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Everything posted by roshan

  1. Off the top of my head, the map has points at the corners which show you in which direction certain landmarks are. However, these points are useless because the direction they are in doesnt necessarily reflect the path you need to take to get there. In order to find out how to get there you need to zoom out to see more of the map, but when you zoom out, the paths become impossible to see. Another problem is that zooming out doesnt decrease the size of the markers on the map. With marker size becoming so much larger in relation to the background, the map becomes even more useless. I turn it off but it keeps popping back up.
  2. Heh, you should have let him speak. Apparently, he was sent by to aid you and he sure does a great job at infuriating :D You really missed a few awesome lines: BTW, the way that guy speaks those sentences is simply priceless. Kudos to the voice actor. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL! NWN2 has got some great funny lines.
  3. My trial was useless. I had to get Shandra to testify, and I couldnt persuade her to do it using any of the options. But there was no option to agree to let her NOT testify. The only option I had was to end the trial by telling Sand to take over. Amazingly bad design by Obsidian.
  4. Best post ever just roshan. Just FYI: your posts have too many quotes. That
  5. I agree, load times are too long. Portraits in the vein of the IE games would be pleasing to my eyes. However they wouldnt be needed if Obsidian got the character models and customization right. The request for a cleave animation is utterly stupid. It would completely invalidate the FB class. I do miss the dance of death though. It seems Obsidian couldnt come up with good animations for combat and then just decided to make characters fight at light speed instead. This needs to be fixed. I blame this on leftist politics. This is another really idiotic decision on Obsidians part. NWN needs detailed character stats ala Icewind Dale 2. I dont know why but I cant navigate anywhere using the normal minimap. But since I run on High res, I can use the main area map as the minimap, and that is perfectly suitable for me. Improvements to the actual minimap would be welcome. Points other than the ones I quoted above are just nitpicking, for the most part, or dont concern me at all.
  6. I agree. Linear gameplay sucks. But I dont think the original was any better in this regard. No decent semi non linear isometric RPG has been released since BG2, AFAIK. I agree. I do hope that Obsidian can create some icons for the different spell effects. Currently what is shown does not let you know exactly what is going on with the character. Desperately needs to be fixed. AI in the infinity engine games was far better. Fireball and all the other fire attacking spells look exactly the same to me. I never used spells in NWN1 though so I cant comment on that game. The animations are awful in this game - that and the models are the only really bad thing about the graphics. Otherwise they are awesome. Seems like a very glaring oversight. Its utterly ridiculous to ask for inventory tetris. That was stupid and I am glad its gone. However the inventory icons ARE pretty badly done, especially compared to the Icewind Dale series and Torment. I was VERY surprised at how bad they were in NWN2. However the original NWN also had **** inventory item graphics. So NWN2 is just following in the originals footsteps.
  7. The only ones trolling this thread are the fanboys with all their namecalling.
  8. I am quite sure that it must have been altered quite a bit, at the very least. Some sort of program called WEIDU has been created that allows BG mods to add new things to existing files instead of overwriting them thats why all these mods are compatible with each other. A lot of mods were rewritten after this, and thus I assume that the new TOTSC and TDD are very different from the original releases. TOTSC is now only 20 mb! I am quite sure that the original was a lot larger than this. I am now downloading the mods. Unfortunately my copies of BG, BG2 and TOB are in another country. Hopefully I can pick up some sort of DVD rerelease at the local shops, if there is one available.
  9. I was wondering if anyone here has tried playing the megamod for the Baldurs Gate series. http://forums.spellholdstudios.net/index.php?showforum=193 What are your impressions? Is it worth playing, free of bugs, easy to install?
  10. I was talking about when puppet mode is turned off.
  11. oh, and don't get us started on potions use by joinables. wish that there were some way to address potion use by npcs... potion use specifically. we know that we can keeps npcs from using magic items (though some still uses potions anyways it seems,) but the behavior tabs is a bit... lacking. I turned off all the use items/use magics tabs for all my followers but Elanee still drank every single one of my potions when I wasn't looking, and I mean every one. The only solution was to give all the potions to someone who is permanently in puppet mode (ie my caster). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, it was quite irritating that characters still drank potions when they werent in puppet mode even though item usage was turned off. Once I got used to the liberal resting system I just sold all my potions and thus put an end to that annoyance.
  12. The problem with turning off both spellcasting and puppet mode is that spellcasting NPCs will then behave like warriors and charge into melee stupidly. You will then have to constantly move them away from the enemies, but then they will just run right back at them. When I first got Qara she kept roasting my party members with lightning bolts, and I had her at the lowest possible casting level. I then turned on puppet mode for her. However at higher levels characters (my PC and Khelgar) normally will have decent resistance EQ such as rings and pretty high HP. So I just put my spellcasters (Sand and Elanee) on powered casting and let them do whatever they want. Most of the combat is quite easy and it just keeps getting easier as the game progresses. I hardly ever had to micromanage anything.
  13. And people here think its silly to keep 30 saved games.....
  14. Precisely. For example, if the max dex modifier of the armour is +5, and my dex is 18, I should be able to equip Belt of Agility +2 and see it go up to 20 (+5), right? Not so. In fact, even if I made my dex go up to 22, it should - it should simply stay at 22 (+5). But it doesn't. There's some invisible cap on the actual ability score, and it seems only to be present post 1.02. Also, I'd say the clipping is better than you running into party members all the time, because the pathfinding would go berserk with that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The pathfinding has actually been very good to me, I can click almost anywhere and my character will go there in the shortest possible way, I think the pathfinding only has occassional problems navigating around small objects, like barrels and stuff. Even if they cant fix characters clipping each other, hopefully they can fix clipping into walls and other objects. My characters foot regularly goes through slopes, and he can even clip halfway into a wall.
  15. I could have sworn he said earlier he was playing at 1024. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It depends. There are times when I desperately need the extra 1 to 2 frames per second. In any case I am not actually playing the game anymore. I am going to wait for something that will address my problems if it ever comes out.
  16. Minimizing my resolution only has a marginal impact on my frame rate - About a 30% improvement in areas that run well on high res, and about 15% in areas that do not run well at high res(by my estimate). Since I am running the game on a laptop, decreasing the resolution makes the fonts very jagged and also makes the game look really, really ugly. The game appears pixelated and the colors become very dull. Another aspect of running at high res is that I can keep the main area map on instead of the minimap. I dont know why but I cant seem to navigate using the minimap no matter what the zoom or resolution settings are.
  17. I dont know what is wrong with my system. I have up to date drivers, can run other games well, have no background applications, have all non essential windows services turned off. But load times are simply ridiculous for urban enviroments. And of course Ive got awful FPS. I wouldnt mind sacrificing all the graphical bells and whistles for playable FPS but turning off advanced graphics doesnt seem to do anything. I suppose that NWN2 just doesnt like me. After patch 3 is released I will do a complete reinstall and see if that helps anything. But Im not optimistic. Expansion wish list: I hope that the clipping problems can be resolved.
  18. I prefer a low cap like 30, but I dont mind a higher cap. I like maxing out.
  19. In NWN2, bracers of armor give enhancement bonus instead of armor bonus. If you equip a plus 1 armor, then a pair of bracers of armor plus 3 will only give a bonus of plus 2. Its a bit silly that it doesnt work correctly. My fighter is using bracers of armor plus 8 - it doesnt matter anyway as I havent found anything else that is useful for the hand slot in the game. Armor will never affect your actual dex score, only the dex ac modifier, I have never had problems with dex modifiers being applied incorrectly.
  20. The worst part of it all was that the docks would take almost 3 minutes to load on my machine. BTW there is a code you can use to bring up the party roster whenever you want. I will definitely make use of this code if I ever play the game again.
  21. There has been a post at the official forums... Apparently, with the 1.03 patch, light doesnt reflect on armor and theres also something about bump maps being turned off. Also I suppose that now theres pretty much no chance of the game ever working acceptably on my machine.
  22. I dont have any problems while running other games. KOTOR for example is smooth as silk with everything on maximum settings. BTW that 11 FPS thing was just a random 3 second sequence. My FPS on the whole has only improved by about 20 percent or so with the patch. Of course, this figure is an estimate. However the patch seems to have made the game more unstable. When I was testing the docks, which is one of the worst areas for FPS, the game hung twice, got a blue windows screen once, and crashed once when I adjusted the resolution. However, other areas I was testing didnt seem to have any problems.
  23. Just wondering, but did you actually measure the FPS in some way or are those values your own estimates? They seem way too low for your system specs. FYI, to show the in-game FPS counter simply use the '~' key to call up the console and then type in 'showfps' at the prompt. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, Ive used the showfps command. When I was testing patch 3, I got a random burst of 11 FPS. I was like WTFOMG!!!!!
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