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Everything posted by roshan

  1. Hello everyone, I was wondering about weapons in NWN2... What is better to craft a weapon from, alchemical silver or cold iron? Which is the one that gives bonuses against undead?
  2. Intentional if by lack of animation you mean a separate attack animation like the one which triggered the Cleave. There actually is an animation for Cleave which consists of a purple swipe effect. I like it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This was a good choice on Obsidians part. Im playing a frenzied berserker, and there was a round where I was surrounded by 15 or so mephits and I killed them all in about a couple of seconds due to massive numbers of free cleave attacks. This is by the rules but would not be possible if there was an animation for cleave. It simply isnt possible to animate an instantaneous action - this is only possible in a turn based game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tell me then, how was this possible in NWN1, becouse animations were there for it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In NWN2 you can score 10 cleave attacks in a round because there is no animation for it. Hell it can even be 20. Was this possible in the original NWN with the cleave animations? I do remember that in Icewind Dale 2, taking cleave or greater cleave was completely useless later on in the game because the Infinity Engine was hardcoded to support only 5 or so attacks in a round (probably due to the animations etc) and you would be able to achieve this anyway without cleaves. Also dont forget that the original game did not have frenzied berserkers who have the supreme cleave ability. This class would be useless if Obsidian animated the cleave attacks.
  3. Intentional if by lack of animation you mean a separate attack animation like the one which triggered the Cleave. There actually is an animation for Cleave which consists of a purple swipe effect. I like it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This was a good choice on Obsidians part. Im playing a frenzied berserker, and there was a round where I was surrounded by 15 or so mephits and I killed them all in about a couple of seconds due to massive numbers of free cleave attacks. This is by the rules but would not be possible if there was an animation for cleave. It simply isnt possible to animate an instantaneous action - this is only possible in a turn based game.
  4. Role playing wise, I would say that NWN2 has expanded on the NWN2 expansion sets. But not by a huge amount.
  5. In terms of gameplay NWN2 is not a BG, Fallout, PST or IWD. Its a true sequel to the original Neverwinter Nights and it follows in the footsteps of the two expansion sets. I wouldnt play through the game expecting it to be like one of the other RPGs.
  6. Choice of diety and also race has no impact on the game beyond the tutorial. I am a wood elf and have not had a single reference to me being an elf outside the first village, and even my wood elf NPC has not ever said anything about me being an elf, much less a wood elf. From what I have heard most of the music has been taken from NWN1 and its expansion packs.
  7. I think that Dakkon also said a decent amount of other things as well. With Zhjaeve its nothing except knowing, knowing, knowing.
  8. More information is needed in the inventory screen. Currently theres no way to tell how much resistance you have to different types of damage. Stats such as AC and damage need to be broken down into more detailed information, such as dodge bonus, etc etc.
  9. You can always take Bishop or Casavir. Hell at high levels and with good gear, Elanee can more than hold her own in melee combat, and thats without any buffing spells. I hated sheepwoman and never actually made use of her in combat. I just let the AI bother about the *****. EDIT: edited to remove bad language that didnt get automatically replaced.
  10. Forget stupid sheepwoman. What happens to the items in her inventory? I WANT MY LOOT BACK!!!!!
  11. Hehe me too. Githgirl sucks BTW, except for the Dakkon reference. Shes just a wannabe! She has a strange voice and looks like something that popped out from KOTOR. And with her the *knowing* stuff is way overdone. And she does silly things like pledge herself to you(shouldnt Githzerai hate that?) She doesnt even have spells with cool names like reign of anger and scripture of steel.
  12. uh, toee anyone, ultima 9 anyone, pool of radiance anyone, bloodlines anyone, NWN1 anyone??? i can see now how you manage to label the rest of us fanboys. from your obvious prejudice, anyone else is _obviously_ just a fanboy. if you hate this game so much, STOP PLAYING IT!!! sheesh... taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually I wanted to stop playing the game and start building my own module. But it seems that I cant.
  13. I just tried using the toolset for the first time. I cant use the toolset either, I get an error message at the loading screen. This simply sucks.... I dont think any game has ever had a worse release. And the game is still thisbug infested after two patches. I dread to think of what the game would play like if I hadnt patched it. And the game is loaded with clipping errors. Once my party clipped right through a chest. Chain helmets look downright stupid on elves with the ears sticking out. And in about a third of the cutscenes, I cant see what is going on or who is speaking because the camera is positioned in a wierd place. There are also many quest and also game stopping bugs that are due to cutscenes not triggering properly.
  14. It depends on where you are... The UK sucks so we didnt get a cloth map or a manual.
  15. I have 1024 MB of memory. There are times when the games becomes really slow and I cant play until I restart. Just today I loaded up a game and started selling a whole bunch of items, the game became extremely slow and I had to save and quit. Later on I reloaded, finished selling the items, then after adventuring around a bit I got the error.
  16. I just got a Microsoft Visual C++ error. Something about an assertion failing and being out of memory. I knew this game had a really bad memory leak!!!
  17. Can you get Lizardmen, Dwarves or Goblins to come to your keep? EDIT: And what can you do at the Dwarven Scouts in Act 2? I went there but it was empty.
  18. Gold elves suck. Unless you are building up a mage. Then theyre a lot better.
  19. I really do hope that Obsidian does something worthwhile.
  20. I think most of my spellcasting NPCS already have both major magical crafting feats. Does it really matter whether the NPCs, many of whom you will never use, are not maxed out or optimized? Personally I never even bother buying EQ for them. I just give them my main characters leftovers.
  21. Actually looking at it again it mentions absolutely nothing about it being a greek word or coming from greek. It traces it to old english and from there to proto germanic. It them mentions cognates accross the different branches of the germanic language tree including gothic and german. Proto germanic is the reconstructed ancestor language of all the germanic languages(which includes English). It then states that this proto germanic word comes from proto indo european, which is the reconstructed ancestor of a wide number of languages all the way from Europe to India. After it mentions the theoreticized proto indo european root, it provides several cognates accross the various branches of indo european including avestan(indo-persian branch), greek, and also Welsh(Celtic). O.E. hatian "to hate," from P.Gmc. *khatojanan (cf. O.S. haton, O.N. hata, Ger. hassen, Goth. hatan "to hate"), from PIE base *kedes- "feel strongly" (cf. Avestan sadra- "grief, sorrow, calamity," Gk. kedos "care, trouble, sorrow," Welsh cas "pain, anger"). The noun is O.E. hete "hatred, spite," from P.Gmc. *khatis-, altered in M.E. to conform with the verb. In other words it is basically saying that hate is a native English word.
  22. Wood elves are the wood lovers. Wild elves are just wild. Wood elves get a bonus to strength, wild elves do not. As long as it has an effect on min maxing, theyre clearly different Hopefully expansion packs will expand the subrace selection.
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