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Drowsy Emperor

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Everything posted by Drowsy Emperor

  1. Congrats Krezack, you made a douchebag of yourself, all by yourself. How many magic mushrooms does it take to reach your level of enlightenment?
  2. Yeah, BioWare Victory might taste some blood in case Xcom sells well. Crap, I forgot EA has the rights to this one.
  3. Here's hoping we might see an Alpha Centauri sequel or remake.
  4. Planescape Torment is gaming's best attempt and probably sole success at art. Honourable mentions go to: Shadow of the Collossus, Homeworld, Baldur's Gate II. I'd pay good money for a collectors edition bundled with a real book and the Planescape campaign setting. Something to proudly display on my shelf instead of the embarrassingly ugly game box.
  5. Can't wait for this to come out, as its probably the last half-decent game Bioware will ever publish. It'll be amusing to see which corpse will EA management force Bioware to dig up next. Descent to Undermountain sequel or DA3? And, better yet, does it matter?
  6. Its right up your alley. Minus the occasionally clever social commentary.
  7. I love South Park so...."Screw you guy, I'm going home" Good, I'll be waiting to hear the opinion of the game's oldest player when it comes out.
  8. No you don't, no one remembers the random dungeon generator with introductory scenario NWN anymore. GET OVER IT!
  9. Ah, the proof that BGII is the best game ever made piles up ever higher, with each passing day. HEAR THAT VOLOURN???
  10. Board games. Because PC gaming sucks now. The last thing I played was Orcs Must Die and that was forgettable filler (although fun). The only thing I played in 2011 that I can even recall was Gemini Rue.
  11. What's happening with the new Relic game? An announcement was supposed to be made in August or something and there's still no word on the official website. It sounds like they were commanded to make another Warhammer game and committed collective suicide. Also, what's this about a South Park Obsidian game? Didn't think their recent games were so bad to deserve the purgatory of making a game of a tasteless, juvenile tv show. Why the indignity? Also: Bioware is making C&C Generals 2, because even ****ty games need a sequel!
  12. Another universe of waist high walls and stock space marine characters.
  13. You and everyone else. But you'll be unique among them, with that particular combination of chin depth and eyebrow distance that the character generator provides.
  14. Finished Deus Ex HR. Good game overall. Boss fights suck, the story is a bit naive and too convoluted for its own good, and the game is too easy overall even on the hardest difficulty because the enemies are blind as a bat and ignore just about everything as long as you're in cover (in which they should often be able to see you). On the plus side, the graphics are nice (even if they're plainly dated in many situations - ****ing consoles), the quests fun, the presentation is excellent in general.
  15. Whoops! They deserve to get sued for that.
  16. Just read the Wiki version of this...sad. Were you born there? Do you have a Native American birth name? So did I, the demographics chapter is what the west would call a "humanitarian disaster". But you know, apparently that can only happen to Sudan and the like.
  17. ****ty brown and gunmetal gray as Yahtzee would put it. Its a license thing, good for fanboys - average for everyone else. I think its going to be a budget price buy title for me.
  18. That is however, not a reason for the lack of mod support in general. The fact is, that if you look at the way Starcraft II maps are regulated and the omission of LAN, its quite apparent that Blizzard simply wants total control over every aspect of their product and to make sure that absolutely no one other than them can in any way profit from their product. They are of course fully within their rights to do so, but when its justified with the ridiculous: "its all for your own good" corporate PR lingo it just leaves a bad taste. Indeed. If it were Homeworld 3, and BG3 and was favorably received I'd probably do the same. But the industry did lose about a dozen purchases from me [not that they're gonna lose any sleep over it] over the last few years, because games in general fall into the: "I'd play it but I'm not dying to" category, and faced with these schemes, I just opt out.
  19. Mmm yeeeah. Good thing the whole online only thing and the services it encompasses didn't slow down development. That's some Blizzard class sophistry there.
  20. With so many similar mug shots next to each other they all tend to look the same, you could be forgiven for thinking that Bethesda has a very incestuous universe going there. They've also apparently substituted facial obesity for anorexia.
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