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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. They're fairly easy to make. Thing is they've basically just copy pasted a bunch of D&D-like talents, half of them aren't really that good for this game.
  2. Talents? Ehh, your base classes are less effective / get less abilities. It's now completely possible to make trap builds - and half the talents are horrible too. Good thing they're moddable. Imagine 5 ciphers
  3. Your video is a response to the casual gamer thread and your reply to several points discussed in that thread You say that the talk on engagement is a "hubbub" and that it's fine and basically a less drastic AoO system You said that people have been saying that the game is very difficult on hard - no one has said that, you find me a quote where someone has said that (in a recent thread specifically) You take the statement about lots of pausing out of context You talk about people's testing methodology and attack people who have been playing the game with the default PC and BB party and state that it is a flawed testing methodology These are your opening points in the video Later on you go on to say that combat feels right and once again bring up the Engagement issue, and it seems like you do not really seem to 'get' my problem with the system. You said prove me wrong at the end of the video, so you were inviting a reply As I have repeated multiple times in other threads, the removal of the Engagement system will not change or threaten the way you play. You don't even use it properly in your videos. Combat would have gone exactly the same regardless, however if it was gone it would open up the tactical options that removing it would add to the game for the people (such as myself) who want to use them.
  4. Figured you'd be pissed off but too bad I guess. I started the talk about the Engagement system on the forums, who else would you be talking about when I've been basically the only person arguing about removing it. The main two recent discussions about Engagement have taken place in these threads: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69133-sensuki-vs-medreth-youtube-series/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69267-thoughts-from-a-casual-gamer/ There have been two main posters that have repeatedly argued in favor of removal: Myself and Cubiq. There have been people on the fence, people who don't care one way or the other and people that think that while the current Engagement system isn't very good that it only needs tweaking - such as IndiraLightFoot, HiroProtagonist II, Mr. Magniloquent. You are free to take this video response as abusive and unprofessional, that's your decision, however since I found your entire video an affront to my views and play style and if left unchecked, potentially dangerous to the wellbeing of the game. I feel I have the right to defend my position and argue my point. I don't think the video is uncivil, I was very civil in fact and I even did you the courtesy of pointing my video at you specifically rather than passively aggressively mentioning stuff you said in order to give reasonable doubt that you were not a focus of my video. I have directly affronted several forum members for their opinions in the past - such as Karkarov and Hiro Protagonist II who I've had much bigger disagreements with over certain issues - and yet I now talk to both these guys on steam. The only put down I make in your video is that I think you don't play the game very well, otherwise I am simply disagreeing with statements you made in the video in the OP. I pointed this out because I wanted to make a point about the combat, at your expense. If you're sick of my arguments and find them confronting, feel free to leave the discussion, because I intend to contest these issues all the way up until release.
  5. I've been away for the weekend so I haven't had the time to watch the video, I did when I got home. To be honest I wasn't too happy about the content and found there were many misconceptions, so I decided I'd make my own video reply to it. It's a little bit antagonistic, but I felt it was necessary. Had to split the second video in half due to a Cipher ability bug: Forgot to mention that some classes and monsters can engage multiple opponents in the first vid, but eh, I think I still get my point across.
  6. Pretty much all of them need work, there's tonnes of character art bugs and quite a few not great models, however the new Aumaua head from the v351 steam looked quite promising. I wonder if it's actually attached to the body properly as well.
  7. It's always immediately clear what tactical choice to make, but then again I played in one of the top two CoD4 teams in Australia, having to make those decisions every single round of every match and being able to realize when I made a bad one was one of the keys to winning/success - so I've had a lot of practice at that stuff.
  8. Not sure which cases you're talking about really. There's one topic I haven't made a formal post about yet.
  9. They changed it from that to how it is now. If you're engaged, don't move. If you're ranged, also don't move unless you have to, because there's a recovery penalty for it. Better off just standing there and taking it. Nice to see nipsen still following me around, hahah. Forever mad. One can also play D&D, RTS, DotA 2 and even FPS games, not everyone here only plays RPGs with bad combat.
  10. Two Knockdowns is a bit silly, yes. The problem with per-encounters like that is they make it the automatic best option to open with. Can't say I'm a fan of them personally, I'd rather that they be capped at 1/encounter.
  11. There aren't many tactical choices to be made in PE combat. There's a lot of trap choices though - two of those are moving, and selecting abilities related to engagement.
  12. How on earth do you think change in the world occurs in the first place? Do you think you need to ask someone else's permission ? See: Recovery time pause while moving.
  13. Prologue was a bit shorter than I thought it was going to be, but other than that I liked what I saw. Gilded Vale looks nice, the game has a unique tone. Valewood felt a little bit more like a traditional BG1 area and the adventure flow early on is pretty good too. If the combat can be fixed up it should be pretty good.
  14. Yeah it's okay but I think getting at the rest of the prefabs and the scene stuff is important as well. Not that concerned about adding new areas really.
  15. At the moment it's possible to mod the code, and spells, abilities, talents and items (but currently, not add new ones). However we haven't been able to figure out how to get at the scene stuff yet, or some of the other prefabs (various tables and gameobjects).
  16. We don't need to be told what needs work, it's blatantly obvious while playing the beta.
  17. Regarding mods, a few of the more experienced guys (such as Bester) have a pretty good idea of what we need to make more modding possible, would it be worth making a thread about that?
  18. Yeah it would be nice to have the option to turn those off. I have modded the Backer NPC icons out, so if they don't do it that's what I'll be doing for release and having a bunch of npcs with no dialogue standing around.
  19. Nice to see a non-hostile NPC in a wilderness area for a change (unlike the beta) That Nonton guy reminds me of Aoln from BG1.
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