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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. I do apologise if I have used the wrong title Indira but your profile page includes no gender information as far as I can see, then again the title is the only thing that will change in how I treat you so it is a moot issue one supposes.
  2. Well at least these pages have been kept out of the Random News thread, little victories.
  3. No Bruce I understand the issue and simply disagree with your shortsighted ill thought out view, as Monte Carlo suggests the onus lies on the administrators to deal with disruptive elements, not trying to mask the problem through discrimination and apartheid. Those are short term goals that will exacerbate the problem, not help in any way, shape or form. This is so simple a child could grasp it. Furthermore women being accorded a special status to "shield" them will not help the integration of male and female gamers, it will just fuel division. Inequality is wrong, everybody should be treated equally if they have made the same contribution.
  4. And yet the solution you advocate is to have women artificially seperated from men and granted a superior status, if you want women to be accepted hiding them away and treating them differently is not the correct method, a five year old could reason that out Bruce. It will do nothing except exacerbate the problem. No Nonek, I am not suggesting that now we automatically separate every female gamer from all men and they don't interact. I am saying if female gamers want there own space let them have it. But this should be optional. Then men should have their own space also, this is simple equality Bruce, if they have paid an equal amount of money then they should be treated exactly the same in all matters. To do otherwise is inequality, something that should never be tolerated.
  5. Thanks for sharing, I can give similar stories about ladies I know who have been harassed and abused online only because they are female. But you have made the point brilliantly that this problem is real and exists. What frustrates me the most about some people on these forums is that they have a view that either the problem that SJW raise isn't as severe as they make it out to be or there solution to address this problem isn't really a solution at all. In other words you hear comments like " but men get abused online...someone once was rude to me" or " I'm sick of hearing about this sexism issue " as if that makes any difference whatsoever to the reality of the situation Well the good news is that there is an increased awareness, solutions and condemnation from many circles of society around these types of social issues. So for those that are tired of hearing about sexism and misogyny my advice is " get use to it, its not going anywhere " And yet the solution you advocate is to have women artificially seperated from men and granted a superior status, if you want women to be accepted hiding them away and treating them differently is not the correct method, a five year old could reason that out Bruce. It will do nothing except exacerbate the problem.
  6. I actually like boob armour. I like the D&D fantasy, skimpy chain mail Clyde Caldwell, Fred Fields, Jeff Easley, et al artwork. I'm a guy. I can't help it. As Orogun pointed out in this thread, sometimes people just take the opposing view to disagree for the hell of it which is what I did in the boob armour discussion. What I didn't realise was so many people were in favour of boob scale armour or didn't care either way, even though some of those people were against it with Cadegund's armour or posted in the 'Weapon and Armour Design - A Plea' thread being against boob armour. Gromnir and Amentep made some great points in that thread. And then some people think I'm some white knight? LMAO. I'm not utterly against the Frazetta image, however I would like there to be some reasoning behind it, and for it to fit within the games aesthetic. The scale armour byrnie I thought was generally a sensible piece of armour that fits with Poe's other pieces, and just needed a few pixels shaving off the bust ideally. In general I would say go realistic like say the Witcher and commit so that the fantastic stands out as just that, or go totally stylised like WOW and reap the benefits of that system. There is of course the odd game like Warhammer that can mix the two, but they are rare. Edit: What I like about the armour and weapons thread is the depth, splendour and detail that are to be found in real world examples of arms and armour, while maintaining practicality. As always for me reality trumps fantasy, because it's just so rich and layered.
  7. I agree there was a lack of exemplary conduct on both sides Mr Protagonist, but it seems the young lady was equally willing to roll in the mire so to speak. If she had remained calm, polite and jovial then her point might have been conveyed more clearly, to my mind at least. Lashing out at those whom are supporting her position seems a little counter productive.
  8. Can you determine why they aren't active though? Is the forum (or its posters) uninviting or are women uninterested in posting? The recent boob armour discussion is a good example. Mihura posted she didn't like boob armour. (I'm assuming she's a girl). Also, I noticed that it was the guys who wanted boob scale armour or didn't have a problem with it. Yet, when a female posts her dislike for it, there's immediate disagreement from the guys. Even so far as someone pointing out Mihura's forum avatar. So it went from disagreement of boob armour to pointing out forums avatars? Then science and animals was introduced and Mihura pointed out 'Let's not go there'. Eventually, it appears Mihura has decided not to waste any more time and leave. I can see why some females may not be interested in posting on these forums. It's just not worth it. I'm not defending or white knighting. It's just an observation I noticed in that thread. Am I the only individual who thought it was Ms Mihura whom was being a touch confrontational and impolite, I was in general supporting her position on de-emphasising the bust and yet got called stupid for my troubles, and the tone of her posts to other respondents was similarly rather abrupt. Then again I am old fashioned and courteous to a fault so may be more easily shocked.
  9. On the bright side, I will be able to continue my mental exercise of counting how many times he will refer to himself in third person as "one". Seriously though, all races, creeds, religions and sexual preferences (except white males) should be allowed to form their own special groups just so they will leave everyone else the hell alone. One has a fifty percent grasp of binary.
  10. Sorry. Edit: In general I agree with Ms Lightfoot however, isolation and preferential treatment do not create a harmonious melange. If there are womens group then for parities sake there should be a simlar group for the other gender, though personally I would say both are harmful to creating a successful mixed virtual society.
  11. As am I dear boy, as am I. Edit: It occurs to one that with the amount of times SJW themes are raised in the Random News thread that the topic might deserve its own thread, where such matters might be taken and discussed. Would it be permissable to create such a thread in Off Topic or Computer and Console for said use of? Or would it simply be too argumentative?
  12. Discrimination, sexism and inequality are instituted to fight sexism. Ones opinion of the intellect and morals of those concerned is somewhat diminished, hopefully the backers will challenge being denied equal rights based upon their gender. Edit: Do parents no longer tell their children that two wrongs do not make a right?
  13. Foul degenerates partaking of such tainted refreshments! If a mans moustaches do not bear the feint odour of a quality black tea by his twenties, then he has failed in life. Why with my advanced years I can brew myself a beverage through whiskers alone if needs must.
  14. I expect a few hundred thousand sales, though I would certainly be happy if there were more, there seems to be quite a media buzz over the game. Perhaps to increase that attention Obsidian might invite a popular Youtuber to support the game, as many people seem to trust these individuals over game journalists for obvious reasons, still it might be hard to find one who is popular and yet not a squeeing moron. Edit: I'm told by a friend in the industry that rpg's are one of the few games that sell quite slowly and steadily, so it might well be that Poe becomes a nice regular source of income for the devs.
  15. Surely the word the developers are looking for is "Unbowed" or "Unbroken." At the moment it sounds like a Futurama game.
  16. As I said it isn't a criticism, just pointing out that one can make a gimped character if one chooses to, I don't believe there's a system i've played where one couldn't. Edit: Personally I think the Twin's were one of the only interesting sets of characters in Dragonlance, the books on them were I thought the high point of that setting, after that it was generally flushed down the toilet. Though I must admit I did stop paying attention after the sixth or so cataclysm.
  17. I was referring to the following Mr Teknoman, archetype limitations which are present in almost every game system. It's not a criticism just an observation that we cannot make a Raistlin archetype, one who is physically weak and spiritually strong, to have strong spells one must be physically able: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMrUo9K9_-s&list=UUormzAJ-LQ2frWbBLcqxIfg Edit: Of course in AD&D one could not influence the spells damage through attributes at all, instead the amount of spells one could learn was affected, which fit with the Vancian mechanism of defining a Wizard's potency. Also only one attribute needed to be prioritised, intelligence and that made for an opportunity to spend points far more flagrantly, as in real terms the fragile Mage would have more than say the Paladin. In that case the trade off of being weak, clumsy and fragile became not so much of a hindrance, especially in the later levels when Mages became massively op.
  18. The Dyrford Village theme most certainly grows on one, I believe that it is the change in melody at 1:50 or so that really grabs me.
  19. Though i'm not at all against what Mr Carlo is hankering for, a system that is less tied to MMO/4th edition concepts, I do feel that we will be able to make gimped builds. In fact I believe it was Mr Sawyer himself who pointed out one: That of the Raistlin archetype, extremely physically deficient but of vast arcane power. With spell damage for some unknown reason being accrued from physical might, if one opts to try and make such a build then though of considerable skill and able to cover a vast area, the Wizard's spell damage will be truly pitiful. Thus this seems to be a gimped build, it seems a little unfair to my mind as one has allready accepted the lack of physical potency, but all rule systems have their shortcomings.
  20. Quality is paramount personally, in recent games what one has been asked to do for experience and loot has felt rather insultive, a barely disguised skinner box with not even a maze to negotiate just straight corridors with waves of enemies. Absolutely pathetic and uninspired. In a recent game, whose name I will not mention, my character was merely farming golden exclamation marks in between combats. I did not even have the option to accept or refuse a quest, they were automatically added to my journal upon picking up certain items, that is truly degenerate design and in the end I did not even bother to open or read the quest log, simply followed the markers and accrued loot and xp for unknown reasons. I swear one of the epic quests I undertook was to return a hat that smelled of ale from the dungeon where i'd picked it up, utterly ridiculous and pure padding.
  21. Is the skeleton under my hair, flesh and muscle Undead?
  22. A little hostile isn't it Ms Mihura, one was merely asking a question. Edit: The forums seem to becoming rather ill mannered of late, full of too much outrage and rudeness. Can't we all just get along?
  23. Druids whom have lost themselves in their bestial forms might be a most challenging encounter, one where all of nature seems to conspire against one. The instinct of a beast and the cunning of a man.
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