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Everything posted by SadExchange

  1. Here here, hoping it'll run decent enough on my rig. With getting decent reviews, my hype is building.
  2. Quick question for those of you who are playing Assassin's Creed 3 on pc. How is the performance and what are your computer specs if you don't mind me asking? I'm wanting to play the game but have read numerous threads of how poorly it runs.
  3. Well, now you wont have to do what I did: wait for all episodes to come out Though since I hardly have the time to play it now, I'll wait for the Christmas Sale Good idea and don't mean to be promoting since I don't work for Amazon, but it is on sale right now. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B007WWW2C8/ref%3Dnosim/water70e-20
  4. How's that worrying ? Oh, and Bokishi - how is Absolution ? I don't know how Bokishi feels, but I've completed the first couple of missions and have been enjoying it. The levels are heavily detailed and after going through a couple missions, I can see the replay value as you have some different options. The levels don't seem as large as Blood Money, but I still feel that they give you enough options. I will say that the first couple of missions can be completed quite quickly, even as a Silent Assassin, if you know what you're doing, but the collectibles and atmosphere and character conversations within the levels definitely have me taking my time with each level.
  5. Played through Deadlight. Okay story, some cruddy voice-acting for some characters. Some control issues, but it was decent for what it was. I would be interested to see if they make a sequel with some better gameplay. Pretty short overall, steam has me clocked at about 2 hours, but probably closer to 3 overall. To be truthful, it was nice to just play a game and have it end fairly soon after having ongoing games going with Xcom and Borderlands 2 right now which are hard to get to due to time constraints.
  6. Thanks for reply. Where when crafting can I check my bank though?
  7. Hopefully quick and easy question. When I go to my inventory and click deposit all collectibles, where does that go? I'm assuming a bank somewhere, but a question on that, where are the banks? Are they only in the huge cities?
  8. Same here, I'm having trouble spending more than 30 minutes in a game which tends to limit the atmosphere and getting lost in the game much like yourself.
  9. I'm also playing this, alongside a lot of Xcom and have enjoyed it so far. Haven't put more than 40 minutes into it, but the world so far has been great and I just read through this interesting article about it as well which reminded me so much of why I like games like this. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/10/08/dishonored-length/
  10. Quick question with medkits. Probably stupid to ask, but do I need to just create 1 medkit for my support class guy, or do I have to keep creating them in order to use multiple ones during a mission ( I have the ability to use 3 in one mission). I only ask because you don't need to keep creating grenades or rockets for mission after mission, but I wanted to know, do I need to keep creating/manufacturing medkits to use throughout missions?
  11. Same, and while I have only been able to get a couple hours into it, I'm loving it!
  12. Right now, making small headway on my Borderlands 2 game. At level 16, but as with the first one, it's harder to pull myself to it by myself than with friends. And my main co-op friend is away for the next month. Plus, the save system pushes me away from short bursts of playtime. Torchlight 2 on the other hand gives you the opportunity of short burst game with save anywhere, map exploration saves and I've been really enjoying that. I think my Eng is up to lvl 54 and I have other characters ranging from lvl 6-18 and just really enjoying the game so far. A little FTL here and there as this game really takes ahold of my interest from time to time. Awaiting Xcom at the time.
  13. Alright, that's what I was thinking, but I wanted to check. Thanks.
  14. I'm definitely a little late to the game not really getting the chance to play the previous Xcom games, however I'm excited for this game after watching quite a few previews and gameplays, however can someone explain what "Overwatch" in the game is, to me.
  15. There's a server list you can use to search for games. I've used it a few times and have had a good time with it. Item distribution is similar to Diablo 3 where all the loot that falls is yours and only viewable to you. I agree with the reviews, it definitely expands upon the first game in every way with the exception of the story, however the story isn't the reason I'm playing this game. Anyone else wanna join up sometime to play some MP, friend me on Steam: SadExchange
  16. I did enjoy the original Torchlight however found it a little repetitive after going through the dungeon and a hoard more levels of the endless dungeons level, however I'm truly enjoying Torchlight for what it's worth. All the classes play great and while I'm not really getting a great story out of the game, the gameplay is where this game succeeds.
  17. What is this "Golden Key" you speak of, and why do I get the feeling I missed something blatantly obvious in my play through? It's a preorder perk for a chest in Santuary, but I believe you can pick up more randomly throughout the game unless I'm wrong.
  18. Sure would. Don't know how much due to time difference but we can see. My steam name is SadExchange.
  19. I sure hope they bring is to pc. While I will buy it on Xbla if I have to to play it, I'd rather have it on my pc.
  20. I've been playing BL2 and recently Torchlight 2, love both games very much as of late and can't wait to put more time into each one. If anyone wants, add me in Steam for some Co-op action on either game for sure. Both games are more fun with friends. SadExchange is my steam name if you care to add.
  21. If anyone wants to Co-op, let me know. I'd be willing to since the game is so much better in Co-op.
  22. Hah, usually my friends say 'oh sure we'll play co-op' and then they just burn ahead of me due to them having more free time. I get this a lot as well. Happened with a few friends with Diablo 3 and made it just not fun anymore. Looking forward to Torchlight 2 though because I think I'll enjoy playing that game solo more than D3, however will also be playing MP when I get the chance.
  23. I've been reading that Diablo 3 is essentially a flop as far as MP is concerned (and none of my friends liked the single player at all) What's the verdict? Agree, and while I'm generally looking forward to Torchlight 2 because I really enjoy loot-based game. I believe I'll probably be spending a lot more time with Path of Exile.
  24. I will say if the beta MP was anything like what the release MP is going to be, then if you'll be wanting to play MP, you'll create a server, either protected by a password you give to your friend, or leave it open for anyone to join. The character you play on MP will be the one you use on SP as well. As to how your friend's storyline will progress as he spends time in your character, I'm not quite sure, however, from my experience in the beta, the MP was pretty easy. I'm looking forward to this game as well as I loved the first one. The beta showed a lot of promise and it appears that they've added quite a few things to the sequel that the first installment was missing. For $20, I don't think you can go wrong with this title.
  25. Making my way through Darksiders 2, about 14 hours on my save and having fun. Letting Sleeping Dogs sit for a bit while I finish some other stuff up. Playing some Guild Wars 2 which is going alright, level 21 (realize I'm far behind a lot of people here), and I told myself I would not play the Path of Exile beta anymore until they went Open Beta (so I wouldn't have to worry about my characters getting wiped), but for some reason I keep playing different characters checking out the different paths on the passive skill tree. Awaiting Borderlands 2 and Torchlight 2 for some good MP action for sure. Really excited about next week!
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