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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. You have, on occasion, posted otherwise
  2. Well, obviously something is wrong here it would seem, as know of these planets seem to be ice ones. I do agree every place on the list is in the game. And I'm with the camp that thinks the last planet you go to in the game is the ice one.
  3. I think Kreia might be the 3rd female sith lord
  4. Handmaiden --- Vis T3 ----- HK47/50 Bao ----- Mandalore (I assume hes good and hes bad) Mira-----Atton ------- possible freaking evil wookie (again more assumptions, I think atton is neutral) Kreia ( I'm not sold abot how "good" she is) Disciple seems like he goes either way am I missing anyone?
  5. as for the planet, iirc, there is a "jedi libary" or something like that on a snow covered planet. The showed it in the clone wars shorts
  6. LOL, right now if you click on the "screenshots' section on the chorinicles page on IGN it takes you to screenshots of K1. Let me tell ya, I was sitting there slightly confused for some time as to how Mission and Bastila made it into your party
  7. Thanks to everyone who tried to help me on this. Some of the solutions here did pick up reg problems and other various files I didn't even know where on here. I just want to meantion Anakinsolo2002 Pmed me with a solution that fixed it. It was soooooo damn simple that I feel retarded for not knowing about it. I'll let him tell it to you tho, assuming he sees this post.
  8. Maybe a Scrappy-do version of a wookie
  9. By that I think MCA means that the driod that dies via mine isn't HK-47, not nessasarily that Hk-47 will be in our party.....if that was even being debated
  10. as has been said, there not new info, but I assume they have something to do with the story.
  11. I always find a randomly placed smiley helps me think
  12. There not the same NPC, as in counting as one of the 12, but as for the actual looks of the NPC....they seem to be the same NPC in different clothing.
  13. Geez, all this hating on the MCA rambling threads all of a sudden Anyways, so the NPCs that we have now are: Mandalore Hk50/47 T3 Mira Kriea Atton Visomething....the dark handmaiden Handmaiden Bao Dur (sp?) wookie + odds are Disciple 10-11 out of 12 Did I forget one?
  14. Guy X: Here is that tool you wanted to borrow man Laozi: **** of you ****ing **** Guy X: Uh sure, return it whenever, no problem Laozi: **** you
  15. Is this why, Hypothetically, K2 got a warning for "Blood" this time around?
  16. Ahhhh yes, her son. I guess that might be how "she" carried him back to the cave. Sayid ain't a small guy. She thought he was part of some group, or as she put it, "them". When she begins to think that he was't, she is all "My presssssious" with him. Boy do I know how that feels like. " Anyways, she didn't seem crazy just......odd
  17. I mean look: 22.99 for a 16x DVD drive by sony
  18. Anyways, I recall that now. Another thing: The cable that Sayid found, did they say for sure it was a power cable? Either way, whats with the big cable. Hmmm smarty pants? Also, the lady didn't seem like she wanted to keep people away from her, more like protect herself. She seemed like she wanted sayids company when he got there. Forgive me if I missed this as well but, so then why would she hit Sayid in the head when he was looking for the power source in the previous episode. Maybe it wasn't her who hit him?
  19. Thats more or less what I'm trying to say. What people are asking for here (temptation) isn't exactly easy to pull off in a non-petty way for every little quest. Lets face it, those little quest add up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> okay let me rephrase then .. I wan't better temptations that will lead me to the dark side things that anger him etc .. one point at the time! until I can justify (from a Roleplaying perspective) why my character would finally sucumb to the Dark Side .. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can understand that. I can see where people felt a little lost in K1 playing the DS from the start, as your real reason for playing the DS didn't come till later (tho it did kinda of justifiy the past DS action, like your true self was shining through or something). Tho I think you kind of already have that justification in K2. We know that the PC did something bad, other then fighting along side Revan but we don't know what exactly it is, and he was banished for it. Hence we don't start out as Mr.Clean. We know that this guy seemingly dipped into uber no-no land once, he can do it again.
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