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Everything posted by roshan

  1. The discussion does not need to be handled. I dont think anything has been blown out of proportion.
  2. Are you trying to make people angry? Here's the thing, this is Obsidian's Forum, right? Obsidian is a huge part of NWN2, surly you can agree with that? Now, what do you think is going to happen when you join a community who is made up of Obsidian/Black Isle fanboys? You can't win here because (mostly) everyone loves the work of Obsidian and Black Isle. Oh and if you were "just saying.." you probably wouldn't have spent the time looking for those links and all. Just saying.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not everyone that loves Black Isle games is going to love Obsidian games as well. Obsidian is a different company and their games and their RPG design philosophy is progressing in a totally different direction from Black Isle.
  3. Actually in these past few threads it has been only the fanboys who have been engaging in namecalling - and these same people have been calling Soulthief a troll. This is obviously unfair, and this must be taken into account before condemning Soulthief for the blob comment.
  4. 1. Ive already stopped playing the game. 2. I own an original preordered limited edition copy. 3. My computer has no viruses, has no background processes, and meets all the minimum requirements. 4. Lots of people are having the same problems with the game as me.
  5. At complete minimum settings, I get .5-1 FPS at the docks. Zoom into the shots until they cover the full screen in order to see the graphics I get on screen. Unbelievable.
  6. Actually Blessed of Waukeen comes with the limited edition. If you preorder the game, you get Merchants Friend. So, if you preorder the limited edition, then you get both feats.
  7. I dont agree with anyone who is comparing Zhjaeve and Dakkon. In terms of the depth of the characters, their motivations and much more, there is absolutely no comparison between the two. 1. There is no logical, personal reason for why Zhjaeve wants to interfere in the conflict. She is simply just another goody two shoes who wants to help, just sticking her nose into where it doesnt belong. She has no personal motivation. Dakkon on the other hand had a perfectly good reason to accompany the nameless one. His lack of faith had destroyed him, it had led to the deaths of thousands. The practical incarnation saved his life and offered him a means of knowing himself once more, forcing dakkon into his service. 2. Zhjaeve just pledges herself into slavery and is perfectly happy to be your slave. Dakkon doesnt like being a slave, and the circle of zerthimon doesnt help him - on the outside, it seems he knows himself, but actually the circle has merely added to his confusion. He is tormented by his slavery, and he is tormented with doubt. 3. Beyond being some sort of "wise sage" through the dispensing of supposedly great advice by pointing out what is already very obvious through the utterance of stupid statements that rehash some features of Dakkons dialogue to extreme proportions, there is really nothing deeper to Zhjaeves personality. With Dakkon there are multiple layers to his personality that an interested player can explore. At first, he seems to be a believing Zerth, but later on you can find out that he is actually confused and doubtful about his beliefs and doesnt really have any clue about what he is talking about. You find out about him being your slave and about his torment. Dakkon was a very deep character. 4. Dakkon actually has a life story and a past, unlike Zhjaeve. 5. Unlike other NPCs like Grobnar, Zhjaeve doesnt even have any entertainment value and doesnt add to the fun factor of the game. In short, Zhjaeve has no motivation, no realistic reason to accompany you, no personality and no entertainment value. She is the second worst NPC in the game next to Shandra. Other than these two, all the other characters in the game are at the very least half decent.
  8. The forced characters really sucked. Zhjaeve and Shandra were among the most boring characters I have ever adventured with - and Shandra outright pisses me off. The reason given for Shandra being forced is probably one of the most ridiculous and idiotic things in the history of computer gaming. It was really idiotic that Zhjaeve had to go with you to talk to the dragon. The only thing she did was make an irritating comment when you entered the area, and another stupid comment when you see the heart. I dont even remember her playing any role, or at least any significant role in the conversation with the dragon spirit. So she was forced into the party just so that she can point out what is already blatantly obvious by making stupid statements. I really dont understand what in the world made Obsidian do the things it did. All I can think of is that they have become completely misguided and no longer have any clue at all about what made the BIS rpgs so great.
  9. The reasons Obsidian came up with were always really stupid. Why the hell is the only person who can read the scrolls some strange alien woman? One would think that a native of the world would know more about reading things written in that particular world!
  10. Messier but more intimate? In all seriousness, BGtutu has been pretty smooth for me (there are a few crash spots outside Bereghost, nothing major) and having played through BG2 first and missing the extra classes and kits in BG, BGtutu is the game I always wanted to play. Does anybody know how to get a BG intra-party dialogue mod to work in Tutu? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The BG1 banter pack has been designed specifically for TUTU. Just run the installer like any other WEIDU mod.
  11. I have discovered what I believe may be content that was cut from the NWN2 OC. Apparently you were supposed to be able to visit Luskan, and the guy who leads you to an ambush was actually supposed to take you there. Of course, this is unless the quest is actually in the game but I missed it. Theres also something about rescuing Commander Tann from Highcliff, but I dont remember rescuing anyone there. Wasnt Commander Tann the guy you save from the graveyard?
  12. I bought the LE. I didnt get either a game manual or a cloth map. And the art book was so small and printed on such crappy paper that it is pretty much worthless. The ring was so large that youd have to be a giant to wear it (not that I would want to wear such a ring anyway) EDIT: Pretty much the same as what was shown in the video, except I have the CE version.
  13. This is the exact problem that I have. After patch 1.03, I am now running with 6x AA (Or at least suppose that I am, it doesnt actually look much better) turned on, with the exact same frame rate as with it turned off. And whether pre or post patch, absolutely NOTHING in the settings menu has any effect on my framerate at all, with the exception of a very minor performance increase from turning down resolution. I have a hyperthreaded PC, and I noticed yesterday that when NWN2 was minimized, it was only using about 500 mb of memory(I have 1 GB of RAM) and about 45% of the CPU. However that is most likely just because I minimized the game. Ive been meaning to experiment and see what happens while I am actually playing.
  14. I never used the NWN1 toolset but the NWN2 is difficult to use. I started it and there were hundreds of buttons everywhere - it took me a long time to just find where the tools such as elevation were. It could certainly be organized a bit more.
  15. The red dragon was extremely easy, and so were the giants. That "battle" was more like a massacre.
  16. Theres BG Tutu and also BG Trilogy. If you want a more authentic BG1 experience then I suggest Tutu.
  17. Is there supposed to be one in the docks too?!? The one in the Blacklake district sure had a lot of expensive hardware. 100000+ gold coin items among them " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I read on the NWN2 boards that there are 2 Blessed of Waukeen merchants and 1 Merchants Friend merchant. I think Reylene is supposed to be one of the bonus merchants, but Im not sure. Supposedly the one at the docks carried the only vorpal weapon in the game, a falchion. Its too bad I didnt get it as I focused on falchions. I spent half the game with a plus 1 falchion. This game has really tried to screw me in every way it can!
  18. I know he didnt have a real choice except to say that, but its still disgusting and absurd.
  19. Actually, this is not bad design, just you missing an option. I asked Shandra once, politely, she declined. Being a chivalrous chap, I then told Sand not to press the issue. He made a rude comment to me (shocking, I know), but I finished up the trial on my own. Won, too, even without her testimony or Sand's wit. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It seems that I was the victim of some sort of bug. I told Sand not to press the issue but the trial did not move forward. I was still stuck with the same dialogue options with Shandra. Irregardless of whether this was intentional or a bug, it is still really bad design on Obsidians part. Another bug Ive had is with the Blessed of Waukeen merchant in the docks - I didnt get the option to use Blessed of Waukeen on her and get the special items. What a waste of money this limited edition copy has turned out to be - now Im actually considering shelling out the money to buy another copy of the BG series.
  20. If it was designed for single player, wouldnt it actually have been more non linear? The character models and animations in NWN2 are simply terrible. Hopefully they can still overhaul it, but I fear that its already too late. Crap animations, the lack of vertex weighing and downright hideous (both in terms of aesthetics and graphics) player models is just something that we will have to live with. I like the fact that there is no fog of war. The only thing bad about it is that it largely invalidates IE style scouting in stealth mode. I find it disgusting that he is trying to sweep the sentiments of so many disappointed players under the carpet with his blatant, absurd lie.
  21. Riftworm: You have a point, if youre talking about linearity within areas. NWN2's areas mostly have 1 path that you need to follow. I do not remember NWN1 well enough to make a comparison. However in terms of the linearity of the gameworld, NWN1 was just like NWN2. Or at the very least, its expansion packs. I never played through the OC, I quit early on because it was the most boring gaming experience I have ever had
  22. Can I borrow your time machine? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ill send it to you by email.
  23. Fallout is dead... There is no hope for a real sequel to Fallout 1/2 being released. Bethesdas Fallout 3 is going to suck - a lot.
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