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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Monk now has 1:6 stamina:health or something, actually.
  2. Lulz. That was pretty funny. However there's nothing in the source code for Dexterity based movement speed
  3. Action speed in PE doesn't increase movement speed. Druid and Chanter are also OP.
  4. Yeah it is, another class calls the damage roll method and calculates everything after it.
  5. Your melee bonus is prob different because 1H single gets +15 accuracy, some 1H melee weapons get an accuracy bonus and firearms give an accuracy penalty
  6. But it increases Accuracy. The percentile DPS gain from Might is higher with each point of accuracy, so therefore when you raise perception, your might bonus (if higher than 10) is also better for it. Yeah I know. And also the bonuses that you get from attributes are now waaaaaaaaaay less than v278bb Did people not build max might and dexterity builds last patch or something?
  7. I wonder if it's because increasing Perception not only increases DPS through increasing Accuracy but also raising the Might bonus at the same time.
  8. Not yet, I've been doing modding and arguing about mechanics and UI on the forums. I have played v301 and I found it easier, mostly due to the fact that they nerfed the encounters in the Dyrford Crossing, and poison DoT is not as strong anymore.
  9. btw some classes have had their base accuracy increased by between 5 and 10. So in some cases they will have the deficit taken into account (Ranged Rogues for example), and others haven't, such as the Barbarian, Fighter and Monk unless they're using ranged weapons.
  10. You know I think it would be nice if we were able to get an idea of the expected gear that the party should have at this stage of the game, as it seems like testing with underpowered weapons is not producing the correct results. Do Rogues now have 25 Base Accuracy? Previously it was like 20 melee and 15 ranged or something lulz. They must be awesome with ranged weapons now.
  11. Go and watch my Sensuki vs the Beetles videos and then go play The Dyrford Crossing on Hard - there's less beetles. It will most of the time be lower for humanoids The only cases where it won't be are: Case 1: Previous character had a Perception score 10 points or more higher than Dexterity Case 2: Enemy had Intellect lower than 10 and Previous character had a Perception of 10 higher than Dexterity minus the Deflection deficit from Enemy And as for monsters, as I've stated multiple times I can check in the game files later. You are clutching straws tbh.
  12. There's a few different methods that control everything. There's a lot of unused code and stuff in there as well, and some of the classes are enormous. there's a calcDamage method somewhere, but there's also a few different ones for Procs, bounces .. etc
  13. Beetles have the same Deflection and yeah Base Deflections would mostly be higher due to INT bonus.
  14. ............................ seriously? I didn't make the claim that people are going to see a lot more grazes, the OP did and I said that's probably because ACC-DEF is 10 lower, which would result in more grazes. For humanoid enemies, they will follow the rules of the system. A Level 5 Ranger will have his base accuracy, (Level-1)*3 Bonus Accuracy from Progression, Perception bonus to accuracy and bonuses from buffs and items. I doubt they would have changed any NPCs base stats around that much, but once again - I can check as I am saving all of the files from the different versions. Of course I've played the new version, are you kidding me? I never encountered the defenses bug, because I never fought a Paladin in my testing. I haven't said sfa about combat either, you're putting words in my mouth. The DoT bugs are fixed, so poison isn't as bad now. I think they also fixed Deep Wounds too. The Dyrford Crossing is way easier because they removed a lot of the beetles from the map, and your characters now have more health. That's probably why it feels more breezy.
  15. I think this is the damage roll public float RollDamage(float MinPercentAdjust) { return Random.Range(this.Minimum + (float) ((double) MinPercentAdjust / 100.0 * ((double) this.Maximum - (double) this.Minimum)), this.Maximum); }
  16. Sigh, once again you're missing my original point. This thread was about grazes, the OP complained about grazes. I explained WHY there are more grazes, because Accuracy as a base is 10 less. The end. As for my "I think the values need tweaking", all attributes have been nerfed. The maximum Might bonus you can get now is quite small to previous, so is the maximum duration and AoE values, Concentration ... etc Everything is weaker. People did not want weaker attributes, they wanted meaningful attributes. Therefore, raising the per-point bonuses of everything to be higher would accomplish this.
  17. No the program I used got most of the stuff in readable format, there's only some Unity based stuff that doesn't decode correctly. Yes I have read where damage is calculated, it's in the AttackBase class I think. I'll find it later.
  18. And I think you're ignoring what I am saying. Humanoid creatures have character classes. Medreth as a Ranger will have less Accuracy than he did before. As for creatures I can check those values later, when I find where the file is that stores their values. I can't remember which file it was in, but I should be able to recover it.
  19. A lot of NPCs have character classes, and later on today I will find the files from v257 and v301 that governs creature stats and post them for you. they're either in one of the .unity3d or .resource files. I do remember seeing them before.
  20. The highest value of Class Base Accuracy of melee,ranged is the same and the Base Deflections are the same. Fighter had 25 Acc and 25 Deflection in v257 and v278. Fighter has 25 Acc at 10 Perception in v301. In v278 the Fighter had 28 Acc at 3 Dexterity.
  21. Yes I do. Here's the source code from v301 and v278 that calculates attribute bonuses http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68744-is-might-a-dump-stat-is-perception-the-dps-stat/page-4?do=findComment&comment=1517063 No classes have had Base Deflection adjustments. I think the reason they nerfed the accuracy bonus is for balancing purposes, because in combat hits were very common and it was causing large damage spikes against the party, either that or they forgot to adjust the values. Not sure. People seem to prefer this version though. I can find out what the base accuracy of creatures is, it's stored in a file somewhere. I remember seeing it before. I saved my v257 files as well so I can compare the values. I don't care whether you find me arrogant, I do think it's funny that you had a go at me for something I was correct about though.
  22. I used a program to reverse engineer the Assembly-CSharp.dll to get the source code. I can see pretty much everything.
  23. Haha, are you calling ad hominem? Because that's exactly what he does to everything. Not everyone plays like that, in fact most people probably don't. I am always thinking about what's going on under the hood due to experience with programming. Our system does that. It's no different to before. You won't accept that though. The system is designed with a disconnect between the two. Josh's aim is that you can make whatever character concept you want and be able to play through the game with it if you play to your build and not suffer from any trap choices where your build sucks. No, our system is no different to before. It actually has more opportunities for role playing due to the introduction of Action Speed. It is you who's having a knee-jerk reaction to it and inventing reasons for why it 'feels different' for roleplaying, when it is in fact better. I don't care whether you accept it or not, you are probably incapable of it due to your bias against me and the fact that you had a negative experience on another game, which was the very first thing you complained about. You didn't read our paper before you commented and complained that armchair designer forum members ruin games.
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