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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yeeeeep. There's probably going to be a tonne of them on the other maps on release.
  2. Well at least in the last version you could, looks like they removed the additem cheat :/
  3. Quote from the Backer Beta v333 notes Oh yeah? Shouldn't be able to see up this cliff then Or up here Or up here (what's up Menpwgra?) It seems to be working in the Dracogen Inn though
  4. When my Monk died with Torment's Reach activated, the BB Fighter's Knock Down changed to a modal ability for the remainder of combat. It is possible that I had Knock Down selected when the Monk died and then changed unit selection - forcing it to get stuck ... but I'm not sure. BB Fighter also seems to take over the action bar of knocked out characters
  5. This happens to me in every combat, at least some of the enemies don't die properly and become a lootable container.
  6. This was claimed to be fixed in v333, but the Wood Beetle still spawns inside unpathable terrain.
  7. In the Tower Ruins in the Dyrford Crossing, there is a random Boar Companion model that is unselectable.
  8. Not being pigeonholed into picking certain builds to be good at certain skills is a complete 180 of what the whole character system was supposed to be about. I have to say I am very surprised by the turn around, and I don't like it. I don't want to be forced to pick certain talents to get the skills I want. So I am just playing how I normally do and ignoring skills, because I'm just doing testing at the moment anyway.
  9. I think I understand you perfectly. I would not choose Beast Slayer, it only gives a bonus some of the time - when Fighting Beasts. If you're planning to make a TWF character, why on earth would you not get the TWF talent ? The Talent system appears to be suffering from the same issues as D&D Feats - stuff that's useful all the time, and stuff that's only useful in certain situations. Most of the added actives seem pretty garbage to me as well, I'd never pick them over stuff that gives me a flat passive bonus all the time.
  10. Greatsword and Pollaxe are still bugged and dealing slash damage only, Wizard's cape position still floats in mid air - both bugs listed as fixed by Brandon Adler ... mistake cut and paste ?
  11. In this screenshot, my Barbarian is attacking an Adra Beetle with a Greatsword which has best of Slash/Pierce, she is dealing Slashing damage when the Adra Beetle has a Slashing DT of 30, and a Pierce DT of 7.5 The same happens with the Pollaxe, it always deals Slashing damage.
  12. Is the Paladin Accuracy Aura working for you? It turns itself off automatically after a splitsecond for me.
  13. Cubiq PM sent I honestly don't think the Lore skill is beneficial in combat really. You are going to unlock the Bestiary entries anyway, it might allow you to level up a little bit faster in the beginning of the game, but probably not by much.
  14. It removes freedom of choice from character building. If I want to play a Stealthy Fighter character, I don't want to be forced to take certain talents to achieve it that are completely useless to my character build. If I want to play a character with a certain talent build then I am pidgeonholed into having a set skill array, rather than choosing what I want to have. That's lame as a horse with a broken leg. By the way Cubiq, I just made a mod that removes Melee Engagement, if you'd like to try it.
  15. I don't really like the XP changes myself. I'm okay with some of them but not all.
  16. All I did was initiate combat with Medreth's group. I believe I cast two fireballs, Knock Down and a Priest buff, and that was it. Half way through combat their selection circles changed to friendly - possibly related to pausing.
  17. It looks like some of the AI auto attack clauses have been fixed - The Priest will cast spells properly in melee again, but characters still change auto attack targets against the player's will. I think it's connected to Engagement, when a character is engaged, they turn and auto-attack the person that engaged them. Pretty annoying.
  18. It's likely that the rule is inconsistently applied, I'm not sure which case is the correct one.
  19. I have the fire, I have the force, I have the power to make my evil take it's course!
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