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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. SETTING: a dark living room. A man walks in - and is stunned to see a mysterious figure sitting in a chair, facing him. "Wha... who... who're you?!" "The person who's going to make you tell me everything you know." "Never!" "Oh yeah? I have here a transcript of a love poem you wrote to Jenny Simmons in eighth grade and never sent. Talk - or she'll find sitting in her MySpace email in ONE HOUR." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "Any more trouble and I'm uploading this video of you singing along to a Weird Al song to YouTube!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" ...absolutely kidding, of course. But ah, I find such glee in being demented in games. (yes. in games.) If this scene isn't in the game I will be very disappointed.
  2. Lets see: 1 Radiance Battleship 1 Halcyon Carrier (ready to level up) 1 Rapture Battlecruiser 1 Purge Siege Frigate 1 Disciple Light Frigate 1 Destra Crusader Heavy Cruiser 1 Iconus Guardian Support Cruiser 2 Illuminator Long Range Frigates 16 Defense Flak Frigates No wonder your military is 6th. *goes to take a picture of his fleet...* Edit: Rawr! Feer me! I had to set the empire tree to stack ships otherwise they wouldn't all fit on screen. Also all my strike craft are currently docked in that shot.
  3. Can you actually shoot anything in 3rd person? I just realized that he's running Crysis at that resolution with 35FPS!
  4. Ouch. Have to agree with Bowen. Toskala is going to be on every single last highlight reel tonight for that goal. 197 foot shot that results in a short handed goal. It bounced all the way down the ice and took a weird hop just before it got to Toskala and went just around his glove and into the net.
  5. I heard that you broke some hearts this weekend. What have I told you about being prepared, Anthony? Did the army teach you nothing? Army, not army. Who has been spreading...truths...about me? It was Alvin Nelson!
  6. Hah! And just what do you think you can do Mr. Assisstant Producer!
  7. You need to complain. I don't see a dev job title under your avatar like the rest of the devs. I suggest you go on strike. See how they do without their precious flow-charts and excel spreadsheets! I'm sure Fish and J.R. Vosovic would be willing to join you in your strike.
  8. NCIX had a stock of them a couple weeks ago, but they seem to be all out now. They are still taking orders for when the get more in. ETA looks to be some time in April for them.
  9. So what happened to your Conroe?
  10. What a cute looking vulture.
  11. Oh... That was the Starwars I was supposed to give the check to?
  12. Pfft, we already know who you are. We demand posts from new devs!
  13. It's okay if it's a hoax. We know where you work.
  14. The slow pace isn't for everyone and the AI is indeed damn annoying with it's games of phase lane tag.
  15. We have a tradition on these forums, that all new developers must share at least one secret about the game they are currently working on. You wouldn't want to break with this tradition now would you?
  16. Coke is very unpleasant when it travels out the nose. Damn you and your awesome sense of humour! I was going to make a joke about coke and its direction of travel through the nose, but thought better of it Also, welcome! Hurray for new developers!
  17. Coke is very unpleasant when it travels out the nose. Damn you and your awesome sense of humour!
  18. It is... ... a mystery. Is there anything that you can tell us?
  19. BBFC Next time try a google search before you post.
  20. And why doesn't the new section set the forum width according to the users desktop resolution? The main forum takes up the whole window but the AP section only uses about 60% of the screen real estate.
  21. Care to elaborate?
  22. Publisher: Sega of America Developer: Sega of America Platform: Xbox 360 Category: Role-Playing Obsidian, is there something you aren't telling us? Obsidian is just a front for Sega to secretly rebuild their reputation as a developer? Well at least we know that there is at least one developer on the team that knows how these things are supposed to work. I should point out it was a very particular JB name that I'm very fond of... Oh! No one liked JC Benton? :sad:
  23. The overturned his punishment? Just another example of the more influential members of society being able to flout the justice system when they get caught in the act!
  24. Well at least we know that there is at least one developer on the team that knows how these things are supposed to work.
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