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Everything posted by roshan

  1. I do hope you guys arent talking about Atia.....
  2. Isnt the Aliens game project New Jersey?
  3. At my college, 76 is an A.
  4. I just remembered something, an unexplained mystery in Battlestar Galactica. When in season 1, Gaius goes against the Six in his head, she physically manifests herself and tries to screw him over. How the hell did that happen?
  5. Why didnt they show Sharon hearing the music? Astrocreep, can you PM me what the next episode is about and who the final two are?
  6. The entire second half of season two blew. The entire third season has blown as well. This thing in the ship whatever it is is the most interesting thing that they have come up with so far...
  7. It seems that his only motivation is opposing his father... He has always from the beggining tried to go against him and be different somehow. Their relationship is definitely quite fracked up. Looks like this is finally culminating though.
  8. WHAT IS IN THE FRACKING SHIP??? My guess: the cylon virus.....
  9. PLS PM me the answer to this as well....
  10. The next season of BSG is apparently going to be the last one. What do you guys think of that?
  11. roshan


    So, why did Locke blow up the communications base?
  12. That was a very depressing episode. Poor, poor Atia.
  13. roshan

    TV: Heroes

    What! Thats unbelievable, where did you hear that from?
  14. roshan

    TV: Heroes

    Damn, this series is getting good.
  15. roshan

    TV: Heroes

    Are they airing a new episode, or is it last weeks episode? Will they air heroes on Sunday every week?
  16. roshan


    The episode wasnt bad. It was disappointing however to not see what was happening to the people back at the beach. Basically we need to wait for two weeks to get an update on what is going on over there.
  17. I agree, the beginning was very slow paced. I think it improves later on though. Being slow doesnt necessarily make it boring. There are much slower dramas out there like The Wire or Deadwood. BTW does anyone know how its doing ratings wise? It doesnt seem to be getting much attention. I do hope the show doesnt get cancelled.
  18. Jericho is a drama about a small Kansas town that survives a nuclear attack on America. Does anyone here watch Jericho? What do you think of the show? Ive enjoyed it quite a bit.
  19. Yes, that was awesome. I loved it when that guy stabbed the person on the ground and someone simply cut off his hand. I just read up on Octavia on Wikipedia and was very surprised at how her story is completely different on the show.
  20. roshan


    Good episode. Im sure that Charlie isnt gonna die though. The storyline will probably end with Desmond figuring out that he can change things after all.
  21. But Brahman is consciousness itself PS. That is not to say that Brahman thinks or feels as thoughts and feelings are products of the mind. Rather consciousness in the Hindu context refers to something that leads to awareness of thoughts and feelings, not the thoughts and feelings themselves.
  22. Yesterdays episode was a typical filler episode, however, it was interesting nonetheless. At least differences between the colonies were explored a little.
  23. Im very pessimistic about the actor that is playing Octavian now, he seems to act too innocently and pompously. However he didnt get too much screen time, hopefully in future episodes he will be more convincing. I love Atias character. Very entertaining, and the actress plays the role splendidly. Shes like the T-Bag of Rome. PS. How many years has it been since the start of the first season? Has anyone realized that Virinus' younger daughter has remained a little child all this time?
  24. roshan


    Only because I have too much free time! I agree. Wayne Palmer is too tall, thin and young to look presidential. He looks more like a basketball star. And his sister is really irritating, I agree with the ghetto comment! I dont think the cliched dialogue and characters is a small complaint though. Its been 6 seasons and they havent been able to come up with anything new, just the same things repeated over and over again except everytime it is repeated it is done worse than before. I dont think anyone who didnt have a strong and charismatic personality and a good amount of street smartness and political guile could become the president. Wayne Palmer doesnt have any of these qualities. Id like to see a realistic president for once, not the stereotypical good president, evil president or useless president. Someone who makes realistic decisions based on the need of the hour(heh), on whats practical etc rather than based on moral principles or the lack thereof. Id like to see more of the political side of being the president as well. IMO a character similar to Sherry Palmer(except not as self centered and evil) would have been a much better choice for President than Wayne. Shes actually smart and has a keen understanding of politics and thus would have made a convincing president. Whatever happened to her anyway? I think Jack as a character hasnt been developed since the first season - since the third he has just become a generic, cookie cutter action hero. I mean, with all the times he has saved America, and with all his exposure during the setups in season 1 and 5(?), I think by now, hed be quite well known and recognized. He also doesnt seem to have any personality or character flaws that would make him more realistic and believable. Instead of seeing any real change in Jacks character over time(aside from becoming more of a stereotypical patriotic hero), we are instead seeing a "Jacks problem of the season" type of scenario. HDTV rips which are pretty much DVD quality are available online.
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