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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. oh I know! what about The Watchers' Monoliths brought to you by a band from the Dyrwood
  2. I hope you guys announce who the contract writer is in the big update - that's a pretty important position.
  3. George's contract ended in May (6 months). If they do not fill the Contract Writer position (probably the hardest position to fill), I think they will hire him again to do some more writing. AFAIK he's doing pretty good as a Contractor - he got 6 months work on Eternity, and he's also got Torment and that P&P game, as well as some other stuff lined up he can't talk about. Going for the Contract Writer position at Obsidian would not be a good choice for him because it would impact his work on Torment (where he gets to do Area Design, which is something he wanted to do on Eternity but didn't get to) and it's a risk because it doesn't offer the best job security. He's already been laid off by Obsidian twice because he's lower on the food chain than Chris Avellone and Eric Fenstermaker. My guess is that he will probably remain independent until a full-time position with job security comes his way.
  4. I would be *very* surprised to see a lengthy gameplay video like Wasteland 2 or Shadowrun Returns (12-20 mins long) but I have a feeling they might have a short combat demo or something in the range of a few minutes. A while ago they were doing presentations inside the studio to members of other teams that were not familiar with isometric RPGs (such as that Roby guy) Otherwise I can think of: New screenshots UI Alpha (UIv3) Music Backer website They will already have something planned, if anything it will be a semi-rehearsed to rehearsed short video. You can bet that the core four classes will be in the video (Fighter, Rogue, Wizard, Priest). Of the other classes I think the Monk and the Cipher are two 'flashy' classes that would be cool to show off.
  5. They are modded, and the headband is broken and the soldering on the custom cable has come a bit loose on both drivers. The drivers and housing are both fine. I used to also have an Alessandro MS-Pro. Should never have sold it.
  6. I wonder if the Obsidian Order will be a selectable 'reward' in the Backer Portal.
  7. If any of the devs still read this thread In this bit of the Q&A Hector mentioned he critiqued outsourced (art)work. Out of interest what kind of stuff have you had to outsource ? (besides some of the Kickstarter campaign art) We know that Wasteland 2 had that Unity Store thing where they got people to do 3D models and they bought them from the Unity store and in the latest DFA Episode they mentioned that they had to outsource a bunch of their animation because they only have a couple of animators (although they aren't exactly a shining example of good project management). Do you mean just buying art assets from the Unity store or have you had to actually commission some stuff to be made as well ?
  8. In that light though, can we choose to obscure target "DCs" or "ACs" in the combat log on top of disabling the stat pop-ups to make it like the Infinity Engine games (my suspicions tell me that by default Eternity will show the target values for rolls).
  9. I am mostly talking about the other two screenshots which use as you said, the same two species of trees. Not all forests are like that though - in this example I can see at least four different species of trees. Where I live, the surrounding bushland is populated with an array of native trees (mind you, I live in Australia, so that's wildly different to the type of landscape of Eternity ... but it is in the southern hemisphere ) Ironbark, Greybox, Yellowbox, Redbox, Ghost Gum to name a few - all fairly distinctive of one another. I was inquiring as to whether it was a stylistic choice, a budget choice or if the trees etc are placeholder.
  10. Pillars could also be referring to the Pillars of Adra, which probably play an integral role in the story of the game.
  11. More about the style and shapes than the size. Be nice to see a few different trees. This issue can also be handled by the greyboxing or whatever that determines the pathable area of the map. It was handled well in densely forested areas in BG1 - Larswood for instance.
  12. This might seem a bit of a weird thread but I can't help but notice that the trees in the Pillars of Adra screenshot and the Stronghold screenshot are all of the same types of trees, rotated with different branches and stuff. This is not an OH MY GOD THE TREES ARE ALL THE SAME thread (okay, well maybe it is a little) but I thought that a topic about the types of trees found in the Dyrwood and Eir Glanfath would be interesting. http://www.rpgcodex.net/gallery/10493.jpg http://media.obsidian.net/eternity/media/updates/0065/pe-adra-wilderness.jpg Whereas in the Waterfall scene we have much taller, different style trees - which probably means the forest around that area has a lot of old growth, hundreds to thousands of years old - whereas the ones in the above screenies look like they're all quite young - under 100 (War of the Black trees?) http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/eternity.gamepedia.com/f/f5/PE-TempleEntrance01-1920x1080.jpeg I was wondering is the flora of the visitable areas something that is documented ? - such as tree types etc, are tree models something that you outsource (ie. purchase from a repository, I think the BG games used pre-made tree models) and what kind of range can we expect from the final game? Out of all of the screenshots I think we've only seen four types of trees. Here is an example from (and excuse the horrible BG:EE screenshot, but all the vanilla ones are sub 400px) Baldur's Gate - I think the game too place in Autumn, so there are trees with different colored leaves here. But there's a bit more variation in tree types, shapes and sizes (even though it was pretty much just paste in the same models over and over) it worked and gave a good wilderness and foresty feel - I'm not really feeling the same from the Eternity screenies so far anyway. Can we expect a bit more variation of tree models, shapes and sizes in other areas / in the final product ?
  13. Shrug. X of Y is kind of bland, but what you gonna do. I guess it worked for Age of Empires The acronym doubles up with Path of Exile too lol. Tbh plain Eternity would be better. Unless Eternity is the franchise and Pillars is just the name of the first game.
  14. Interviews are good fill-in updates, there's still a few long-time members of the team we haven't met yet . Was looking forward to this one.
  15. Does this replace the bonus to melee accuracy that it was stated they had a while ago ?
  16. Fair enough, and yes it's definitely a 'computer game' thing.
  17. IE games had hit reactions, they interrupted movement, spellcasting, all sorts of stuff. The default ones were short. It would be weird if Eternity didn't have them. I know a lot of newer games don't have them but that's something that I think is a regression. DotA 2 style game - yeah okay fair enough but in this style of game, yes please. They only need to be short like the IE ones.
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