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Everything posted by Inyourprime

  1. No shame, Chris. That looks like my desk back at home.
  2. I don't know if this was a facetious remark or not and I don't care one way or another. But I had to hold back the laughter. I'm at work, damnit.
  3. This is one of those ideas I simply can't get behind. With a limited budged, an idea with focus of pure cosmetics would be a waste of time, if you ask me. I'm inclined to agree with this:
  4. I must ask; who is David Gaider and why is he talking? Is he one of the writers for Dragon Age?
  5. Wow. Alright, I can add $8 on top of what I pledged. No problem. Title... yeah, I don't know.
  6. I like the concept of several souls vying from one body. Nice update. I can't wait to hear more about the game mechanics.
  7. What was throat-stuffing homosexually in Skyrim ? I must have missed it. Well it's not stuffed down your throat, but it is pretty much a stupid marriage simulator with DA2 like player-sexual NPCs that you only had a few conversations with. Hell I would go as far as to say that some needed less than Anders in DA2, which pretty much flirts with Hawke in the second conversation you got just after reqruiting him. Yeah it didn't take much. If I remember correctly, all you needed to do was one side quest, for whichever NPC you could marry, and bam you were in the game. A poorly implemented, contrived mini-game, if you will. It was terrible.
  8. Now this makes me wary for future ks projects. Whomever this was, they couldn't persuade Obsidian, but publishers will keep sweetening the deal until an independent studio accepts. For all we know, this could've happened already and we won't know about it until the game releases.
  9. I can't come up with nothing more to say except I think your assertion is a ridiculous one and I also think you are over analyzing the topic at hand. . . . Yes, yes, I'm a walking contradiction.
  10. OHH MMYY GAAWWWD. Why this is such a hot topic nowadays is BEYOND me. Now I am sorry for bumping this, I really am, but I wanted to share my 12 cents on the subject. I don't have a problem with romances (bromances, whatever you crazy kats are calling it now). Just by observing other forums, people asking for said romances don't give a flying **** if it's a well written one. I'm going to keep this short because I don't feel like wasting more keystrokes on the subject -- If there are any romances, make it genuine one. Don't give us romance options for the sake of pleasing the lowest common denominator. There's already a company out there willing to go that far. . . -- This will be my first and last post on the subject.
  11. Boy look at that numbah rise.
  12. I was more than happy to help with this project. I've grown tired of all the so called RPGs on the market these days. Good luck and bring me back to the promise land, Obsidian.
  13. Of course they are -- I'm positive it is just Obsidian showing us their marvelous, fantasy, web countdown app. We all just mistook it for something else.
  14. I'm going to say Dungeon Siege 4 until proven otherwise.
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