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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Nah it's not but I would really like to eventually calibrate my CRT monitors. My main monitor is an Alienware AW2310 120Hz gaming screen, not much point calibrating it. Waiting for 27" 1440p 144Hz+ 8-10 bit color panel to come down in price
  2. You are a lawyer so I imagine if you weren't better at arguing than I am then you wouldn't be very good at your job. I do believe you're triggered by the Codex though - you show up in the related threads to spout your opinion about the place, never failing to mention the antisemitism bit especially and you often seem to mention it unprovoked as well. And yes I still believe it's personal for you
  3. Yes some of it has gotten rather venomous and I have regretted getting involved in it. I don't believe I started the few instances where some of it got heated though, I got fed up of all the personal attacks. I probably shouldn't have made that video trying to ridicule Shevek for his opinion on the game, but it's done and dusted now and he seems to have gotten over it. My skin is fairly thick, but combined with some of the periods of developer silence and periods of dismay in the earlier beta it got a bit much and yep it probably did contribute to some good suggestions being completely ignored. It is a shame. lol
  4. See I don't think that's true. I think you're triggered by the Codex itself. You mention it in many threads without provocation it seems. You quoted me originally saying something about 'the gay friend' trick. I ignored that post. Then you made two more crying about the codex after it. I thought it was funny so I threw a triggerbait post with a snide remark about you being a lawyer that you responded to. You might have Tigranes stating that you've got passive aggressive down to a fine art, which I believe is true, but I don't believe you're doing the baiting here buddy. Anyway, keep posting. I'm enjoying it
  5. Haha this is fun. I was referring to your automatic commenting about the codex being antisemetic, racist, misogynist, homophobic (and so on and so forth) having nothing to do with 'lolbaiting' me. You did it in this thread (no link needed) Mishandled development (which I replied to) No experience from combat Female gamers having a hard time in gaming communites Various others I've seen in the past that the search won't find (as it is limited to a year). Nevertheless, I did have a good chuckle at your church of cain posts that I just found, that's some good humor I do not belong to the church of cain. And being Codexian, I do not care about staying on topic.
  6. In this image you can see that the Ranger animal companion (or at least the Boar) uses the increased engagement range that Defender used to have. This could potentially be used for disengagement attack exploiting, and in general is just really annoying that my BB Rogue can't move without suffering a disengagement attack from the boar at that range (ie. to move to attack it after she kills Medreth).
  7. NOOOO That would have been the best bit. I love talking about that stuff.
  8. Starwars often comments that he wants to see Obsidian upset 'grognards' with their design decisions and changes. He doesn't use that word himself though. I wonder if it's just because he thinks it's funny or whether he's a 'goon' like Roguey regarding gameplay preferences.
  9. I believe I replied to this thread, and the Mishandled Development thread in the PE beta section. I did not appear for the threads where you slandered the codex in the DA:I thread No experience from combat thread Wasteland 2 Kickstarted thread Female gamers having a hard time in gaming communites RPG Codex's Top 70 PC RPGs and all of the others where you've been doing it (there's lots). So based on that information, I think the writing is on the wall
  10. ToB was underwhelming but I still enjoyed a lot of the encounters, and at least Watcher's Keep was pretty good and it has the best encounter in the whole game.
  11. We aren't going to get new zones. They probably just used a BB Release Client to take those screenshots.
  12. Issue: DROID ARMY - recognized by QA Best of type weapons always use default damage type on grazes Ranger Animal Companion (or at least the Boar) uses increased Engagement range
  13. In Unity, Best of weapons are set up to be one damage type by default, and an alternate damage as Best of type. When you roll a graze with a Best of type weapon, such as a Pollaxe or Greatsword it *always* defaults to the default damage type on a graze, no matter the DR of the opponent. Here are two images of a Pollaxe doing it on two separate occasions, and one image of a Greatsword doing it. I believe this is true across all best of weapons - War Hammers, Swords, Pollaxes, Greatswords and Implements. Would also pay to check Monster damage too if they use best of as well. Likely a programming error rather than a data error. Expected Result: Best of type weapons should ALWAYS use the best damage type.
  14. It's not my list. I didn't even vote. I do however find it humorous that just like every other time someone mentions the RPGCodex on these forums, your just can't help yourself, and post in the thread to highlight your view that the codex is antisemitic, homophobic and racist. Every time, you have said that. What's more, is that when that view is challenged or disagreed with, you start acting like a bigot yourself. You can call 'lolbaited' all you like, but I don't think you're fooling anyone. Codex. Codex. Codex.
  15. Careful now, you're starting to act like a Codexian from GD.
  16. I made a suggestion thread about this a while ago. Maybe I should submit an "issue" about it. Please do. This can't have enough visibility--"army of clones" is so immersion breaking http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70048-392-issue-droid-army/ There you go - nudge NCarver in there to bring it up
  17. As requested by some of the other backers, I am submitting an issue about characters moving completely in sync being immersion breaking. I made a Suggestion Thread about this issue quite a while ago, and demonstrated how the Infinity Engine games handled this problem: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68671-sensukis-suggestions-019-desynchronized-character-movement/ Should be a simple fix that will make characters not run in sync and look more realistic. Just a heads up also A while ago I made a suggestion about moving the combat idle to recovery time only. This would help give better visual feedback in combat as to if characters actually have an action assigned or not, and would allow people to disable the Combat HUD and get clear feedback when their action is issued. The game currently doesn't offer that http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69191-sensukis-suggestions-027-combat-idle-animation-into-recovery-animation/
  18. Actually the spider encounters wouldn't be that much different with IE movement because there's too many of them to fit in the pathing space.
  19. He better not make any more bets though, because then he'll be sending that Booze to the Codex instead.
  20. Also going by update history, danielkx is right about two more beta versions. Each patch has taken at least three weeks, if not more, and devs don't usually do a beta version in the last few weeks, but it would be nice if they did. I'd like to get some patches after the CPU and 3D Optimization passes have been made, so I actually get a good frame rate for a change.
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