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About molarBear

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    (3) Conjurer
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    booze, blondies, heavy metal, rpg, coding
  1. besides the vagueness of the project and the brand name of lootdrop they didn't time it correctly. it was a mistake to intersect this with project: eternity. apparently putting notch in your KS pitch video doesn't help that much at least, these are my personal views.
  2. any official word from obsidian? i know they will localize the game in French, German, Spanish, Russian, and Polish but anything about Italian?
  3. is still don't get the rush at the end i can understand that people are very enthusiastic in the beginning and pledge but why does the same happen at the end? i mean you had 30 days to pledge, why pledge at the last moments? Because this is when it starts to sink in that "Oh crap, I better pledge or I'll be left out of all the exclusive awesomeness"....boxed versions, digital goodies, in-game items...etc. is still don't get the rush at the end i can understand that people are very enthusiastic in the beginning and pledge but why does the same happen at the end? i mean you had 30 days to pledge, why pledge at the last moments? Probably people who have been putting it off for whatever reason (not sure if they can afford it) etc. who finally cave to the ticking clock pressure wow, apparently i don't understand human behavior at all! (also marketing side of the things) on a sort of related note: i still cannot wrap my mind around the success of twitter. for me it will always be a stupid invention that took of
  4. is still don't get the rush at the end i can understand that people are very enthusiastic in the beginning and pledge but why does the same happen at the end? i mean you had 30 days to pledge, why pledge at the last moments?
  5. gib mir bratwurst und sauerkraut
  6. planescape: torment UI was okay (not cluttering the screen like baldur's gate games). except the radial menus . they should do it with list style menus.
  7. it still baffles me as to why they didn't put a paypal counter we're curious
  8. i want a grimoire of pestilential thought! :D
  9. why the hell does any country need a ministry of culture? culture is something that progresses without the state intervention (or at least should be) also dear norwegians, no one cares about you you can put up an ape for your ministry of culture for all we care
  10. CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ GPU: Nvidia GeForce 7600 GS need i say more? mine is a relic. but i have logitech performance mouse mx, if it counts for anything
  11. i am guessing that there will be cyberpunk and dystopia elements in this game?
  12. this poll is nice and all but probably not that accurate i think obsidian can derive location data from the backers' locations.
  13. what's the deal behind likes? is it when you like a page maybe your facebook friends also see it?
  14. yeah, we need a counter for paypal donations, as well!
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