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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Don't do either Keyrock, play the enhanced edition content, it begins in the main square of Loc Muinne as I recall, near the tower with the Eye sigil. I assume your following Iorveth's path. Very good quest.
  2. Oh I like some fine obscenity, some times good vulgarity can be almost poetic in its delivery and inventiveness. Of course in the polite society of Poe one wouldn't expect to hear such things, but belowstairs and in the wider world I believe it would be unnatural to not encounter it. Of course as a sane and reasonable gentleman I am against romance in any shape or form, but I think that hardly needs stating.
  3. I have to admit my favourite obscenity of recent years has to be: Your mother sucks Dwarf male chicken. Personally i'd prefer a modicum of honest vulgarity and obscenity in appropriate places rather than the Bioware staple of tee hee, I said a rude word or made a childish allusion to bodily functions. Seems too twee and cutesy, there may be diabetics playing. Edit: I thought Torment handled adult subjects in an appropriate manner, though I still wonder what Morte actually did?
  4. Ah yes one remembers now, it installed by default under Interplay. I think I may have misplaced the Ghouls playing Tragic and talking about Morte from the second game into the first.
  5. Just don't talk about it on the BSN what. Don't need those kind of "customers" eh? Ha.
  6. Oh I do apologise, I thought the gentlemen had worked on all the Black Isle games in some manner. Of course I knew about Troika but considering his lupine problems I thought that was a jape.
  7. It would be rather immodest to name one own work however, wouldn't it?
  8. They're attacking Vesemir, hence they're dead naked Ewoks.
  9. One wouldn't have thought elephants would be of much use in mountainous terrain, as I remember from my history lessons Hannibal was only able to bring two of the beasts into Italy because of his mountainous route. The rest died, suffered accidents or were eaten.
  10. I liked Dungeon Siege 3 immensely, however my taste is not mirrored by many so I can't vouch for that being enough of a recommendation. Pro's: A very strong, logical and sensible narrative. The combat is reactive and quick. Perks are given frequently and reinforce ones playstyle. There are a few ways to build your characters, and each character is fairly diverse. The boss fights are quite spectacular and tough. Difficulty is on the whole pleasingly challenging, and unlike the original Dungeon Siege the game doesn't play itself. The plot will react to certain of your choices, and your ending will be different consdiering them. Lots of loot. The cast is largely very likable, Reinhart and Katarina especially so. Playable offline. Con's: Linear, maybe a touch too much. PC controls (M&K) are far more gruelling than a controller. Not much world reactivity. Builds arise from skills far more than equipment, unlike D3. Not sure if a con? The camera angle is a touch too restrictive. In co-op you are forced to stay far too near your partner. I don't think the game still has a large fan base, but I only play couch co-op with my lad. The respawning can be somewhat irritating. Lots of loot. Lucas and Anjali pale in comparison to their counterparts, and are a bit too earnest. Addendum: The expansion is very good, highly recommended if you choose to purchase the game. Just for clarification I haven't played Diablo 3.
  11. Splendid idea, that knowing Obsidians track record, will most likely be implemented. Personally i'm also hoping for a power behind the throne role, as a visble head of state is far too visible, and vulnerable. Of course not everything can go to plan, even when the plan is almost foolproof, and events have a way of wriggling free of even the most determined grasp.
  12. Yes I agree Mr Panda however to become a seperate species the fantastical peoples must have: A) Split off from the human race millions of years ago and been in isolation ever since, slowly becoming an entirely different folk. In the same manner that different races of humanity have unique skull shapes and genetic traits. B) Be born of a totally different branch of creatures, and thus probably not share the same habitat as early man again, because of the absolutes of competition. C) Some form of plane travelling by one species or other fantastical reason. In all these scenarios one thing remains constant, they must have met at some point and this is the point where i'm sure conflict must have arisen. How was that resolved and would anybody in the world of Poe remember it, or have any written evidence? John Beddoes natural history of Arcanum springs to mind here, such an interesting idea to explore and build upon.
  13. One is quite interested in the dissolution of the Templar order by the French king, i've been told that the knights play a central role against the Hashish eaters of this series, I assume this will be exploring the end of that order due to the Paris setting? I've never actually played one due to bad press from friends saying that I would dislike them intensely, I wonder if this might be an ideal place to enter the series?
  14. I think an interesting situation arises here because of different sapient species existing, with the varying races of humanity we have a shared species ability to mate and produce offspring, thus reinforcing our commonality. However with the other species, Dwarves, Elves etcetera, we do not have that. What differences does this raise? Has there been species specific prejudice, and if so how was it resolved? It seems something that really cannot be handwaved away, and I expect will not be considering the Orlan situation. Does the common possession of Souls mean that these different species accept each other a little more than we for instance would accept a competing species? I'm thinking of something like the end of the Minbari war on humanity in Babylon Five.
  15. Moments when you realise you're a jaded old cynic and pessimist #342: During Agent Smith's virus speech in the Matrix you shrug, sigh and realise he's probably correct.
  16. Was there ever a culture or country where racism didn't thrive? I thought the very first instinct would be, the stranger (looks different, sounds different) is the enemy, and thus the formation of tribes etcetera.
  17. As I remember the Celts of the Po valley were quite discriminated against by Roman society before Hannibal's crossing of the Alps. and thus served as a fertile recruiting ground of skilled warriors for him during his protracted campaigning. I wonder if we'll see something similar in Poe? Or perhaps the forced exodus of Jewish moneylenders from England that Longshanks forced just prior to his loans becoming due, an almost prototypical piece of medieval ruthlessness. Or maybe Karla Magnus' crusade against the heathen saxons, or the Knights Teutonic's push east? Very fertile ground with masses of examples. An ironic one, the harrowing of the north, where the Normanni sought to pacify/purge the Norsemen of the Danelaw.
  18. Personally i've always loved getting lost in a metropolis, and gradually becoming used to the layout, so that I am able to navigate without a second thought come the end. When I first emerged from the sewers in Vizima for instance, saw Sigil arching overhead for the first of many times, trudged into Britain from the fields of Paws, or going further back exploring Dun Darach as Cuchulain. I like the sense of adventure and the sheer scale dwarfing you, such inherent possibility.
  19. I played the Dyrford theme while watching the Anslog's Compass shore scene on repeat, very soothing.
  20. On the other hand, even if you chose Shani in TW1 you still got Triss at the beginning of TW2. Which treatment Letho gets probably depends a lot on what his role is in the story and how peripheral or essential it is. True but there was really no mileage in Shani and Geralt's relationship, whereas Triss had been a on-off friend and lover for a very long time, whom was still intent on using her wiles to snare the Witcher, and saw nothing wrong with manipulating his misplaced feelings for Yennefer. Geralt really stood no chance in that situation, and may as hinted at by the Roses of Rememberance situation, been subtly manipulated by Triss' glamours. I found that to be quite logical really, especially as I would never have given a Source to an untrained medic in the first place. I would still however state that the situation is not the same, a well explained change in affection is a lot different from being dead and then being ressurected for plot purposes, which is basically telling the player their choices do not matter. A silly thing to do in my eyes, when the Witcher games are built on choice and invalidating that simply makes a player doubt that any of his choices will matter. Such a situation would sour the whole game for me, if not the series, so I certainly hope they do not ride roughshod over our playthroughs. After all i'm playing the game and making the choices not watching a movie.
  21. I've seen a similar conversation where the devs stated that the plot came first, and that Geralt's intentions might not play out the way he wished. I assume that means despite the politicing and power plays at Loc Muinne the Northern Kingdoms are overtaken by events, for instance Anais may take the throne of Temeria, but in reality half the country is gone before any effective opposition can be raised, rendering that choice somewhat moot due to unexpected events. With a solid event such as Letho's disembowelment however, there isn't much room for perspective in my opinion, hopefully anyway.
  22. I somewhat doubt that, not only is it disrespectful for the player, but the save import from the first game acknowledges a similar large characters (in this case Adda and Siegfried's) death or survival. I just assume that the Viper will not be there to help you in pursuing Emhyr's agenda of hunting the Hunt, though another Viper or an imperial agent of some sought may be on hand. Edit: I suspect one of the reasons for the delay was to make more impactful consequences for save imports.
  23. I think I can personally understand your ire somewhat Mr Crash, though I do not share it, however I would say that it is necessary to look at the wider picture. The journalists will be shown what they are capable of understanding, which we all know is fairly much limited to pertinent buzzwords and references, while we will be shown the real meat and bones of the project through the various strata of information dispersal Mr Sawyer and others choose to use. I would say that we as discerning and interested parties will always be far more informed than the journalists, and thus I do not mind Obsidian showing their workings to the press. In reality it is necessary to raise the public profile, court reviewers, interest potential future publisher backed projects and network with the rest of the industry. These are important parts of maintaining the viability of the company, and more so in spreading the word and making Poe not just satisfactory for those of us who backed it, but also a success amongst a wider audience. A necessary act to ensure that Obsidian thrives, we get more products that we desire (possibly without the need for a Kickstarter campaign) and that the public profile of Poe is raised. I do not think that this in any way lessens Obsidian's respect and gratitude for your donation and all of ours, merely that they are proud of the work they have done, wish it to be a success so it may be repeated (to our benefit) and raise their public profile as gamemakers. Though I think that the press are hardly capable of seeing beyond their pre-concieved notions. I will not try and condemn you for raising a legitimate concern Mr Crash, as you have a right to do so, I will merely say that it is a complicated matter demanding a little give and take.
  24. Has anyone posted this, a rather effective display of well made plate armours mobility and strength? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hlIUrd7d1Q
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