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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. You still don't get it. The whole point of Expert Mode is to provide a mode that provides that "horrible old-school method of obfuscation" as well as enables the more punishing gameplay elements that retards like me enjoy. There are a big enough crowd of us to warrant it's input, especially over at the RPG Codex. Even the lead designer Josh Sawyer thinks obfuscation stinks, but the mode is being provided regardless. It does not matter whether hiding the Defense scores or skill check threshholds are better or worse, it's about providing that old-school, more hardcore experience. Expert Mode is not a 'selection of help and hardcore' it is 95-100% of help settings off, as the devs described it. This is obviously something that you do not like, and I have no doubt that Expert Mode will not be for you. Way to cast a null vote. I also think the name of the mode is a bit confusing, there's obviously a few people who "want to be experts" but want the transparency. Congratulations - default settings for you. Classic Mode would be a better name IMO. The settings are fully modular. Instead of ticking Expert Mode at the start you just go and untick all of the options you don't want and leave on the ones you do. So instead of ticking Expert Mode when you start a game, you just start a normal game, and go into the options and disable the conversation stuff that you want disabled and keep the combat help on. Simple. Expert Mode is an all or nothing mode that can only be enabled before starting the game and it cannot be turned off.
  2. We will have to disagree, hiding the feedback only dumbdown the few tactical elements we have, it's a con which out weight by far your supposed sense of discovery. What you suggest should be implemented(maybe it already is?) through the "bestiary", which you will fill up through reading books, conversation and/or combat. If that isn't enough UI transparency is your friend. Already said I'm not going to read it. You already have what you want - the default settings and you go and vote yes, show me stats in Expert mode ... lol. Many people get confused. BGT/BG Tutu and BG:EE show Health Approximations because they use the BG2 engine. BG1 does not show them.
  3. We don't know many of the skills yet Confirmed skills: Stealth, Mechanics, Athletics, Survival. Look up the D&D 4E handbook and you've probably got a bunch of other candidates.
  4. No. If I already know the DT, Vulnerabilities, Accuracy & Defenses of an enemy, then I can look at the stat popup and go oh okay - I see what I need to do here. That is exactly what I do not want. I want to figure it out for myself. That way if I am doing it wrong to begin with I can try different tactics and find something that works, and I find that more satisfying than being told all of that information up front. I already know the system design (the publicly known stuff) very well, probably better than most people here. The system design is intuitive so it shouldn't be too much of a problem. I would rather come up with my own solutions to combat challenges without having knowledge of the enemy defenses/stats as I think it allows for more creativity, it is more immersive and it is more challenging and fun. If something goes against the trends, such as a guy in light armor with a very high DT, I am not going to complain about that fact being obfuscated. I will accept it and deal with it. Like I did with the games of old.
  5. My bad I should have pre-empted this and posted my male portrait idea instead. I am actually interested in seeing what PE dwarves look like with the whole no affinity for beards thing.
  6. Baldur's Gate (1) does not. Took photo because cursor is not captured during Print Screen.
  7. Assuming that there is a space for an IWD1-IWD2ish amount of PC portraits in the game, I thought perhaps a brainstorm thread for what portraits (race, general appearance, 'class') people want to see would be cool. We do not know if we will be able to select companion portraits as our own and there will be at least 12 portraits being generated from Kickstarter Backer photos (7 x 3K backers and 5 x 10K backers, not counting Paypal). There may not actually be any spare portraits left after Companions + Backer portraits, but if there is then here is a place where we can generate ideas for the artists to look over if they wish. Devs will probably go by 'what is left' - what races/gender combinations are not covered, but anyway. To keep this thread sensible, please only post one or two suggestions, as this is something that is 'easy' to go crazy over I guess. I'll start it off, here is mine: Vailian Human Female, long straight black hair (let down). Finer, sharper features than the Godlike portrait. Wearing either some sort of fine cloth or leather armor (lighter armor style). Perhaps a 'sly' facial expression. Scar across one eye.
  8. I has an idea. Juuuust in case there are left over portraits after Companions, NPCs and Kickstarter Backers http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64618-pc-portrait-ideas/
  9. Ya think? No accounting for taste, I guess. I am not an artist. There's nothing wrong with simple but effective. Still managed to be better than every BG2 portrait made (except for the Irenicus and Bodhi ones).
  10. A couple of the BG1 portraits are really good - such as the Edwin one. But there are some less good ones as well. Btw that black chick is a godlike I'm 95% sure - look at her jawline - clearly peacøck style feathers are part of her face.
  11. I don't know what games you have been playing, but Baldur's Gate showed no health status of enemies and plenty of other RPGs before it also did not. Josh Sawyer would agree with you that feedback is good because it allows people that do not already have an in depth knowledge of the system to engage with it. Expert mode is a collection of settings that are forced to provide a more hardcore experience. If you don't like that you can: A) Do not tick expert mode B) Do not tick expert mode, and then go into the options settings and enable the hardcore features you want and leave the ones you don't want out. No Health feedback is already in for Expert mode whether you like it or not. What I am wondering is whether Defenses will be obfuscated from the combat log, because if this feature doesn't make it into expert mode then it most likely won't make it into the game. It would be fair to assume that if stat popups are disabled on enemies then their values *should* be hidden by the game (perhaps not the bestiary) but I'm not 100% sure. "The player should know these things" is not an invalid argument and that's why the default mode has exactly that. Your preference is actually the default setting. Why would you want to infect the hardcore setting with non-hardcore elements ?
  12. Personally I don't think they *beat* Icewind Dale. They are more detailed and a different style. I still very much appreciate the IWD designs. What he has done is taken the BG1 style to the next level.
  13. Also going by the schedule it looks like that first Press Demo will be ready by the end of November (Thanksgiving?) Assuming that the Milestones are all 6 weeks in length.
  14. Thats the area for the Backer-Beta. So no parts of the final PE would be revealed to the testers before the Game ships. I assume that if you have that knowledge you're part of the team or you're working on it. It's definitely a good idea. Cheers
  15. I have a question about the interior screenshot. What is Level_Loaded_Object ? Is that a 3D object in the area? Also on the screenshot it says that you plan to Outsource an medium-sized Exterior Area(s). In Hector Espinoza's Q & A he mentioned that he critiqued outsourced work. It would be interesting to hear about that.
  16. The game will give you that feedback on default. Expert mode will turn this stuff off, which is something I think a lot of the 'yes' voters fail to understand. Expert mode turns ALL help off (and locks it).
  17. I do not mind reloading if a character dies, that has been the acceptable norm for me in games since I started playing RPGs. If a character of yours gets killed, it simply means that you made a mistake and need to play better. One could argue that a lot of the stuff in the BG & IWDs revolved around a bit of a dice roll (such as saves) but most of the time you had to interrupt casters casting save or die spells or prepare the correct protective spells in advance. Some people find this tedious but I just accepted it as the standard, I do not have a problem with it as such. In Eternity these things have been removed. There's still some randomness but it's more controlled than in previous IE titles. One could argue these are better circumstances for Permanent Death (and there is also no Raise Dead). Eternity also has the Health and Stamina mechanic to further reduce the chances of permanent death of a character. Player controlled characters are given the equivalent of three lives before they start running low on Health resources. The difference between the people that intend to play with permanent death and maiming is that the Permanent Death crowd is either like me in the fact that they do not mind reloading if they made a mistake, and enjoy the more strict circumstances upon what is considered a failure OR they are part of the crowd that accepts companion death as a part of role-playing, and play on regardless. Whereas the maiming crowd does not enjoy the strict circumstances and are in favor of reducing the amount of reloading they have to do to get through the game while keeping their companions intact. It's good that we have options.
  18. No I'm pretty sure that's what it is already. If you go right back to the Kickstarter video Josh explains what he envisioned Expert Mode as and related it to Hardcore mode in Fallout: New Vegas and talks about turning 'help' off. Expert mode will enable the punishing gameplay elements (such as Permanent Death) so you have to pay more attention and turn all the help details off. I relate this to Baldur's Gate 1 because BG1 didn't give you much feedback about anything. Quests did not have quest names, they were simply quest entries in the Journal There was no feedback as to the remaining hit points of enemies Ability score checks in the dialogue were not highlighted "Influence" Modifiers with companions were never shown You have absolutely no idea about the offensive or defensive capabilities of enemies other than "Oh jeez, that guy just hit me on a roll of 4". So far all of these things are disabled in Expert Mode in Project Eternity - no quest names, no hit point feedback, ability score checks in dialogue are invisible, influence modifiers with companions are never shown and Accuracy/Defense tooltips on enemies are disabled.
  19. I distinctly remember seeing those 2E pics from the Player's Handbook for the first time. Ah the memories.
  20. Game won't be out until next year probably around July-August-September. When the Backer website is up (end of November) you might be able to purchase beta access. I don't see it in this screenshot but it might be further down as they were available during the Kickstarter for $25 (on top of the price of the game).
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