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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Fair point, although it looks like they've already gone with that direction. I personally don't mind either way - whether it's the Baldur's Gate 1 way or the Baldur's Gate 2 way. In one of the posts that one of the developers made a long time ago, they said the Fog of War was inspired by Roguelikes such as this Don't know if that's the case anymore though.
  2. And here is my response: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/67697-sensukis-suggestions-010-fog-of-war/
  3. Nick Carver posted earlier that the HUGE LOS atm is a design decision So I have made a video with some feedback on this decision about how to be able to fully reveal an area map via exploration without having the fog reveal pathable locations on the area map over walls. This may or may not be possible, but theoretically it should be. The video goes into the details but my proposed solution is basically have Line of sight fog of war with black fog covering all "hostile" maps when first entered, and then as the player explores, have the line of sight reveal area covered by navmesh, and area without navmesh, but not navmesh that is blocked by unpathable terrain. And obviously terrain outside the party's line of sight should be covered by grey fog, where the area is revealed but greyed out and no units are revealed. I think that there will be an overwhelming majority in favour of Line of Sight as it was in the Infinity Engine games, but one of the annoying things about the Infinity Engine games is that you could not fully reveal maps because there was no way to remove the black fog from unpathable terrain that was too far away. This idea may not work in theory and probably has lots of issues with it, I'm not sure, but theoretically I think it's an idea worth trying. It will probably play up when revealing fog from some angles, as it will reveal the other side of a wall if you're moving from north to south, I dunno if there's a way to fix that or not *shrug*. You can also just leave "safe" maps such as the Dyrford Village and probably maps like Defiance Bay districts just with grey fog, as it was in Baldur's Gate 2. Previous Suggestions: Inventory and Item Tooltips Feedback in Combat Re-wrote Class Ability Descriptions Item Descriptions and Contextual UI Rant Area Map Functions Main UI Tooltips Selection Circles and Targeting Disable Vertical Sync
  4. Which games? In the IE games, the music tracks would reset to the beginning of the track after saving the game and some weird instances like that. If you didn't screw up the native way they played, there would be a track, it would play, and then a long silence. Some areas (such as Taverns) had looping music which could get a bit much. My favourite BG1 tracks: Exploring the Plains, Night on the Plains, Temple of Helm, Beregost Night, Cloakwood Forest, Night in Cloakwood, Streets of the City, Night Falls on Baldur's Gate and The Lady's House Favourite IWD Tracks: Easthaven, Hrothgar's Home, Temple of Tempus, The Lost Caravan, Kuldahar Theme, Arundel's Home
  5. I read Nick Carver's post but they did actually SEVERELY increase the radius of the fog of war between the E3 demo and now, like it's super large. I prefer Line of sight visibility. Anything else is retarded IMO. One thing they could do is have the fog of war reveal geometry that has no navmesh, and then stop when it touches geometry that does, that way you can see the map at the top of a wall, but not over it, or a structure, but not beyond it etc. Think I've found the topic for my next suggestion thread.
  6. You said "you guys" indicating more than one person. Regardless, doesn't matter who said what - this is supposed to be a constructive thread and any more thread crapping will not serve anyone.
  7. That's what I said, you would use the same character to pick everything up. I would usually change characters rather than sort the inventory until everyone's inventories were kinda full, then play inventory tetris to try and fit some more stuff in and then go back to town and sell everything off. I also thought that was simply part of the pacing of the game. You would go adventure for a while and when you had too much stuff to carry, come back to town, sell your stuff and buy up some sweet gear. Then head back out again. That's how I find Baldur's Gate 1 to play, it actually works out very well with the item density and really, it seems pretty natural.
  8. Well in an interview he mentioned your line about the Wizards and scrolls, but in a mocking fashion, so my guess is that he mistook your words. Paladins have a Smite-like ability because Gfted1 wanted a Smite-like ability, so it's not unbelievable.
  9. WTF are you kidding? I highlighted this line because I mentioned this exact thing in my video. Listen to my video again - I say exactly this in so many words. We are talking the reason Josh Sawyer CHANGED the inventory to be like it is now from his previous idea which was just a shared party inventory for everyone. We believe (and he pretty much says as much in an interview) that is because of this formspring conversation with Infinitron. Here is the FULL Convo from Formspring Josh mistook what Infinitron said, possibly pretty much skimmed over his first paragraph and only read the second one, and then wrote his final response based on "I want My Fighter to carry the heavy stuff and my Wizard carries the scrolls" Josh mentioned this conversation in a video interview, and criticized Infinitron (even though he couldn't remember who he was) for having this ridiculous notion and stated that this is one of the reasons why they have a per-character inventory, the words he used was "like that's a real fûck'n thing man!!?!!". Infinitron was actually talking about encumbrance. We did not know at this stage if there was encumbrance or not in Pillars of Eternity (called Project Eternity back then).
  10. I don't believe that's how the writing works. The way their dialogue system works I'm going to guess that it's not implemented/ was cut, because you can see all of the dialogue options greyed out.
  11. Welcome to some of the issues with D&D 4th edition.
  12. People have been complaining about the lack of this over at the RPGCodex as well. I'm not actually sure if it ever got implemented. A LOT of the stuff that Tim Cain talked about in his Kickstarter videos didn't make it into the game - such as his idea what the non-combat skills system would be.
  13. You mistook what he read JUST as Josh Sawyer did. He said the reason his Fighter carries the armor is the Fighter has a high carrying capacity. 18/00 let's you carrly like 300lb worth of gear. 9 Str you can only carry 50lb. So Fighters carry all of the suits of plate mail and the Wizards carry all of the scrolls, because they weigh nothing.
  14. I loaded up the game before by accident in 1280x720 without ticking the Windowed Mode and it loaded the game. The Obsidian logo appeared full screen. However the game booted up in 1920x1080 with a 1280x720 window for the main menu art. When I loaded into the level it was at 1920x1080 There are also no 4:3 resolutions, so I can't test the game on my CRT monitor.
  15. I really don't know what players he was watching, and I also think he took what Infinitron said the wrong way. The joke over at the RPGCodex is that this post is the reason we have a small per-character inventory.
  16. Doesn't the Justice Sword do like 1000% Crush Damage? or is that just a tooltip error. That would be funny if you were a Druid and selected Crush as your Wildpaws or whatever it's called. Whooping damage!
  17. Corpses should stay, at least for a few minutes.
  18. PE uses up ~1.5GB of system ram, so if you don't have much it might be an issue.
  19. I've used this guide to install IWD2 before, it doesn't fix the flickering cursor. That fix is also required for Baldur's Gate 1 with an NVIDIA card.
  20. Absolutely. I've been saying in the other threads that it's hard to get a grasp on the core issues with combat because of the amount of bugs in it. Once the auto attack bug, selection bugs, pathfinding issues and bugs with DoTs are fixed/patched in, we should be able to properly critique the speed of encounters and whatnot. I was merely talking from my experience so far. Been mostly focusing on non-gameplay suggestions and reporting bugs since the game isn't hugely playable atm.
  21. Yeah like I said, it's been years since I played it last (probably 2008 or 2009 or something).
  22. Hard. To be fair I have only played the Dyrford Crossing and the dungeons in it, I haven't gone to Stormwall Gorge. I am doing a Let's Play for the RPGCodex when the beta is more stable and I want to try and go into it relatively fresh, so I haven't done any quests, just tested combat in a few areas.
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