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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. Easy, Hades does have 2 weeks to hunt down and kill ever last one of you.
  2. congrats, I know the last time some of you were able to complete a game was pre-Jefferson, so enjoy it and just think about where Iply is now and smile
  3. At least he tried <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And failed!
  4. Well, I can clearly see all my points are now invalid <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Riddick is intune with his inner animal side, his instinctual side. There was a kinship between himself and the big cats. Like a Ranger has with his animal companions. The aliens in PB were more like mindless eating machines, similar to the pirahna (msp?) while the beasts in CoR were more like large hunting cats. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Um, soooooo I guess that mean all animals, being in touch with their inner animal and instintual sides, wouldn't attack another animal if they were hungry. O wait, YES THEY DO! But this is all besides the point. I was trying to show how the movies were different in theme and tone. They CHOOSE to have this big pussycat instead of a monster come after Riddick. Again, they put him in a position to be a hooker with a heart of gold in CoR.
  5. Well, I can clearly see all my points are now invalid
  6. I thought the character was very consistant between the two films. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Another example of me choosing my word incorrectly. In PB he is a wanted man. Through the story he is in conflict with this Bounty Hunter (Johns), who is in the green legally but isn't a good person himself, and Riddick comes of as the better of two evils if you will. In CoR, all they do is put him in a position to be the semi-dark hero with a heart of gold. His actions in the movie reflect that. I mean, in CoR there is the funny scene where he kills a guy with a tea cup. In PB he wounds Johns and leaves him to be shreaded by the aliens. In CoR, he comedically kills on guy on the sled on the way down to the prison. In PB, he allows an innocent lady to make a run for it, and after she is eaten he casually dusts himself off and walks to the downed ship. And in terms of him being seemingly more than human/generic action star: In CoR, he has to out race the rising sun, he comes out unhurt & in another scene he gets a giant dog to be his friend. In PB, he gets caught between two aliens and comes out bleeding and limping. So the charecter may have not changed drastically, but how they played the character off did. O, and the "move the camera as fast as you can" action scenes sucked in CoR
  7. Um, his career went down hill quick after that, even with T2 being his next movie. He has had only 3 hits in 14 years since Kinder. Now I'm not saying thats all being of Kinder, but it didn't help. Really, well WBs seems to be banking pretty heavily on gritty for the new Batman movies
  8. His race was apparently the only ones strong enough to fight these people off, at least for awhile. He's like a mandalorian or something. So Supernatural is the best word, I guess I should have said "more than human". I mean did you see some of the retard wire stunts in CoR? Where he jumps and the leader with a knife and is just kinda floating towards him? None of that **** in PB Are you suggesting he is going to do a 180 from his goodie two shoes role in CoR and destroy the galaxy? I'll tell you what happens in the sequel. He goes to the underverse, he some how gets the girl to come back to life. If anyone lets him do the next film, it will have to go back to the style of the first. No one is going to give him CoR money again.
  9. You'll be waiting for awhile. Vins next film is The Pacifier. He plays, no I'm not kidding, a Navy Seal assigned to babysit a group of kids. It's a comedy in the grand tradition of Suburban Commando. He's ****ed.
  10. 1. Rumors are that the 3rd Spider-Man films villian will be Venom. Nor is there an solid indication that it will be the last film in the series. Just maybe the last for some of those involved. The Marvel people talked about wanting to turn it into kind of a Bond franchise. 2. You guys liked CoR? I LOVED Pitch Black. But I hate how they made Riddick this supernatural last of his kind warrior in CoR. Destroyed the whole film for me. In Pitch Black he was just this mortal man who trained himself (with a little help from some minor surgery) to be this killer badass. In CoR he becomes freaking Luke-Last of his kind and the galaxies last hope-Skywalker. That coupled with the freaking Borg rip off and thier "underverse", granted I've never actually seen a ST movie but I get the jist, ruined the film for me. If they only just would have stuck with the gritty realistic universe from Pitch Black. Also, they lost the "He's a villian...but he's human" feel of Pitch Black. He just felt like another action star in CoR.
  11. Hey, welcome to last month, I posted those shots awhile ago Everything on that site is currently VERY OLD. Don't bother DLing anything.
  12. Collateral, Incredibles, Garden State, Shrek 2, Spider-Man 2, The Bourne Supremecy, Shaun of the Dead, Napoleon Dynamite (if only for the dancing), and The Girl Next Door are all solid flicks this year in my book. But if I had to pick two of them, and I know I am forgetting a bunch of films, it would be The Incredibles followed by The Girl Next Door.
  13. Hey, maybe with Wallace gone for a few, Darko will see court time! Maybe not O, thier calling that a sport nowadays huh? " Besides, hockey talk as of late ends up like this: Guy 1: When do you think the strike will be over? Guy 2: dunno Guy: those Canadians are sure pissed Guy 2: yep
  14. and he's about to start another one with good ole doomy (hades) for suggesting that he wants to pay extra for a key chain
  15. Try the other site, the one with the flash stuff. You'll notice that it says pre-order coming soon. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your batting .333
  16. uhhhhh I think I now have the right to hit each person who posted in this thread in the back of the head
  17. This whole thread is crap, not to meantion 3 pages went by without anyone checking this claim! You have been able to preorder since the weekend, at least Hell, you get a free T-Shirt The damn link is on the main page!
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