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Sargallath Abraxium

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Everything posted by Sargallath Abraxium

  1. ...hehehe...jus' did a bit o' wanderin' 'round the ol' posts an' found this ol' post...figured was good fer a laugh... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  2. ...hehehe...methinks 'twas Krackhead sore 'bout improper DWin', not Grommy; he's jus' sore 'bout Life...ain't seen A Mysterious Man in a looooooong time, more's the pity...nor Mystake, fer that matter; methinks he jus' dropped inta a looney bin somewhere's o'er in Europe an' decided ta set up shop there...as fer Volo, dunno; me an' the gully dwarf ain't "chatted" in some time...shyte jus' passes us by now, lad... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  3. ...hehehe...long time, lad...good ta see yer still 'round & kickin'...reminds me o' an' ol' favorite quote from me sig right 'round the closin' o' the Isle: 'ere lies Sargy, broken-hearted all 'is targets long departed Turnip gone, Volourn vanished Josh resigned, Mystique was banished. No one left ter face 'is wit thank god fer that, 'is wit was s**t In mixed memory of a true Forum-Troll. ~ Strider23 ...damn, 'twas fun times...pity we all gits older... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  4. ...canna believe I's sayin' this, but I e'en kinda misses me p*ssin' matches wit' those douchebags from the Codex... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  5. ...hehehe...ne'er quite ran inta that situation; both times I's used an alt 'twas when I was tryin' ta "retire" the Wemic...jus' couldna do it, though; unfortunately fer most who's known me on the Boards (these ones, Missy's, an' 'specially on the Isle), I's gotta be me, it's half the fun o' it... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  6. ...hehehe...I's had a couple o' short-lived ones meself...was too weird typin' in normal-speak, though, so theys ne'er lasted long... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  7. ...ya know, in all these posts o' "missin' the ol' posters", rarely does we e'er bring up some o' the great ol' Devs that shared the Boards wit' us an' gone on ta other places: Proxi (canna remember his real name fer the life o' me) Dave "Giant Robot" Maldonado Damien "Perky not Puuk" Foletto Chad "Briareus" Nicholas Kevin Osburn Jessica Urquhart Bloodlust (dunna think I e'er got his real name) ...prolly a few I's fergittin' that I's had a few laughs wit' o'er the years as well...we canna fergit 'em; the Boards wouldna been the same wit'out 'em... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  8. ...hehehe...funnier still be that it be 8 years today since I was first banned o'er at BIOweenia; the first day I posted on theys "new" boards...ahhhh, good times... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  9. ...Herve shoud be drug out, shot, an' p*ssed on; nuff said... ...in the end, hardly matters, though; New Vegas will go on... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  10. ...hard ta believe that some o' us 'ave been part o' this community fer a decade...damn, I feels old!... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  11. A long, long time ago, but I can still remember, How the Trolling used to make me smile. And I knew that if I had my chance, I could egg on a few Trolls to "dance", And maybe we'd be happy for a while. But then Krackhead left and so did Grommy; Vo and Turnip were banned; and Josh ran home to Mommy; Bad news on the Front Page; BIO said goodbye in a heated Rage. I can't remember if I cried When I heard that TORN had recently died. But sadness touched me deep inside, The Day...the WWOT died. ...so... Au Revoir, amore; BIS Message Board; You went away to Interplay becuz the company's poor; And that God-damned place was such a pathetic bore; The Regs didn't even go there no more; An' finally Herve had ta bar-down the door! ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  12. Hey, lad...good ta see ya; not many o' us left 'round these parts...these ain't our boards no more, I guesses...hehehe...moe's the pity ;)

  13. ...hehehe...funny how e'ery now an' then these threads pops up...makes me all warm an' fuzzy inside, it does... ...BTW, 'twas March o' 2001, if'n memory serves...;p ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  14. Depends on what sort of history you're writing. If its the corporate history it wouldn't even be mentioned. If you're talking actual innovation its part of the unavoidable infinity engine period of wRPG. Matt Barton on gamasutra did a great piece on it, as he's an RPG nut. It's nice to see some people write about it and other old games. Rock Paper Shotgun did a cool piece on SS2's SHODAN a while back. I'm sure there's something about PST somewhere there as well. Same for The Brainy Gamer. I'm not saying that Torment should be forgotten, but as things are going very few people will have played it. ...When Raging Bull first come out at theatres, it done very poorly an' was panned by critics; 'twas only o'er time that she done well an' critics come 'round ta seein' it was gonna be a classic...reminiscent, eh... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  15. ...pity noone e'er mentions Vagrant Story; great PS1 game fer it's time... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  16. I shall wait for you in death
  17. ...well...guess this b*tch didna enjoy Planescape: Torment either...hmmm, female an' braindead; sounds like an ex o' mine... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  18. ...went ta see Rob Zombie's Hallowe'en 2 last night...now I luvs me slasher flicks, an' the Hallowe'en series be almost sacred ground fer the genre, but what a repulsive pile o' shyte this was...Rob Zombie took the original slasher film boogeyman an' turned 'im inta a nutbar mama's boy...sad indeed... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  19. Xigmatech ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  20. ...misses those days, I does...pokin' me head in 'ere once in a while jus' ain't the same... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  21. ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  22. ...hehehe...should make fer some interestin' readin'...mayhaps a few o' the ol' BIS standard-bearers might e'en take a crack or two... ...so what does us that be celebratin' ours 10 years o' service 'round the end o' this year or so git??...a personalized Teeny Goat / Overseer voodoo doll signed by ol' Josh hisself... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  23. ...halloween drunk...won a $50 bet ta do this... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  24. Some do, others don't. ...name one... ...peoples crap on the "amnesia angle" bein' cliche, but 'twas the portayal in PS:T that was brilliantly done... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  25. ...good ta see ya still 'round an' kickin', lad...misses our days in the trenches, I does...
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