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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. You can edit that grammar yourself in the game strings to fix it and upload it
  2. To make what? I've said this quite a few times but racial and cultural modifiers basically mean this Your stat minimum is 1-2 points higher/lower and your maximum is 1-2 points higher/lower That's not very interesting to me. I enjoy attributes, rarely do the systems create interesting choices (they do in games like Fallout etc). This system can be a different style of interesting to a game like Fallout or Age of Decadence, but it still needs work, and perhaps some constraint concession.
  3. I agree with his last bit, adding a system that doesn't matter is bad design.
  4. Please don't change the stock Moon Godlike female head, I really like it. Looks alien as fuark (awesome).
  5. One of the reasons why attributes are a bit disappointing is because the Lead Designer actually does not like attributes in general. He has in the past taken snipes at other designers who design the attribute system before the rest of the game systems and in the case of Pillars of Eternity has done the opposite. All of the game systems were in place before he decided to design attributes. While not necessarily a bad thing per se, these facts alone are part of the reason why attributes feel inconsequential in general. I believe he is also not interested in attributes having much of an impact. An example: A Level 1 PE Fighter gets +25 Accuracy, but the maximum accuracy you can get from Dex is +20. In D&D, at first level your attribute basically determines how good you are at stuff. Fighters get a +1 to BAB (or Thaco in 2E) but they get up to +5 attack bonus from Strength in D&D (and I think -3 to THACO from a 18/00 STR in 2E) - much more than a +1 at 1st level. INT probably has the most impact atm, but that's mostly due to AoE Sizes actually scaling properly with attributes, whereas the others don't really make as much of a difference as that. Some sort of staggered point buy would make Racial and Cultural bonuses matter, so that their +1/+2/-1 is "worth more" than the sum of their points. I made some threads a while ago about Attribute Theory if anyone is interested in historicals: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64712-attribute-theory/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64891-attribute-questionnaire/ You can also see what the attribute system looked like previously. One of the issues with the attribute design is that they are kinda D&D inspired, but not really. Josh has taken defenses out of the mix, inspired by D&D 4th and 5th editions. Action Speed is tied into the armor system. This leaves us with very few combat stats to play around with. Karkarov keeps going on about how a five attribute system would be better, but six attributes are pretty much locked in due to their use in scripted interactions and dialogues. I believe this system can be done properly, it just takes a bit of thinking and perhaps some concessions of the design constraints listed in the linked threads.
  6. The AI actually is the reason why you don't need to put any CON on ranged characters, pretty much nothing ends up attacking them. Not exactly the case in the IE games, ESPECIALLY in BG2 where you had fear, hold, confusion, smart AI targeting, and all sorts of nasty save or bad things happen effects and stuff.
  7. It is a bad thing as it's a really short adventuring day. Reducing the amount of Health damage that you take per hit (currently 1:4 or 25%) is a way to make Health more of an actual daily resource. Currently you can do a few encounters, have no health left and you've still got pretty much all of your daily resources remaining. Arbalests and Arquebuses are WTFPWNAGE atm.
  8. Another member (perhaps on the RPGCodex) posted this but Josh is a lot more rigid when it comes to feedback than Sven of Larian is.
  9. Cool, missed that post. Hopefully they use the SAME TARGETING INDICATORS AS THE IE GAMES FOR GLORIOUS IE FEELS . Slightly OT: Combat has some big problems in many areas: Animations, Kinaesthetics and Impact, Movement, Pacing, System Design but I'm hopeful that as the updates come through they can rein in on the issues and make it more enjoyable.
  10. Someone just posted a comment on my youtube video about the armors: So maybe re-equipping the armor is actually taking away the Fine bonus. The armor tooltip should state that the armor is 10 DT and not 8 DT then as well, if that is the case, because not showing the total DT is bloody confusing.
  11. I wonder if this also happens with NPC characters, and creatures? (the buggy DT and damage maths included?)
  12. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Which is a pain in the ass really.
  13. In this video, I showcase how characters with armor equipped get an additional 2 DT from the armor they are wearing when you start a new game or load a save game. When you remove the armor and put it back on again, the DT resets to the correct value. edit: removing and re-applying the armor actually removes the Fine bonus from the armor, and the tooltip is not displaying the armor's total DT, but only the base DT. In this video, you can see that the rolled damage minus the DT values are not coming up with the expected values. Eg. Output log file: http://www.upload.ee/files/4220701/output_log.txt.html Savegame file: http://www.upload.ee/files/4220703/2e2f97943d054fb5afb85e6c1ac70f14_DyrfordVillage_7608986.savegame.html This happens in a new game, but here's the save game I used for the video anyway
  14. You need another tag for systems or mechanics
  15. You can't zoom in any further. The closest zoom is the source art level. Any closer and you'll pixelate the background.
  16. I also think the idea is good, the implementation leaves much to be desired. I have made many threads on the issues with the attribute system in the past year and pretty much all of my predictions are correct. I think that one design constraint on the system needs to be removed to make it a bit more balanced. Such as adding Deflection back into the mix or possibly recovery time. Perhaps there's this one elusive combat stat that I'm not thinking of yet.
  17. Aarklash Legacy has that issue as well. They're all waaaaay too sloggy.
  18. You can actually disable all of that stuff and make it so that it's jut a tooltip with name and stamina number. It's all in the game options somewhere.
  19. Even before the beta came out I've been saying that Dex is probably the most important attribute for any class that wants to deal damage.
  20. This information is from Rivmusique on RPGCodex. Unfortunately many Codexers are a bit lazy to post here, so I am relaying this information.
  21. In the IE games, there were two main AoE heal spells Mass Cure Light Wounds Greater Restoration (which was only available at like level 13 or something) PE Priests have A_LOT of AoE heal.
  22. In Icewind Dale, ALT is Highlight Objects on the ground and TAB cancels the tooltip delay over UI elements. Regarding Falendor's post, perhaps there should be a toggle in the Options menu so you can turn on and off the displaying of every unit tooltip in combat. I'm really not a fan of that personally.
  23. Yes. No selection circle should overlap at all. In the Infinity engine games (and all other RTS games), character boundaries are determined by their selection circles (unless they are air units, or in special cases) and they cannot occupy the same physical space.
  24. I don't think the feature has been added yet. This is one of the things I have jotted down in my notes. The other thing is, I am not sure if you will be able to dismiss adventurers, as you can have up to a total of 8 Hired adventurers, and they will take up residence in the Player's Stronghold when they are not in the party. It would be nice to be able to dismiss any character though.
  25. Here is a video that focuses on highlighting and targeting characters in combat in the Infinity Engine games and showcases some of the functions that Pillars of Eternity should include in the game. I also forgot to state in the video that selecting and mousing over a character will give you exactly the same feedback, except that when you mouse over a character, their selection circle will blink. Tooltips and the character's targeting reticle appears both when selecting and mousing over. You will notice this behavior between 2:57-3:03 in the video. Another thing I forgot to say is that targeting reticles do not appear at all unless you have the characters that are targeting anything selected, but that should be obvious in the video. Mimicking such combat feedback would help distinguish who is doing what in combat, the lack of this feedback is one of the reasons why people are finding things so confusing. Not to be rude, but it does make me wonder how often the developers open up an Infinity Engine game when noting down necessary functions. Improvements have been made since this time but videos like this really highlight how many things the Infinity Engine got so right. Lots and lots of modern games don't even have this kind of combat feedback. I will make a series of combat videos about this topic, it's hard to try and think of everything in the same recording. I would also like to re-iterate that tooltips should include both Stamina AND Health numbers.
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