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Everything posted by roshan

  1. What can you make with those two? I can't recall any recipies that use them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  2. You can sell most of the cheap ones except Obsidian. The list is as follows:
  3. There are no wild elves in NWN2, AFAIK....
  4. Well Marias statement says that it entered classical Greek from germanic. I think its more likely that the word was always an English word rather than being imported from Greek.
  5. Did you do the I believe it involves something about being strict and disciplining the rebel, and Neeshka doesnt like it(she is chaotic, so it makes sense).
  6. I love the fact that NWN2 is heavy on the loot. Thats the way every game should be.
  7. It seems that this is a bug. All is not lost though, some have had Sand reappear after rebuilding the library at the keep. I do hope I get him back after this or I will be screwed and will have to redo a lot of stuff. I cant believe that any company could release a game in this state. These boards need a better angry smiley because the one theyve got comes nowhere close to showing how angry I am.
  8. Back to the topic of NWN2 bugs. I have been searching all over bloody neverwinter eduring awful loads looking for Sand, a party member, who disappeared from my party after a scripted sequence. Apparently, other people have had him disappear while others have been able to get him back into their party right after the trial. I have read speculation on the NWN2 boards that this may be an influence related thing, but I dont think that its possible given that I got a lot of influence with Sand while searching for clues. In fact he even appeared before the trial to help me out and told me that he was enjoying himself, or something like that. Its really unbelievable that the developers could miss something like this. Theres only one path through most of the campaign yet party members DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY after critical plot events and even get permanently MORPHED INTO ANIMALS if you summon familiars or animal companions. This is absolutely outrageous. These problems have not yet been fixed in the latest patch. Yesterday I had the game freeze after leaving one of the taverns and when I minimized the game Windows itself froze and I had to restart my computer. This morning I had the game freeze as well, I dont remember if it was during an autosave or after leaving a building. I am never buying an Obsidian game upon release again and I dont think that any game with problems like this can be considered to be more than trash.
  9. NWN2 certainly does look a lot better than KOTOR. The textures are particularly good, the level of detail is great even when fully zoomed in.
  10. What is the third feat that you took to improve your AC? Is it the two weapon defence thing?
  11. Thats certainly possible. Khelgar has 30 ac in my game and I am still at the middle, I havent done any crafting, and my pc has the best gear. I think upto 45 ac or so may be possible. Dodge and luck of heroes - 2 Mithril full plate plus 5 - 17 (If I assume correctly that the dex bonus will increase from 1 to 3, otherwise, mithril breastplate plus 5 for 15, also theoretical) Amulet of natural armor plus 5 Tower shield - Provides 4 ac at base, i dont know what the maximum enchantment for shields is Ring of protection plus 3 (Is that the max? Or can you get more deflection bonus than this, from rings or any other items?) There are several items that add other stackable AC bonuses. You can also equip bracers of armor plus 8, in which case the enchantment of your armor becomes useless, but thats still 3 ac more over a plus 5 armor. If I am correct and characters start with a base ac of 10, then an AC of about 50 should be quite easy to achieve in the game.
  12. Did I say that? Yesterday I definitely felt like it.
  13. Ive just cleared out Crossroad Keep.
  14. This is the first honest review of the game. The fact is that the games performance is terrible. If I switch from the maximum to the minimum settings, I get only about 30% better increase in performance. Loading times are simply ridiculous. A simple visit to Nasher can take me up to half an hour and I spend more time at the loading screen than playing the game. This is perhaps the only reason other than these forums for why I havent beaten the game yet. Big battles are unplayable. The screen freezes, but the text box that says what is going on keeps updating. Towards the end of the battle when most enemies have been killed off by my NPCs, I can start playing again. Its almost like having results automatically generated. I think that even a 6 is definitely overrating the game.
  15. The influence system is idiotic. because I dont have enough influence. And influence is required for Elanee to tell you about her druidic circle. Why the hell would we need influence for such little things? its absolutely ridiculous! I also dont like the influence system because in the end it just dictates the players actions in the game rather than actually being a measure of the influence over the characters. So instead of you influencing NPCs, they influence your actions in the game. In order to make the system actually work, influence over the NPCs should be based not on the PCs actions but rather on their results. Just a random example, not the best one: Current system: Player talks about disciplining kids. Neeshka doesnt like it, - 1 influence. Better system: Player talks about disciplining kids, Neeshka doesnt like it, - 1 influence. Player enters crypt, kid is in trouble, saves kid. Neeshka realizes maybe the player was right about discipline, + 2 influence. With enough influence there might be some sort of change in Neeshkas character. Also, multiple counters should be implemented for each character. For example, there could be a counter for morale and another one for trust. And a seperate counter for each direction that you can influence an NPC towards. The current system is too simple to the point that it simply doesnt work. I would rather have no influence system than the current one.
  16. Well the part about characters being forced on you is not completely true. You can choose who you want to some extent but there are always characters being forced into your party whether you like it or not. Often you have to boot out characters you want to make space for those required. You also cannot play through the game solo. Youre always stuck with someone or the other almost continously.
  17. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> When I exited, Sands name was grayed out!
  18. The minimap is awful, I find it impossible to find my way around. When I zoom it is too close and therefore becomes useless and when I zoom out everything is so small that its impossible to see anything. The minimap is not much more usefull in low resolution. Since I run the game on high res anyway, I just use the regular map and keep it at the corner of the screen. There is a bug where the minimap disappears and all characters and locations are arranged in a straight line running accross the blank, transparent minimap. You can hide the minimap but it keeps popping back up. I just had a bug where my characters could walk right through a chest. But thats a trivial issue, of course.
  19. How do I get into the second floor of the collectors mansion? And how do I get Sand back in my party after the trial?
  20. Mobility Radeon 9800 256 MB Pentium 4 3.0 GHZ 1024 mb RAM The game actually runs fairly well on my aged system considering the great graphics(both interior and exterior). The only bad thing about the graphics are the pc models which are absolutely disgusting. The NPC character models on the other hand are decent. Animations are horrid all around.
  21. That was before I moved here to the UK. I spent 40 pounds on this abomination.
  22. Yes, all those people sending their copies back to Atari support your (very reasonalbe and reasoned) views ..! /sarcasm <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dont know anything about people returning copies to Atari.
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