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Everything posted by roshan

  1. I thought so too. Let us see if this show will defy predictability.
  2. My first thought after "the deed" was . Still, it was nice to see Vorenus in a less than virtuous state of mind. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah my thoughts exactly,
  3. Wow this thread is old! Right now I almost cannot believe that just 3 years ago, I used to listen to bhangra.
  4. Why? It looks to me like Vorenus and Pullo are going to clean up the place. As soldiers without a war, they have nothing else to do. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  5. Just watched Rome season 1 and this show is the best I have ever seen on television. I also watched the first episode of the second season, I was very disappointed with the way it ended.
  6. I liked seasons 1, 2 and 4 of 24. The third wasnt good, and the 5th was simply crap. There was hardly any overarching story, no villain, just Bauer going after a different bad guy every episode - often there wasnt even any explanation of what that person had to do with the story. I know lots of people disappointed with the 5th season. I like the show a lot, but the third season just doesnt seem to be as good as the first one.
  7. Probably because you installed it over the old version after turning off the store. I saw it on my friends itunes and spent about 5 minutes trying to take it off but couldnt figure out how. I gave up, after all, its her problem not mine. I wonder what makes them think that shoving their goods in customers faces is going to make their customers give them more money? If anything they would probably just get pissed off. The store was obtrusive enough in the previous version.
  8. If your TV shows are so great, then why dont you post them here?
  9. Ii enjoyed the first season of the Wire, and then got hafway through the second before I quit watching. It took me forever to get that far - I normally would become sleepy or get headaches after getting halfway through an episode. It just progresses too slowly. It is decent show, but probably better watched once a week on TV than all in one sitting. Ive started the new season of Veronica Mars and Ive seen 3 episodes, but it doesnt seem to be very interesting so far. Lost is getting boring. Theyve created so many mysteries and have left them unanswered for so long that Ive already forgotten most of them and have thus stopped looking forward to the show. I recently read an article about the top 50 Lost mysteries and most of it was stuff I had already forgotten and/or stopped caring about. Season 6 of 24 looks like its going to be good - theres no way it could be anywhere near as crappy as the previous one. The first two seasons of the series are still by far the best the show has produced. The Shield is probably the only show out there that just keeps getting better with each season. Prison Break is OK this season, but the new season is nowhere near as interesting as the first. Blasphemy! *smites infidel*
  10. Thats what bittorrent is for.
  11. You could, but it isnt necessary. My list was somewhat in order.
  12. What are your favourite ongoing television shows? The following are mine: 1. Battlestar Galactica 2. Jericho 3. Lost 4. The Shield 5. Prison Break 6. 24 7. Desperate Housewives 8. Veronica Mars
  13. Yeah, Ive got the same problem. This might be due to the CPU usage.
  14. What does everyone here think of Itunes? Personally I think its the biggest piece of crappy bloatware that plays music, particularly the recent versions. Unfortunately the new version is required as updates for the ipod are now installed automatically through itunes. Whenever I run the damn POC my CPU usage spikes up from 3% to a constant 90-100%.
  15. Did a Jewish forumite ask any of the mods to prevent Roshan from posting his Avatar? Also, if Roshan would've called his avatar "a Hindu Cross" or something instead of a "Hindu Swastika" would this thread be 3 pages long? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Svastika is the proper Hindu term for the symbol. This Sanskrit word was ripped off by the west to describe the Nazi symbol. Ive read somewhere that the Nazis themselves didnt call their symbol a svastika. EDIT: Just checked Wikipedia, the Nazi symbol was actually called the Hakenkreuz.
  16. But disallowing the swastika could be construed as discrimination against Hindus and Buddhists (the 3rd and 4th most widely practiced religions) Also, is not offending people a valid goal, considering that almost everything is going to offend someone or the other?
  17. Quoted for truth, even jews used it on their buildings before hitler shown up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not too many Jewish people feel like associating with the symbol now, though. As the Nazis assimilated the symbol and are now synonymous with it, I don't think it is a good idea. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In most of south, southeast and east asia the swastika retains its hindu/buddhist meaning.
  18. To constantly remind myself of the underlying unity of all existence so that I dont forget it while posting on message boards.
  19. If youre referring to the one I posted, that is the real swastika(albeit a slightly more stylized variant). Svastika is a Sanskrit word. It dates back 5000 years in India to the Indus-Saraswati civilization. It is a Hindu/Buddhist symbol of auspiciousness, stability, evolution, devolution, holyness, eternity and is also a symbol of the sun god, Surya.
  20. I was wondering, can I have a Hindu swastika as my avatar? Or would that offend people on these boards? Attached is my proposed avatar.
  21. Actually it is completely coincidental that I happened upon this article. I found a link to it in another forum a few minutes ago.
  22. Time for rethink on the clitoris By Sharon Mascall Dr O'Connell's finding has forced a rewriting of medical texts For two millennia it was a "little hill" - the meaning of kleitoris, its root word in Greek. But an Australian urologist, Dr Helen O'Connell, has revealed that the clitoris is shaped more like a mountain than a hill. Her work is forcing a re-write of anatomy books and a rethink among medical professionals. The findings could also have repercussions for women coping with continence problems. The clitoris rivals the **** in size. "The vaginal wall is, in fact, the clitoris," said Dr O'Connell, who is based in Melbourne. "If you lift the skin off the vagina on the side walls, you get the bulbs of the clitoris - triangular, crescental masses of erectile tissue." The idea had been that the clitoris is more than just its glans - the "little hill" but Dr O'Connell discovered the mistake 17 years ago. Frustrated that she kept failing a medical exam, she went back to the anatomy books for answers. She discovered they were wrong. "They left it out," she said. "It boils down to rivalry between the sexes: the idea that one sex is sexual and the other reproductive. "The truth is that both are sexual and both are reproductive." The Australian Doctor's Fund - a medical policy think tank - is demanding more time for anatomy in Australian medical schools. The teaching of basic sciences - including biochemistry, pathology and anatomy - is so inadequate, it says, it has made a submission to the Australian federal government, demanding an overhaul of doctors' training. But Dr O'Connell believes the quality of training is just as important as the quantity. "Pelvic anatomy is not that easy to display or have interpreted," she said. "Most people struggle with dissection-based images. They are quite confronting." Dr O'Connell prefers to work with magnetic resonance images (MRI) to define the true size and shape of the clitoris. By imaging the pelvises of healthy humans - rather than dissecting dead ones - she has found that the live clitoris is even larger than she first thought. "There's nothing quite like the shape of a clitoris," she said. "The glans are dense with nerve endings and receptors - all the vibration and sensation is there." The bulk of it is shaped like a pyramid, she said. Its base forms the external genitalia or vulva; its triangular "walls" are wrapped around the urine-carrying tube known as the urethra and the vagina. When aroused, the whole structure becomes engorged. "Helen has gone to significant effort to confirm what we suspected," said Dr Margaret Davy, director of gynaecological oncology at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in South Australia. "The original anatomists weren't interested in the clitoris. The **** was much more interesting. "It was bigger and you didn't have to wear your spectacles to see it." Medical implications Dr O'Connell's latest scientific paper investigates whether a medical device treating stress incontinence could interfere with clitoral function. There are repercussions, also, for women who have undergone female genital mutilation. Removing the glans of the clitoris does not mean the whole structure is lost, since it reaches deep into the body. The greatest impact, however, is likely to be on the sex lives of couples who use the anatomy to their advantage. "The sex industry has known about this for some time," said Fiona Patten from the Eros Association, Australia's adult retail and entertainment industry body. "You only have to look at the adult products on the market to see that they are not designed to find some tiny button at the top of the vagina. "They're designed to stimulate a much larger area." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/5013866.stm
  23. This is true, and in any case the health benefits of circumcision are rendered arbitrary by something as simple like condom use. But still, the case against FGM is much, much stronger. If circumcision is removal of the tips of the fingers, FGM by comparison is the removal of the arms. Functionality and sensation are both rendered null. Removal of the foreskin, if done correctly, lessens some pleasurable sensation at worst. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thats true although two countries where the practice is common to the point of almost being universal are Egypt and Sudan which are Arabic countries so we shouldnt associate the practice with black africans in the same way that we shouldnt associate it with Islam. Among Arabs this seems to be an Egyptian-Sudanese regional thing as the practice seems to be absent in the Maghreb(Tunisia, Algeria etc) although some people in the Arabian peninsula do it as well.
  24. Yeah, it sort of makes me nauseous too. I once read an article written by a European woman who had undergone the practice. She was quite enthusiastic in her defence of it. I will refrain from going into the details as per Fionavars request to be mindful of the forums younger audience.
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