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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. The majority of users ended up going to leech (in Australia anyway due to our **** internet). There was a sharp decline in active games played at LANs after the release of DC++.
  2. Yeah that's one of the reasons why I'm picking Culture based on weapons atm hahaha. Try the Estoc it is *amazing* especially against Adra beetles.
  3. In his latest SA post he said Monks and Barbarians have been tweaked. Dunno about Fighters though.
  4. Haven't you read my statements about 1H weapons PrimeJunta / Watched my videos ? All weapons faster than 2H are absolutely terrible, except Stilettos and Maces, due to their DT negation. The damage ranges are balanced against 0 DT, so when DT packs on, the faster weapons fall off because the effective DT rises by the same percentile speed increase that they have over the 2H weapons.
  5. Cool idea, although the total 'round time' for earlier levels is definitely too short, whereas the higher ones is definitely too long. You also need to take into account what type of action the ability or spell is, and what the base cast time is [PE has 3 - short (1s?), medium (3s), long(6s?)] I'm not 100% sure that splitting up how the system works for weapons and spells/abilities is a good idea .... buuuuuut .... that is how most other games handle it. Still it's an idea anyway, not really one I'd get behind immediately, but it's an avenue to think about.
  6. This happens for all game options, not just auto-pause
  7. Might it be related to pausing? Currently I've noticed that if you go to select a spell but pause first it closes the toolbar on you or something, and it also stops any targeting you have. Whereas in the IE games if you had an action selected and paused, it would not de-select your action and you would simply be able to target it.
  8. RTS games were super fun on LANs in the 90s and early 2000s. LANs have died out now due to the Internet and ****ing DC++ (now torrenting I guess). My fav RTS games: Warcraft 2 Total Annihilation: Kingdoms Age of Empires II: The Conquerors (but a big .!. to AoE2 HD, boooo) Starcraft: Brood War C&C Red Alert 2 Battle Realms Age of Mythology Empire Earth Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne C&C Generals (NOT ZERO HOUR) Company of Heroes I also enjoyed Medieval Total War 2, but that's not quite the same due to it's turn-based strategical map. I wish I'd played more of Dark Reign 2 as well.
  9. Could also be something to do with the animation frame rate, they're using 30 FPS.
  10. Would just be some extra flavour, flavour is good. Won't be super bummed if it doesn't make it in but it was just an idea anyway.
  11. For me, Company of Heroes (2006) was the last good RTS game. Starcraft 2 could be called a good RTS game, but it's an embarrassment IMO compared to Starcraft: Brood War.
  12. DING, there you go - you've identified one of the problems Pillars of Eternity has THIS is the main reason people are finding it confusing, recovery time needs a different stance/animation to the combat idle, so that people can VISUALLY see when their character's recovery time ends, due to the longer waits in between actions. In RTS games units act in concession pretty quickly. If anything pause should make it easier, but the HIGH WTF DAMAGE combined with lots of active/ability use required by classes makes it into a pause fest. The incoming damage is why people pause so often. You can't play as relaxed because if you just select all, left click the beetles - what happens? Your characters die very quickly. Damage input in Pillars of Eternity is very normalized, and Accuracy ratings for everyone is generally higher than Defense scores, so the ranges are usually hits or grazes every action. The IE games had a high-ish chance to miss (particularly enemies) due to your characters high AC, so incoming damage was infrequent at best. There's various ways they can go here, and this will be a topic of one of my super threads eventually. I would like to examine the various avenues to make PE play more like the IE games.
  13. Probably because most real time games either use a system where every action either does or does not have a pause between animations - that's the only difference here. It's not something specific to MOBAs (which are all based off Warcraft 3 btw). Fighting games was actually where this originated. Stuff like Street Fighter. edit: and in Warcraft 3 you control like 12 units at a time or something (you can only have that many selected at once). Many of them have up to four abilities. Not many RTS players here? edit2: Actually there hasn't been a good RTS game since Company of Heroes (I don't count Starcraft 2), so that wouldn't be surprising.
  14. Warcraft 3: Each action has an animation, the animation is split into two parts by a 'hit frame' which in WC3/DotA terms is called a damage point, or cast point (for abilities). Both the action before and after the hit frame can be cancelled by the stop button (and for normal attacks, movement also cancels). Following the action, there is a 'base attack time' (exactly the same as recovery time in PE) which is the delay in between actions which has a base of 1.7 seconds modified by IAS (Instant Attack Speed). In Warcraft 3, movement does not pause recovery time. Spells don't use Base Attack Time though as they're balanced by cooldowns. Some units have a different base attack time than 1.7, but not many. Pillars of Eternity Each action has an animation, the animation is split into two parts by a 'hit frame'. When a character is performing an action, you can cancel the action before the hit frame by moving that character with RMB (exactly like in the Infinity Engine games). After the hit frame, you cannot cancel the 'backswing' and the full animation plays. Following the action, there is 'recovery time' as you know, is the delay in between actions, which is the same length as the animation performed modified by armor/shields/buffs/debuffs. For Pillars of Eternity movement pauses recovery time. I think movement should not pause recovery time in Pillars of Eternity, as that's stupid although I understand why it was done - to balance ranged weapons. Movement should slow recovery for bows and crossbows and be treated as a reload so the recovery is not cancellable by switching weapons, and arbalests and guns should be as normal.
  15. This is going to be one of my future topics. I have some ideas about how to make the system feel better. Part of the answer will actually be coming up in our Attribute System paper. But I have more ideas as well. I do not see units as having turns, the system is more akin to something like Warcraft 3 if anything, but the recovery times between actions are much longer. Currently I think recovery times are too long, the amount of actions a unit can perform in a given time is actually slower than all of the Infinity Engine games at their ideal pace of combat (which is between level 7-14 IMO). Everyone needs to get the hell out of a turn-based or round-based mindset though. This system should be a proper real-time system IMO, not something where everyone is thinking in time divisions.
  16. Weapon switching isn't working as intended yet I don't think. It should have an action animation and a recovery time that is the same length as a base like every other action in the system (barring ranged weapon reloading). Currently it does not follow these rules.
  17. Status update Section 1: Complete Section 2: 95% - same as before - missing a graph and a paragraph and partial edit from Matt. Section 3: ~85%, my first pass is in, need Matt to do an edit pass and add graphs
  18. You can get it, I think its the Fighter / Old Vailia.
  19. No, for instance. I play on Hard, so my difficult is set to hard. When you create a new (hard) game and then exit the character creation, it resets the default difficulty back to easy. WHEN they make it so that you can exit character creation without crashing the exe, they will need to make it so that it doesn't reset default difficulty.
  20. and another reason is it's not because it doesn't save the difficulty you set it to before you started character creation, it doesn't save the difficulty that was previously saved the last time you quit the game.
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