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Drowsy Emperor

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Everything posted by Drowsy Emperor

  1. Incorrect, IMO. Sci Fi is, or was, for most of its existence about ideas taking precedence over literary skill and writing style. One only has to read the horrible prose that was characteristic of the entire genre until the 60ties and 70ties, and even then it didn't get much better. A point that can often be brought up is the much vaunted Asimov. Granted the man had good ideas, but he couldn't write for ****! @entrerix: I can only tell you that Martin is a soap opera with swords and more sex than usual. I also liked Zelazny's writing style, and I'm lead to believe that Ursula Le Guin is good as well, although I can't find the books I want to read in these parts, and my interest in the anarchistic ideas she advocates in her better books has diminished.
  2. Why, exactly ? Most reasoning behind the snipers capture and kill is that while most soldiers can't really say in the chaos of battle who they killed or not, a sniper has a clear view of his target. I guess that there is some feeling of dread and resentment against them because of their will to kill. Seems that Emperor just expanded that to include pilots. Dishonorable fighting. Of course, there is no really honorable way to kill a man, but doing it from distance and in cold blood has nothing good going for it. Pilot's in today's modern warfare that is, before it wasn't such a disgusting one sided affair. Today's fighter-bomber pilots, in the way they are used by the west, against countries and people that can offer no real resistance are no better than miserable murderers. Some of them might not even disagree. A few days ago I listened to a former (US army?) pilot apologize in clunky Serbian for his participation in the 1999 bombing. Apparently, he came and settled here after the war out of a personal need to set things right. That's protestant ethics for you. Dunno how he's working here though with the economy being a disaster and all.
  3. I agree with you, sci fi and epic fantasy are trash genres. There's only one epic-scifi crossover book I ever read that showed incredible writing skill and evocative ideas and that was Gene Wolfe's Shadow of the Torturer. His Book of the New Sun is great, but the first in the series is extremely good. RPGMasterBoo.
  4. If you put it everywhere you can hardly be surprised if you catch something.
  5. I personally think that enemy snipers and pilots should be be executed on the spot in wartime. Apart from that, nice pic.
  6. ROFL. the end of the world is nigh! Why? Somebody's been making knob jokes at the airport! If phallus worshiping is satanic that makes every girl I've ever been with a cultist.
  7. Your e-mail being spoofed used to be a pretty sure sign of somebody who you've sent an e-mail to having creepycrawlies in their computer. I'm sure they've only advanced in the past 10 years or so since I first ran into that. I'm pretty sure the bike was the more important part Mr. Lawyer.
  8. All special forces are approximately trained to the same high level of expertise, which is as far as training alone can take a man. The rest depends on real war/conflict experience, which most never see. Pointless discussion is pointless.
  9. Nightshape is correct about Kaftan being correct.
  10. Watched 2 episodes. The show is pseudo mature garbage. As for the gay/lesbian thing, that's your minority rights. Tend to go straight up your ass. Although most of the other sex in the show was in equally bad taste.
  11. Who wants that?
  12. Welcome to the forum sir, good to see another paragon of common sense and good taste. Like me. Not to disappoint you, but I'm the old emperor in a new suit. Xcuse the pun. RPGMasterBoo. Volourn cracked my account and changed my password the last time I explained to him how much Neverwinter Nights sucks.
  13. DA2's major flaw was being a bad sequel to a terrible game. To fix the DA series, Biowarian's will have to play the Witcher 2. Even that may not help. Boo.
  14. Did you think that Boo would forget to come and gloat because CDProjekt is pushing Bioware to the trash heap of history? Think again! Although I won't be playing this until 2015 or something.
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