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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. Sweden has had liberal immigration policies for 50 years. And yes.
  2. Hey, did you know Inmate No. P01135809 selected 1/3 of the current Supreme Court? Wild.
  3. Again, there are verbatim quotes of Trump openly saying he did illegal things. He was indicted for things he has admitted to doing. There are also statements of his that show that he knew what he was doing was illegal.
  4. I like that the indictments seem to be filled with verbatim quotes by Trump or some conspirator going "look at me committing my definitely criminal crimes consciously and of sound mind" or "I knew in advance that the criminal crime I committed was illegal asf, which is why I was in such a hurry to crime it up.", and still you get people going that this is a witch hunt. Like treating a person who clearly and knowingly committed crimes as a criminal is somehow unfair or even ethically wrong. It's just the most back ass backwards logic possible.
  5. I feel like that "supposed" is working overtime in that sentence.
  6. What happens now on the front? Is the Wagner Group contingent gone?
  7. Any basis for this?
  8. What exact cases or allegations regarding Trump were untrue?
  9. I probably wouldn't engage them. Either they are wilfully dishonest, or they are so far down the rabbit hole that I'd have less of a chance of changing their mind than of changing the mind of a flat earther.
  10. 37 counts. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.618763/gov.uscourts.flsd.618763.69.0_2.pdf
  11. It's like boxing though. Loads do it, but not everyone is Muhammad Ali.
  12. You were indeed very good at genocide and doing an assortment of other evil stuff. Congrats.
  13. The British have often been the worst, in any era. Although for a long time, the worst Brits were French.
  14. First if he likes Swedish food, it is just more evidence that he is unhinged. Now, his views are not his views. As a Fox News employee, he was a mouthpiece for the billionaire class, like the rest of Fox News. The media landscape does not need a made up, astroturfed "side" for things to be balanced. There are not two sides to every issue. Sometimes issues are more complex than that, and the brainless reduction of discussions to stupid talking points helps no one. Fox news is actively and intentionally destroying the social fabric. It is not needed anywhere.
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