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Drowsy Emperor

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Everything posted by Drowsy Emperor

  1. Well hovering around the 6' mark and incredibly pale-skinned (what can I say, grandad was an albino..it carries through). Being mistaken for a hobbit would be a first for me. However, I did go through my gsce's with the addition of a fine waistcoat and pocket watch to my school uniform... Its cos you probably have the mildest personality I've ever seen. I've never ever seen you uptight over anything. You always talk about tea, relaxation and food. Thus you're a hobbit.
  2. I know exactly what you meant, I just wanted to point out something very important and used your comment for it Boo is very sneaky.
  3. Its not the other side, its your side - I haven't mentioned a single local source.
  4. I'm letting credible evidence by important individuals and organizations speak for itself. If UN Officials, western reporters, Amnesty International and the like are not good enough for you I'm sorry. What you let yourself believe or not believe is of course your call. What do you think the roman books said of Carthage after it was burned down to the ground? As for the latter, frankly I have no idea what you're talking about. The Youtube video was sent to me by a friend and I put it up as a something interesting. Where you got this "9/11 denier" and the "non existence of Al Qaeda" is a mystery to me, as the exact opposite is expressed in the video. I also know next to nothing of the man who did the talking. And I'm certainly not going to use him as evidence of anything.
  5. Comparison? I made no comparison. What I said is certainly correct, though. If you disagree, could you please explain why? You did, indirectly and you're well aware of it. What you said is not correct and the answer to your question is simple. Bosnia: The right of the muslim population to have their own state was never questioned, it was the right to hold hostage an approximately equal number of Serbs in a state they did not want to live in. If we won the war half of today's Bosnia would be a part of Serbia or independent and the other part would be an separate muslim state. What do we care what they do with their land? Why would we want to take a small and poor piece of territory comprised of population hostile to us that we would only have problems with? Sarajevo couldn't accept this because the resulting muslim only state would be so small as to be insignificant compared to Croatia and Serbia. Croatia. The same applies. The Serb population did not want to be a part of a new Croatian state that built its identity on the glorification of a former Nazi puppet state. They wanted independence in the areas where they were the majority and to eventually link up with Serbia. A victorious end to the war would have seen a slightly smaller Croatia with a few Serb territories independent, or more likely integrated to BS territory. Kosovo The primary target was the insurrection, not the civillian population. Were the insurrection's back broken the status quo would have remained unchanged. Granted, this is not a good solution but it could have been resolved peacefully over a length of time if a terrorist organization didn't force a war on everyone, including its own people. There was no genocide, therefore any "danger of extinction" of any Balkan nation is fictional. Therefore your comparison and claim makes no sense.
  6. Indeed. I really should be very angry at this point, but I feel sorry for him. He's trying to start a flame war so the moderators can jump in and lock the topic. Aren't the moderators going to intervene considering that Mr. Krezack is not being very helpful to this discussion?
  7. No, I tend to favour moccasin style slippers.. and a good traditional english sleeping gown (of which my current one is rather darth sideous styling) Are you also, by any chance a hobbit?
  8. Raithe you remind me of fluffy pink slippers. Do you have a pair?
  9. I'm not worried about the "bad things", I'm worried about the disbalance of post conflict justice and the eternal perpetuation of one sided guilt in a three (and more) sided war. Did you know that there was an armed fraction withing the Bosnian Muslims (commanded by Fikret Abdic) that fought for the preservation of Yugoslavia and was allied with the Bosnian Serb army? Heh we had a muslim commander and a part of the muslim population fighting on our side and they call us genocidal. Of course, he was later tried for war crimes.
  10. Answering a particular topic in very broad terms "atrocities were commited on a broad scale" does not automatically render the discussion moot. Srebrenica is the axis of all Balkan wars propaganda. Its the myth that built the whole good and evil fantasy that the conflict was supposed to exemplify. If it falls, everything else comes into question. To vilify only one side in a conflict, on unproven allegations and outright falsehoods cannot be seen as other than covering up one's own guilt and the dubiousness of the supposed moral superiority of the accuser. Indeed, why invent large scale atrocities in the first place? Why blow out of proportion everything about Srebrenica?
  11. I don't see why you need to steep to ridicule, without even considering the evidence at hand.
  12. Lol, no tapes, ever! Leave no evidence. If Angelina Jolie herself wanted to blow me and tape it, I'd refuse. Besides, you're likely to get nervous in front of cameras and make the whole event hilarous. Get her to blow you without cameras, get her hot and bothered so that you might have a shot at something more and then leave that psychopathic relationship before it comes back to hit you on the head. Obivously, at your place or a hotel. That's what I'd do. No one needs a girl who will blow random guys saying that her bf wants to watch. For all you know she could be doing it to get back at him, and you could end up a casualty.
  13. Or just masturbation with inappropriate objects. Fleshlight is key.
  14. It doesnt beat trying to manouver around a parked car only to put you leg in a shallow hole and bust your knee 2 weeks in plaster for that
  15. Beware of poisonous insects, snakes etc. There is some pretty nasty stuff in CR if I recall. Ask to be briefed on the issue.
  16. There really is no clever way to injure oneself
  17. We must not fail to mention that the Witcher 2 is better than anything Dragon Age
  18. There is no other way. Without documentation it boils down to who believes what and then a flame war ensues. I don't want that. I believe the west was misled by a select group within the Clinton administration and Bosnian Muslim leadership into picking a side in a civil war against one that was not hostile to them or their interests. In fact, of the entire eastern block it could be said that the Croats and the Serbs most of all admired the US prior to the events in the Balkan wars. The same cannot be said of the BM, given that eyewitness testimony puts none other than Osama bin Laden, in Sarajevo - meeting the BM leadership. Indeed, it is also said that he was issued a Bosnian passport! All this just a few years before 9/11.
  19. The very ICTY is full of strange contradictions: Theodor Meron, presiding judge: 1. He says 40000 people were targeted for extinction 2. He says muslim males were systematically executed This is a contradiction. If the women, children and wounded were released (and that is obvious because he fails to mention them) then how could 40000 people be targeted for extinction? That leaves the number a gross falsehood. Also by "seeking to eliminate a part of Srebrenica muslims, BS commited genocide". This is contradictory to the definition of genocide, seen as systematic destruction, widespread and targeting an entire group. It is also contradictory to the "40000 muslims" claim. Compiled with the NGO findings on Srebrenica post attack population the entire claim is revealed to be unsubstantiated. Therefore the entire claim is purely political in nature.
  20. Thus the ruling of the court is fundamentally political in nature, as the supposed genocide could not be proven and contradicts the very definition of genocide used by those courts. Genocide requires intent and systematic destruction, which the aforementioned example of the enclave Zepa clearly negates. I will restate the gist of that event for you: Muslim forces negotiate a surrender in the enclave of Zepa Again (the "again" means: as in Srebrenica) the women, children and wounded were safely transported by bus to Muslim areas. The men were either evacuated with the women and children or went via Serbia itself which lies just across the River Drina. I will also restate one commonly known point. At the beginning of the war the Bosnian Serb Army had at one point controlled almost the entirety of Bosnia. If there was genocidal intent, the civilian muslim population would have been wiped out in a matter of weeks, well before the west, or anyone, could react. I'm sorry Krezack but that article consists of nothing but verbal abuse and a single argument: -"We have names of xy missing on xy lists" To that I answer this: Source is Jonathan Rooper former BBC news reporter As for rape, theft and murder and other individual "small scale" crimes that are common to a large war, the individuals from all sides who participated in a war, and did such things should be tried as is common to all civilized nations. I think there are enough reports from all three sides of individuals participating in such deeds, that we can leave those out of this discussion. It is a terrible by product of a drawn out war (3 years!). The number of Serbian women who have been raped is frighteningly high, yet has not been given a split second of media time, nor have many of the participants been charged, or indeed any that I know off. If you're suggesting a widespread policy of systematic rape, that is unfortunately typical war propaganda of the sort fabricated to induce revulsion. There is no proof of any such thing, audio, visual or document. As it would be a massive undertaking, some form of evidence would have to exist. It is nonsense.
  21. Every army has some opportunists, criminals and borderline psychotics in its ranks. Its in the nature of the job to attract such types and no amount of screening is going to weed all of them out.
  22. I failed to elaborate on the man behind the book:
  23. Is the highest ranking civillian UN official during the conflict reputable enough for you?
  24. You missed the point. There was an intent that the women and children be spared from the conflict, this is well documented. That left only men of fighting age, amply armed from the conflicts preceding the attack on Srebrenica. Since most of the men of Srebrenica were fighters in the paramilitary unit of Naser Oric, they could hardly be called "innocent", as regular combatants in the war. Therefore it is not genocide. To presume that 800 deaths, most of which are combat related are somehow genocide is to equate that with Nazi genocide over the Jews and that is an insult to the latter. Srebrenica is a case of, at best, unlawful killing of POW's - to the total number of several hundred.
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