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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. Nothing like dimestore psychology to fit in well on Twitter. " but Gamergate is looking more and more like the only sensible alternative " Imagine a world where that was actually true... a world where GG was the only voice that mattered around the gaming industry. Can you think of any worse future for the gaming industry ? Yes, a myriad under the control of SJF's and mentally compromised individuals like this Mr McIntosh gentleman. Whereas Gamergate asks for devs to do what they do in an unrestricted fashion, and continue improving games rather than asking for them to regress to automated slideshows.
  2. Thank you, i've been trying to remember what this game was called for awhile, and was always mixing it up with Soma for some reason.
  3. Nothing like dimestore psychology to fit in well on Twitter. A dime? I'd ask for at least ninepence back! But seriously this is the idiotic criticism that we're supposed to just accept without any reservations and not call out on its inherent stupidity? I'm sorry but this is regressive and degenerative critique, games would be reduced to slideshows if left in the hands of such people, with preaching orchestrated by his evil partner whom has now shown her true colours as an utterly amoral individual, willing to even use childrens deaths to spread her moronic platform. I'm sorry but Gamergate is looking more and more like the only sensible alternative, the SJF's are seemingly imploding from the weight of their own feeblemindedness. Edit: One has to wonder why this Mr McIntosh's carer allows him access to the internet?
  4. If this is real then I am sickened and disgusted, to be using a tragedy to promote your own hate mongering and political dabbling, there are no words for such behaviour but pure amoral evil. Sickening.
  5. Not as artistically striking as Letho's introductory video, but a good introduction for Yen and Geralt's tracking of her I suppose. Is the chap she bumps into one of the Nilfgaardians from the Killing Monsters trailer?
  6. Nonek you do realize that game is misogynistic, my advice is stop playing it immediately...delete it from your PC and never ever mention you enjoyed playing it !!! I shall certainly give your advice all the weight that I usually do Bruce.
  7. I don't think you understand what sexism is. Sexism is, for example, the fact every female humanoid in the first Witcher game who the developers bothered to give a name was either (1) somebody the player-surrogate could have sex with, (2) represented by the "hunchbacked old crone" character model, or (3) the madam of a brothel. There were many women around in the gameworld, going about their business, utterly unconcerned by Geralt or his affairs who would hardly talk with him. I wouldn't call that particularly sexist. Geralts life being saved by a woman repeatedly, his role as her tool in the battle she wages against Salamandra, his manipulation by her and his fragmentary rememberance of Yennefer. Triss was a far more effective character than Geralt, not to mention young Adda, whom was orchestrating a coup d'etat in a sexist medieval world. I mean it's not like the game had us slaughtering masses of women again and again, like most games do with men, thoughtlessly having us slaughter thousands in graphic detail. As gaming has done since its inception. Still I wouldn't play at being a professional victim based on this, the developers aren't intentionally demeaning men or being sexist, they're just making good, fun games. Edit: Oh sorry sexism is prejudice, stereotyping or discrimination, such as evidenced against men since the dawn of gaming. 2nd Edit: In point of fact I think one could argue both in the games and the books that though set in a sexist medieval world, the strong, independent, motivated and clever women of the Witchers world clearly demonstrate how ridiculous that sexism is. Characters such as Triss, Yennnefer, Philippa Eilhart and others serve as a subtle play against the mores of the world. Obviously this is not the clumsy, blatant preaching and moralising that many people prefer, but as a nuanced jab at the worlds status quo I find it quite nice and rather effective. After all Ciri is far more important to multiple worlds than Geralt.
  8. Really enjoying the last chapter of the Punisher, the plot has come together in a very satisfying manner, the violence is still highly entertaining and I have to say Mr Thomas Jane as the Punisher really delivers. His voice acting is superb, in fact i'd rate it above his televised acting performances. The gentleman really does bring his A game to the audio booth. Highly enjoyable.
  9. I think it's undeniable that some games are unintentionally sexist, men are summarily used as fodder, their lives thrown away by the handful, with no consequence, they are frequently villified, slaughtered and portrayed as existing without any positive virtues. There is a very genuine case to be made to halt the massive inequality in games, but I for one don't really mind being villified or slaughtered by the bushel as games are not reality and i'm not so insecure as to be offended by this. For instance the worst villain of the second Witcher game is Bernard Loredo, without a doubt he is walking filth, and one of the nastiest examples of humanity i've ever seen portrayed in games. Still I like the character, he's well made, clever and believable. I certainly don't think this is an attack against me, or that the developers hate me, hate themselves or any other white man. I'm not so concieted. Edit: Clarification.
  10. Is it possible to have organic food now? As far as i'm aware we've been breeding and altering crops since agriculture began haven't we? I mean as a child I loved gorging myself in the local farmers strawberry fields as much as any other child, not so much the beating when caught. Still i'm pretty sure that originally strawberry's were nothing like what we have today, farmers chose and bred specific genetically more attractive specimens and abandoned those that exhibited less attractive qualities. So that they could ensure a better harvest that was not so affected by the weather and functioned better in the environment, with of course proper fetilisation. I may be wrong however, I freely admit i'm not an expert on agriculture.
  11. Was it Penn & Teller whom had a young lady attend a "Green Earth" convention, asking participants to sign a petition against the chemical DiHydrogen Monoxide, and gained thousands of signatures. Strange how followers of fashionable causes turn off their minds when trying to indoctrinate themselves fully to their chosen cause.
  12. Seems to me, and this is just a personal opinion, that stripping out the combat and challenge of IWD would rob the game of any satisfaction or fun. IWD has some of the finest encounter design of the IE games in my opinion, and casting that aside doesn't seem sensible, the rules, tactics and effective strategies are hardly difficult to learn or master and doing so is more than worth the pay off. It seems like sitting down to a game of Chess with Mr Kasparov, but not wanting to learn how to play, or move any of the pieces. Visual adventures should in my opinion remain on film, and interactive experiences remain in games. If it's a matter of time, then simply play a couple of hours per night, without a gutted experience.
  13. She's voiced several characters in various games, and yes, Veronica was one of them. She's supposedly a "nerd culture queen", or so I've been told. I never cared much either way, I don't particularly like her or dislike her, and this changes nothing as far as that goes. It's too bad she's fearful, I'm not looking for anyone to live in fear, even people I openly dislike, much less people I don't dislike. I don't care how or where she's living, just so long as there's an ocean or two between me and her. Wonder if one can train to be an astronaut when of advancing years, are NASA planning on sending anybody to Mars soon? Are there still research stations in Antarctica?
  14. Is Felicia Day the young lady who voiced Veronica in New Vegas? If so i'd not cross the street to avoid her, i'd emigrate and renounce my citizenship, and upon the advent of viable super solar travel move to the nearest habitable Earth alternative.
  15. Before I began hiring and firing I would have suggested an IQ test for accessing social networks, however having interacted with many extremely learned individuals I have come to believe that intellect is entirely removed from common sense. And it's the latter which I believe would tell you not to abuse the people who control your income, just in case. If in doubt stay silent, it lends one a dignified air of wisdom.
  16. I think you only have to do that when it's a four month old bomb threat at a far away convention centre.
  17. I remember one of the other first games I played, and quite enjoyed, was a text adventure called Warlord I believe. Something to do with stopping the Roman expansion into Pictland. The one that really blew me away however was Dun Darach, a game about Cuchulain, utterly amazing were my thoughts at the time.
  18. I'm feeling ancient up here all alone. Lonely, so lonely...
  19. I've read things you people would not believe. Attacks on widows, still shouldering the grief of their partners passing. I watched special snowflakes, demanding condemnation of gamergate. All these rags will be gone in time. Like turds in a sewer. Time to cease publication. Edit: Sorry, had to be done. Edit 2: Tightening up.
  20. When did the Atari home console debut? I was never particularly impressed with Pong, but some of the other cartridges were great fun, Space Invaders and what not.
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