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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yeah I have, it doesn't fix the flickering mouse cursor. When I used to use an NVIDIA card, that tweak was required for Baldur's Gate 1 and Icewind Dale 2, but BG2 and IWD1:HoW ran fine in OpenGL mode.
  2. You had 2 bags of holding, scroll cases, potion cases, and gem bags in IWD2. Must have just been BG1 and IWD1 then. Inventory size was not a problem in BG2, I've never finished Icewind Dale 2 though. I got stuck in the Fell Woods on my first play through back in 2002 and on consecutive attempts I've always had trouble getting it to run properly on my PC without graphical glitches. On my current PC, the mouse cursor flickers which is really off putting.
  3. I think the problem is Josh's idea that the inventory needs to be restricted from the player. Okay fair enough, lock the inventory from being used in combat, that makes sense - but to only allow a few item slots and not be able to get any items from the stash BUT be able to craft or enchant an item on the spot is just LUDICROUS IMO. Number of slots per character was only included because Infinitron trolled Josh Sawyer on formspring and said something like "I want my Wizard to carry the scrolls", which Josh actually quoted in a video and stated that as the reason why they made a per-character inventory. Lulz. Regarding that formspring comment I think his perception there is a bit off. You usually hit slot limits because you were using the same character to pick stuff up off the ground. You didn't run out of space in BG2 because you had the Bag of Holding, and Item Containers. I don't think you got those items in Icewind Dale 1 & 2 though, and Obsidian seems to be drawing many design decisions based on player's feedback from playing the Icewind Dale games.
  4. Part of this issue is the adventuring day is too short. Your tanks run out of Health too quick and then you have to rest without actually using up many daily resources at all. I was honestly surprised that the Fighter gets two knock downs per encounter, it's a pretty strong disable. There's no pre-buffing, which magnifies the issues even further - makes it hard to consume many consumables and whatnot. When the length of the adventuring day is fixed, we should be able to judge use of daily resources better.
  5. This happened to me too, exactly the same enemy. Maybe he's on svef? Gravity don't mean sh1t to a dope fiend. Output log: http://www.upload.ee/files/4222283/output_log1111.txt.html Save file: http://www.upload.ee/files/4222286/2e2f97943d054fb5afb85e6c1ac70f14_DyrfordVillage_7608986.savegame.html
  6. Well the problem is the art is a 2D asset. You can't scale a 2D asset, it would have to be re-done. Unless they have much higher res source versions.
  7. I find them too small as well. The UI is made for 1280x720, which I think is why. edit: Yep. Fullscreen UI at 720p *rolleyes* THIS IS WHAT IT SHOULD LOOK LIKE ON ALL RESOLUTIONS FFFFFFFFFFFF
  8. You can't play a fast character either. Unless you count wearing no armor as "fast". Leveling up as a whole in this game is pretty darn underwhelming so far for many classes. However leveling up in Baldur's Gate 1 and Icewind Dale 1 wasn't particularly fantastic either. At the moment I'd say it's slightly worse than Icewind Dale 2 in that regard.
  9. Personally I am happy with no tooltips as the IE games had no tooltips. I liked the feeling of opening up an item and reading the parchment text with the evocative 2D sketch of the item. However PE already has tooltips and the item description parchments aren't that great so far ... so if the horse is already out the barn door...
  10. The Witcher 1 displayed quest items pretty well in my opinion. IMO woulda been nice to see the Inventory screen in a Kickstarter update and whatnot a while back, and such feedback could have already been collected *shrug*
  11. Just because we don't like the more subdued music that means we like more epic music. Part of the issue for me is the production and mixing itself. The IE games often placed the melody instrument forward in the mix and the rest in the back. I found this really enjoyable. You remember the flute from the Kuldahar theme, but do you even remember that it had a classical background? Probably not.
  12. I don't think the shadows around the characters is the exact solution, but they do stand out from the background more.
  13. I like the main theme, but I'm not massive on any of the other tracks. The Wilderness Music is Elder Scrollsy. I don't like the Elder Scrolls music. The combat tracks are kinda Michael Hoenig BG1 which is okay, but they're not as impractful. I would say I'm indifferent to those bordering on meh. The classical guitar track in the tavern is nice though. The BG games had over the top tavern music, which actually really suited some of the Inns though - such as the Jovial Juggler. This is only some of the music though, I'm hoping that there's some better tracks in the full game.
  14. Going through the 00 Agents, we're up to Peter Smith from Thunderball and Octopussy (009). Here I have made a video about the inventory screen and made some suggestions about some additional stats from items that would be nice to be able to see in the inventory page, made some suggestions on how to properly convey what the speed of a weapon actually means and also given my opinion on the current inventory system as a whole (spoiler: not very good). A comment I made about where to display Weapon Damage in the video, another solution I can think of would be to remove the huge stash/quest item buttons and put them as Text over with the Crafting Button and have the Weapon Damage under the weapon sets. You could also but the 2D icon for the Stash and Quest items on those buttons before the text and add one to the Crafting button, so there's a visual representation of what they do. That may not be the perfect solution though, it's just something that just popped into my head, rather than a careful consideration. Another thing I mention in the video is being able to compare items via tooltips in the inventory, and I did mention a few games that have this feature. One of them is Grim Dawn, a game which I actually have installed. So here is a screenshot from Grim Dawn that describes the type of thing that I mean. Diablo 3 also does this, but I don't have Diablo 3 installed, for reasons you can probably surmise. I have also shared my general opinion on the new Inventory system with a limited inventory and Stash, and after using it, my opinion is - it is bad. I can think of a few edge cases that might make it frustrating to use, but when I actually encounter those in the game, perhaps I'll make a video on them. Anyway, I think that people are just going to metagame around the limited inventory and to me it's not really an interesting mechanic, but that's a topic for another day. You could also have mouseover tooltips for the Defense, DT and Accuracy buttons and give more detailed stats - such as Melee and Ranged Accuracy, DT vs Damage types and all that stuff, another thing to consider.
  15. It could also be an issue with the directional lights / sunlight in the area. In the ToEE screen characters are darker on one side.
  16. Yeah well raising the UI is an issue because one of the things they wanted to do was reduce the amount of vertical screen space that the UI is taking up. I don't know if you were here for the "UI Wars" last year but I don't think we can expect to see much change to the main HUD at all. I personally do not really like their design after getting to use it. The combat log being on the far right is in the most useless position to read the text on the fly and I don't even use the middle part of the HUD at all really. The action bar probably could have gone there instead (like my mockup from art update 54 thread).
  17. They have two QA teams that can focus on quest bugs and stuff in other areas of the game - their internal QA and the QA provided by Paradox Interactive. I think it's good that we are only getting to do this small area of the game. We are mostly for suggestions, UI, combat, performance, general bugs ... etc etc
  18. I'm not a UI Designer but if they implemented your change it would make the UI look uneven. The portrait area would be taller than the centre menu and the combat log default size, so the art for the center menu would have to be altered to be uniform (combat log size is an easy fix). Also, is there anything that occupies the bottom UI space, such as summons or animal companions? Because that functionality would also have to be moved/removed. Also if it was a toggle, they would need to jigger it so that it changed the entire UI back to it's current size from your proposed new size. That to me seems like a lot of work that could be spent elsewhere, YMMV.
  19. Those combat tooltips aren't helping are they. I have them disabled, but they should really only appear when you mouse over the character.
  20. It's hard to implement UI changes like that without it being on for everybody all the time, so anything that only half the people will use won't be put there. Not even close, There's a boatload of stuff that hasn't been addressed yet. I'm just making notes as I go and eventually going through them. There's also a lot more people than me doing a good job with bug reporting and suggestions, even if I don't agree with a lot of the suggestions.
  21. They do have a UI HUD for recovery timer, but I disable it. Instead of overlapping the portrait (which I would hate), it could be displayed on the combat HUD instead? The animation for recovery time is pretty terrible atm. I made a video on the RPGCodex comparing it to the Baldur's Gate 1 combat idle. Most of the weapon stances are off, and there is not enough fidgeting.
  22. You could use the Icewind Dale 2 sound for the time being if you convert it to ogg vorbis, since you own the assets.
  23. You shouldn't be able to see over dungeon walls and stuff, if you decide for some reason to not have black fog over dungeon walls, make sure that it is grey fog (where you can see over the geometry, but it doesn't actually reveal any unit positions). I might also do a video on this with my opinions.
  24. Quite correct, this is the worst one I've made by far and I already changed my mind half way through the thread after doing some proper calculations. I'm not 100% sure whether I have the recovery times right. I've been calculating with a flat 1 second recovery unarmored for everybody. The recovery period may actually just be the same as the weapon speed, I am not sure.
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