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Everything posted by AstroCat

  1. Yeah the stat reduction is only when you stand right next to a ledge for a little bit, otherwise there is no stat loss.
  2. I did take Acrophobia (fear of heights one). It doesn't proc very often and all you have to do is step away from the edge or keep moving. So far it's been a non-issue and the perk point is nice to have. The other one I was offered early seemed terrible, no way I was gonna take it. But, I was curious what it was called.
  3. Is there are comprehensive Flaw list anywhere? I've only seen partial lists. Thanks.
  4. At one point I was given a Flaw option that said: Reduce offensive skills as the penalty. 1. Does anyone know what that flaw was/is called? 2. What are considered the offensive skills? 3. Also, are you ever offered flaws a second time if you decline? Thanks!!! Really enjoying the game so far.
  5. So this means no Pillars 3 unless it's fps xbox exclusive? Seriously this is bad news for people who actually like, support (KS) and buy Obsidian games, I mean just look at how EA butchered Bioware beyond repair, yeah like Anthem is going do well for people looking for ME 1-3, Baldur's Gate and DA:O?!
  6. I don't have any idle adventures yet but a couple quests have come up, since I have no one there they have expired. Will they ever come up again? Thanks.
  7. Finally playing the game! :)

  8. I'm finally playing PoE (now that it's stable/bug free enough ) ... I've "struggled" with this choice as well. I'm playing a Pale Elf Paladin (Kind Wayfarers)... and trying to RP him along the way. I think I'm going to settle on option 3. Reasons as follows. option 1) although not known for sure seems a bit too much like a punishment for my guy, "chains" and all... option 2) this one is close, but I feel the trauma of Maerwald could carry on to the next soul and continue the torturous cycle of this "tainted" soul. option 3) I believe this ends the cycle ... I look at it as a selfless act. Hopefully putting this soul to rest and at best absorbing the pain of the soul into mine to deal with. I know all options could be bad/good depending on how you look at it. Option 2 was close, but ultimately I think it's 3 for my guy. Plus... I get get item , although that's a secondary concern for my play through.
  9. Thanks for the reply and I totally get what you are saying. I think I might try: Mig 14 Dex 10 Con 10 Per 14 Int 14 Res 16 I know not as good Might and bit more "tanky" but I think it might give me a few more jack of all trades type options, I probably will only have time for one "try and do it all" play through.
  10. Finally playing! Yeah! :)

  11. I posted this in a thread in General forum but I think this is probably a better place... Finally gonna play the game, seems stable and a good time to do it. I like to mix RP with my mechanics so I usually don't hardcore min/max (10s). I want to be a slightly more damage orientated Pally and I'm going for a Pale elf, Paladin (Kind Wayfarers), The White that Wends - Explorer and was thinking these stats: Mig 14 Dex 10 Con 10 Per 14 Int 14 Res 16 <-- Leaning towards this one. Mig 14 Dex 10 Con 10 Per 15 Int 14 Res 15 <-- Is +stat gear common enough to get 16s out of those 15s for dialog? Mig 14 Dex 10 Con 10 Per 15 Int 13 Res 16 <- Int at 13, is that ok? Mig 16 Dex 10 Con 10 Per 15 Int 12 Res 16 I am a little concerned I'll miss some of the dialog options with the 14s. I like RP choices. Also should I turn off companion auto-level? Or should I just let them be leveled up when we meet? I'm leaning toward turning auto-level off. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  12. I know this is an old thread, sorry. But I am in a similar situation and had a quick stat question. I like to mix RP with my mechanics so I usually don't hardcore min/max. I want to be a more damage orientated Pally so I'm going for a Pale elf, Paladin (Kind Wayfarers), The White that Wends - Explorer and was thinking these stats: Mig 14 Dex 10 Con 10 Per 14 Int 14 Res 16 <-- Leaning towards this one. Mig 14 Dex 10 Con 10 Per 15 Int 14 Res 15 <-- Is +stat gear common enough to get 16s out of those 15s for dialog? Mig 14 Dex 10 Con 10 Per 15 Int 13 Res 16 <- Int at 13, is that ok? Mig 16 Dex 10 Con 10 Per 14 Int 12 Res 16 I am a little concerned I'll miss some of the dialog options with the 14s. Also should I turn off companion auto-level? Or should I just let them be leveled up when we meet? I'm leaning toward turning auto-level off. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  13. Yeah I play all kinds of games on my system...Battlefiled 1 to Strategic Command WWII War in Europe to Witcher to Pillars... etc... Good times. Still not sure if I should wait for another patch for PoE... is there even gonna be another one?
  14. Hmmmm... so AI bugs and some kind of stutter bug... I have a 6700k and 1080 SC but I don't use Win 8, use 10 and don't use SLI, just a single card. This is a bug I never saw before even when I played when it came out so I'm hopeful I don't see this one.
  15. Good to hear, I look forward to finally playing it.
  16. I was an original KS backer and every time I started the game there were so many bugs I ended up shelving it. I always did want to play because I was a backer and thought it looked like a good time. So I want to ask, is the game "finally" stable and "safe" to play. I got time for 1 play through and I don't want to have to stop and start over like I did too many time when it came out. Can I play or should I just permanently shelf it as a "loss"? Thanks for the advice.
  17. KS'ed the game, started it after it came out and it was super bugged, but it down ever since. Maybe sometime after the final expansion is patched up and solid I'll actually the play the game.
  18. How long till Part 2 is out? I don't want to start over or load an old save. I want one "complete and stable" play through... Thanks.
  19. Yep, me too. Although I've never played the game even though I was a Backer because of the bugs when it came out.
  20. 8. Separated stealth and trap-detecting stance - it just looks silly to have your party go semi-transparent and in stealth when you really want to look for traps, Immersion-breaking too. I really hope we get this one...
  21. Wonder when the game will be stable and playable?
  22. Will this game ever be "fixed" and stable? Not sure I'll ever be able to actually play the game even though I was KS backer. Bummer.
  23. Looks like I'm at least waiting for 1.0.6. Ugh! Will I ever get to play this game in a stable state?
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