post472057845
  13. Yep, like I said, the idea of having both a per-rest and per-encounter resource, with the latter being tied to a stat (per-class!) that also determines ability power and more, seems a bit over-elaborate, so it wouldn't surprise me if something gets the axe.
  14. As far as I know, the per-rest "power points" and these per-encounter resource points are two different things. One is a resource cost for using abilities, the other is a resource for boosting their power. Although if this per-encounter resource concept is a new thing, it wouldn't surprise me if the per-rest power point concept gets cancelled or folded in to it somehow. Maybe. If I'd seen that post on its own, I'd assume that Zeal, Discipline etc. are different names for the power points that can be used to empower per-encounter abilities. But on the screenshot, we can see that abilities seem to have Zeal costs just to use. Something doesn't add up. There's a name for those per-rest power points. They're explicitly called "Empower", and they were described as causing an ability to function as if the user's Power Source (such as Zeal or Discipline) was N points higher. It would therefore be unusual if Empower was the same thing as those Power Source-derived points. More importantly, going from the screenshot it would seem to imply that the game had backtracked on making almost all of its abilities per-encounter and not per-rest, as there's no mention of the ability's Zeal cost being optional. So my assumption until shown otherwise is that it's not the same thing.
  15. No I didn't. Achilles, I get the feeling you've made a bunch of assumptions about the way this game this work which haven't been verified. You're spreading misinformation by assuming this know-it-all stance. Not to mention being kind of annoying.
  16. As far as I know, the per-rest "power points" and these per-encounter resource points are two different things. One is a resource cost for using abilities, the other is a resource for boosting their power. Although if this per-encounter resource concept is a new thing, it wouldn't surprise me if the per-rest power point concept gets cancelled or folded in to it somehow.
  17. The point is there's an important difference, feels-wise, between these two definitions of a Power Source. 1) Discipline: For every N points of Discipline, you gain an additional per-encounter use for all Fighter abilities. 2) Discipline: Your Discipline is the maximum value of the resource you spend to activate Fighter abilities in combat. You either start out with your Discipline resource at max at the beginning of every battle, or you have to build it up by some method the same way a Monk builds up Wounds and a Cipher builds up Focus. The former is what you'd expect given the way Fighters and most other classes worked in PoE1, and it seems to be the most natural understanding of the way Power Sources were described during the Fig campaign.
  18. I am still curious, do paladins start combat at:- 0 zeal, and can gain it (from attacking/casting or even passively over time) - m zeal, and can gain more - max zeal, but cannot gain any more (except for cost refunds) All classes start with 3 resource points and get 3 more at level up. The max for a level 20, single-class character is 60. There are charts and everything in update 7 Edit: to clarify, resource points are used to determine power level, which I believe is what's being showcased in that screenshot from Josh. Zeal of 9 means that Pallegina is either level 17 or 18 (or level 20 with a 3/1 multiclass split) That's not what he was asking. He was talking about how the Power Source works as a resource in combat.
  19. The concept of Power Sources was mentioned, but it wasn't stated to be a mana-like ability resource mechanic for martial classes.It seemed pretty clear to me that it was. Edit: the video was more explicit, but the following was taken from the text of update #7 "Every class has a Power Source, from Rage for barbarians to Arcane for wizards. The level of a Power Source determines what level abilities can be chosen from that class, the available resources (casts/uses) for related abilities, and the strength (damage, number of projectiles, etc.) of those abilities." Edit 2: 2:50-4:00 in the video for update 7 That description implies that the Power Source was meant to determine the number of uses per ability. Not that it itself was a global mana-like resource for all abilities.
  20. The concept of Power Sources was mentioned, but it wasn't stated to be a mana-like ability resource mechanic for martial classes.
  21. https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3807509&userid=17931&perpage=40&pagenumber=4#post472019782
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