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Everything posted by Katphood

  1. Sunset Overdrive It's like Jet Set Radio but with guns & mutants that kill you pretty fast if you stay at one spot for to long.
  2. Do I want a single-player campaign in Wolfenstein 2? Yes Do I want multiplayer in Wolfenstein 2? Absolutely not. Do I want a single-player campaign in the next Battlefield game? ....not really. Do I want multiplayer in the next Battlefield game? Definitely It depends on what the game is aiming for in the first place.
  3. Kohl’s Black Friday Door Buster deals knock $50 off PS4 and Xbox One bundles (VG 24/7)
  4. I don't think so. Torchlight is the only game I played that was released by those folks but yeah, it's pretty sad.
  5. Planet Coaster is getting a free anniversary update: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-10-09-planet-coaster-is-getting-a-big-free-anniversary-update It's times like this that I wish I were still a bona fide PC gamer.
  6. It's really sad. Watching this live feed right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bRcRHIma9U
  7. Probably too soon to ask, but have you noticed any differences (positive) between the XBox One X and the previous iteration? I spent the whole day trying to configure the NAT settings and even though I can download updates and browse the store, I still can't make a new user account. It's a whole lot easier to setup the PS4. I have encountered this problem once before and it can indeed drive you nuts. Still trying to log in and create a user but I might have to check some stuff with my ISP and see if I can change my modem and get this thing running. Check out your router before buying an Xbox, if it's old then it will likely give you weird errors while trying to sign-in or create an account. As for console and the performance: It does give you some anisotropic filtering out of the box but the resolution depends on the game itself. If the resolution is locked at 900p on the Xbox One S then it will remain so on the one x. If the game happens to have a dynamic resolution then it will try to hit the max resolution possible. Some places you see less of a performance, most notably at places where the CPU is at work. Hitman for instance can't hit a full 60 fps when you are walking within a crowd of people. The CPU is rather a small upgrade(2.3 Ghz instead of 1.75 Ghz). Then there are games that get updates and those updates usually range from somewhere between 50 GB to a 100 GB. Guess those must be the extra textures that are needed for a native 4K representation of certain games. 3 Xbox 360 games have received 1X upgrade as well and it is indeed magnificent. I recommend checking out this and this. I'd say it's a very small, quiet and smooth console, especially if you don't have a 4K TV. I for one am not planning on getting a 4K TV soon and have connected my 1X to my 1080p LG LED tv. No noise or heat, huge upgrade from my OG PS4 which used to sound like a jet engine at times.
  8. Got my Xbox One X and I'm as happy as a cat on catnip. Downloading the updates so I can fire up the awesome Sunset Overdrive and play it until I'm out of juice. For a second I was going to buy a Switch with Mario Odyssey but I still have a whole lot of Nintendo games I need to finish on my Wii U and my new 3DS XL. So I decided to go for a 1X since I haven't had the chance to play any of the games that are available on the Xbox for the past few years.
  9. I don't even know what Slayer is. is the only Slayer I know of.
  10. I know, I know. This is just a COD bash party. Jump in, dude! It only takes place once a year.
  11. Call of Duty: WW2 has a mission to watch people open loot boxes (Eurogamer.net) A mission that tasks you to watch someone open loot boxes? "Howdy! We have the new COD game delivered right to your door for juniors birthday! What's that? He doesn't know how to gamble?! We have a mission that specifically teaches junior everything about that, all he needs to do is watch!" Glad I decided not to reproduce...
  12. Oh boy, I am gonna get my hands on an Xbox One X tomorrow(or maybe even today). I'm gonna bathe my console in Sunset Overdrive once I get it. Yup, one benefit of living in a 3rd world country: get consoles and games days before launch without even having to wait in line.
  13. Oh god, that was one of the best things I've seen in the past 5 years!
  14. Man, those weapon skins simply kill the WW2 mood. Makes you wonder which is worse, that or those awful WW2 reenactments on YouTube.
  15. In honor of the new COD game I am going to replay Titanfall 2 and finish the SP campaign on the hardest difficulty setting.
  16. Nintendo is doing great with the Switch. Less than a year out and GOTY contenders are basically Nintendo Vs Nintendo. Breath of the Wild & Super Mario Odyssey.
  17. Thanks, fellas! Your responses made me a whole lot smarter. The one total conversion mod I've always wanted to try is this:
  18. Oh well, based on what you guys say it will never see daylight. Fair enough, I'll check out Tale of Two Wastelands instead.
  19. I have my hopes.
  20. Damn, anybody else hyped for this thing? I'll build myself a new rig once this is released.
  21. Is PS4 the next PS2?! I'm a Sony fanboy.
  22. Me neither. But I liked it, it gave me some sort of MGS vibe. On other news, Monster Hunter World sure looks neat:
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