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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Warcraft 3 had a 60 FPS frame rate cap inbuilt into the engine. It had nothing to do with V-Sync. V-Sync is absolutely terrible anyway. adds so much mouse lag.
  2. I voted turn-based. Hail the RPGCodex. Screw RTWP Pussies. I do like RTwp but Torment is a story-based game and turn-based combat will be more meaningful and less filler.
  3. Agreed 110%. But, Unity games do not lock the framerate by default, so we should be fine.
  4. Wouldn't know about that. When a woman is wearing a metal plate on their chest their breasts are going to get smooshed regardless of their size. That said other armors, like robes or leather, won't have the same issue. I was talking about unarmored, but the recent screenshot looks fine.
  5. Pretty sure all tunics will be going down to thigh length, so it's not worth talking about ... but I'll answer your question 50 inches minimum circumference, of course.
  6. No it was probably their editor's decision. The chick who was there on the day had enough material to make an interesting piece, but there were probably bigger & better stories to broadcast on the day and that one got pushed back to a 30 second closer.
  7. I actually think the Magic Missiles are the worst effect of the lot, but it's hard to tell because it probably looks better in fast motion. The best magic missile spell effect is the original Baldur's Gate one, but it doesn't look as good in a still screen as the darker red orb surrounding the screen isn't very noticeable in motion, and I think it changes in size? But yeah I sincerely hope that Obsidian do not go down the "lens flare" style of spell effects for Eternity. This is another area where paying homage to the IE games will be good. Spells only need to have a distinctive, cool animation - they do not have to be flashy and use any special lighting technologies or anything.
  8. I agree. What David Simon says about journalism is really good, I love watching his lectures. I was interviewed at length at a Call of Duty eSports tournament by a local newspaper reporter. I gave them a lot of 'not for public knowledge stuff' and was interested in seeing what they would use for their story. When the story aired on TV they took something I said out of context to paint a picture of what they wanted to illustrate and it ended up being the exact opposite of what I was saying, hahah.
  9. Now now, don't get all defensive - I read the codex discussion about your disposition. You have to agree that #1: Coverage of Josh Sawyer's presentation was poor and #2 (actually you might not have been around for this) the coverage of the Wasteland 2 Gamescom thing was also pretty shallow. Have you read this ?
  10. I've come to find that the majority of gaming news sites are pretty ignorant. Look at the incredibly poor coverage of Josh Sawyer's GDC talk lol. There was a german article, a very brief US article and a couple of tweets. Very slack. Then there's the Wasteland 2 thingo that the RPG Codex went to. Brian Fargo did a demo in France or something showing off Wasteland 2, the only people that asked questions about the game were the RPG Codex guys, and they're not even journalists (as they're unpaid).
  11. I think it was a smart idea to leak the name of the game a few weeks beforehand to let people get used to the idea. It minimizes the amount of people going WTF PILLARS OF ETERNITY IS A **** NAME when the big update that announces the name comes.
  12. He actually sort of has a point. Not necessarily about being killed, but being allowed to rush through the dialogue/cancel cutscenes and get to the action on consecutive playthroughs. I know I don't read the BG dialogue on my 30th playthrough that's for sure.
  13. Well I certainly didn't think Baldur's Gate was non-sensical, and I'm sure you don't either. And once again, if you don't like obfuscation - you can just play without Expert Mode ticked and select the options that you like. This thread is about a very small and almost redundant part of obfuscation and it's something that has been done before, many times. Josh Sawyer's GDC slides do actually reveal that there may be a change in combat log presentation in Expert Mode (not expilicitly but in the difficulty slide there is "verbose combat log dumps vs simple dumps" that could mean anything from in normal mode you get the whole formula in the popup, to no hovering popups in the combat log). Now logically speaking, if you want to know about enemy defenses - you are going to want those stat popups, seeing Defenses in the combat log is redundant to that and the popups clearly display the information better. I can't for the life of me figure out why Mor was arguing that defenses should be shown in the log, when he's going to be playing with stat popups on - which you can't do in Expert mode. You can probably play with 90% of Expert Mode options ticked, and 10% of them unticked - who's going to care? No one.
  14. I agree about the flashiness of spell effects. I actually liked the BG2 ones the most. They're colorful but not over the top.
  15. Did the use of that image have anything to do with the fact that Shaggy is opening a door (well a Mummy Door) and in the screenshot the PCs are about to open a door to find a Nasty surprise?
  16. That's because it's PE's version of Globe of Invulnerability (not Arcane Veil).
  17. Btw, I don't think that's the in game worldmap. If it is it is placeholder. That's a Kaz sketch of the world map with screencaps of the area art (or assets inside an area shrunk) shrunk to icon size. The Wilderness area icons are painted and the scope of the map seems slightly too small to include another Big City - unless Big City #2 is Raedric's Hold. Also Dyrford is the Prototype village as it has a Water Mill.
  18. The original description of Edair is "a man who does not want to draw attention to himself". So he might simply be masquerading as a simple man.
  19. The underline idea of what have been suggested here is the same. For example, take this screen: Stream the text to the left with narration and change the image to the right. That image is actually a scripted interaction screen from the game. It's not part of any cinematic. There will be many of these in Eternity.
  20. No E stands for edit and that's probably what happens on normal mode. I would prefer values be displayed like the IE ... I'm not sure what Obsidian has done, they're neglecting to say atm.
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